Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Great game. Brings back memories.

Real player with 82.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

It slaps with nostalgia :D

Real player with 82.5 hrs in game

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection on Steam

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath.

What a game, really. I’ve loved the CNC and Red Alert series since RA1, what a classic. But this is, sadly, the best, most recent game out of both series (in my opinion).

I haven’t played much of the single player, because WHY? The skirmishes are so fun, there are many different strategies to try out, try different challenges like vs one easy AI and two Hard, capture the easy base early game with minimal resources, e.g. engineer and a few troops, get their tech, have yourself TWO ultimate units, MARV and REDEEMER for example. The unit ranking system is basic but great, very rewarding for looking after your units and keeping them alive through battle trades.

Real player with 202.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.


Kanes Wrath further spices up the C&C3 universe in terms of gameplay by adding a handful of new units as well as multiple sub-factions. These sub-factions also have their own exclusive units and overall play styles; in addition there’s a new game mode known as global conquest to which the player tries to achieve global domination. This game mode includes TBS & RTS gameplay elements .


What really sells this game as a MUST PLAY is the story, assuming you’re a Tiberium Universe fanatic.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath on Steam

Grey Goo

Grey Goo

Let’s start with bad and work our way up to the good, shall we?

What does Grey Goo do wrong? Not much, to be frank but there are a few things that could’ve been made better. First off the differences between the two humanoid factions are mostly cosmetic even though there are subtle differences in how units work, unit stats and general playstyle. Particularly base building is vastly different. I just feel they could’ve been diversified a little bit more.

No replay. EDIT: Replay is now in the game (2016-02-15 edit)

Real player with 71.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

Grey Goo Definitive Edition

Genre: Real-time Strategy

Developer: Petroglyph Games

Publisher: Grey Box


Grey Goo is a new Real-time Strategy (RTS) game by Westwood Studios veterans Petroglyph Games. Those familiar with Westwood would be aware of their impressive track record. As you may have already read, Grey Goo feels like an early RTS, however it introduces many new ideas differentiating itself from its predecessors. There are three distinct factions to play as (the standard number for RTS titles today), the versatile Beta, the defensive Humans and the aggressive Goo. I’ll take you through my rundown of the game assuming you’re an RTS fan; I’ll be making a few comparisons throughout.

Real player with 60.7 hrs in game

Grey Goo on Steam

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition

Probably an acquired taste, but I really love this game. Definitely should revive this game

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

To be honest its a game simple and still makes me come back over and over again.

Real player with 57.7 hrs in game

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition on Steam

Life in Bunker

Life in Bunker

View the full review to get the best impression!

Textual Summary:

I really wish there was a “conflicted” mode on steam, because this game is great!

It’s ascetic is pleasing, it’s systems are simple but well executed and it has enough content to keep you playing for quite a few hours (see mine above). But it has two major flaws i find so big, that it drags the rest of the experience down with it.

Lets break it down.

Graphically the game isn’t insane or amazing. The stylized graphics are mostly nice to look at in pastel coloring, but the low-poly citizens are not great with animations that are sub par. The various icons and UI though are spot on - no confusion at all and convey all they need at a glance.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

As a former Dungeon Keeper and Fallout fan, overall, this is pretty cool. After reading previous reviews from old builds, it seems the game has come a long way. This is good for a game that has 2 developers. There are some balancing issues. I’ll get to those later. Oddly enough, being a long time big RTS guy and hearing this was too easy, it was actually a challenge. Sandbox mode there was not 1 second where I wasn’t clicking trying to keep my dwellers alive. So much so that I didn’t have any time for a creative approach. One big open room with the essentials. Once I got there, I could slowly start building my vision of a well made vault. This was with aging turned off. With aging turned on, it was purely survival… no time for anything pretty except keeping your people alive. I don’t care how good you are. This almost felt like “work”, more than fun gameplay.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Life in Bunker on Steam

Total Annihilation

Total Annihilation

This is one of those old games that age really really well. like the GOG version it works fine on newer systems. And no need for mods to get 1080p or higher. As the game even back in 1997 did scale to your max windows resolutions, sadly the game UI don’t. Nor the radar. So at 2K or 4K they are really tiny. And ofc this has the addon “The Core Contingency” and lots of other old bonus missions. And yes. I use Win10 and it works just fine. At the time of this writing the Arm campaing is done, 11 hours played and not a single crash…

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

My favorite game as a child, i quickly snapped up the DRM Free edition availible through Now OTA is here on Steam in all its glory! It wasnt Starcraft or Command & Conquer that set the bar for late 90s rts games. OTA is the undisputed and most refferenced old-school RTS that to this day inspires the finer qualities in the EPIC War genre we crave.

Its important to note though steam failed to mention it in the product details This edition includes all DLC along with the main game (Original Total Annihilation, Core contengency Expansion, All of the Battle Tactics Expansions, Bonus Maps, Bonus Official Cavedog Units, Patch 3.1 known as the “No CD Patch” Patch 3.1 also is tweaked with the expanded unit cap which can be modified in the system files to a maximum of 5000 units per player in a 10 player battle. updated and fully supported multiplayer hosting for matches complete with thier own communities… The Added bennefit of the Steam Edition is access to the steam community for multiplayer compatibility. by comparison it is identical to the GOG edition with exception that the steam version has better compatibility with modern windows OS. Both copies work seamlessly with Wine if you use Linux or Mac. I reccomend the Steam edition for ease of gaming with friends. but the version is DRM Free meaning you can buy one copy and then gift as many as you want to your friends per thier TOS agreement.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Total Annihilation on Steam

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Excellent remake of a classic

Real player with 118.8 hrs in game

I’m too old for this

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition on Steam



Well, that was 30 hours of weird. This game is so…odd that it’s really hard to parse my thoughts on it. It’s fun and the achievements were actually fun to 100% (and it’s one of the only games I’ve ever bothered doing that with), so I’d have to recommend it, but it’s also a bit buggy and stupidly hard so I’ll need to add some disclaimers.

At its core this is a fun “easy to learn, hard to master” management game, where you run a drug empire starting small and snowballing your way to a roller-coaster of an ending with a final level that was not fun, but was definitely an experience. The game eases you into the mechanics over the course of several levels, and there’s a lot of midlevel twists that can screw you over, but also add a lot of depth to the characters and some challenge. It punishes inefficiency, but rewards thinking ahead. The difficulty is over the top at first, but once you understand how to play the game it all falls into place. You’re always given the tools to solve your problems, if you manage your resources and employees correctly. What RNG does exist in this game usually falls in your favor by way of lucky loot drops from defeated enemies.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

General Opinions about the game.

  • Opinions

The game is certainly interesting nothing like what I’ve played before. I will take a second to mention that i have played for 24 hours so i feel i know the game pretty well.

From what i have played and experience this is a snow ball of pain, along the lines it starts easy and ramps up in difficulty dramatically in a short amount of time due to there only

being 12 levels.

It has been an enjoyable experience but a grindy one, it should be said the later levels become stupidly hard to the point we’re you might be trying to beat levels over and over again slowly building frustration.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Basement on Steam

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Review

I’m a fan of the Red Alert series, I still remember playing the very first RA back when I was like a kid, And now there’s this, RA3 Uprising. Whether playing with people through the co-op campaign of Red Alert 3 or the single-player aspects of Uprising, it’s all insanely fun. And that’s mainly what I want from my games: fun. I also think this was the last C&C in terms of having fun. I guess EA really knows how to ruin a franchise.

+ Pros

Real player with 814.1 hrs in game

Red Alert 3 is a game I keep coming back to. It features all the good things that RA2 brought to the table all those years ago. It has hammy over the top B grade acting, units feel unique and have their own charm. You can tell that the makers did put some love into every unit, and into making them fun to command.

RA3 has greatly expanded on the naval warfare side of things, allowing almost all buildings to be built on the water and having more amphibious units in total. No longer shall your assault destroyer be confined to the waters, just drive it up onto land.

Real player with 201.0 hrs in game

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising on Steam

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

With 200+ hours on this account for this game; I’ll make it quicker than I want it to be and I’ll be providing a TL;DR at the bottom.

This game is beautiful. No, not just because of the graphics since that does not make a game great. I’ll admit that being made in 2007: the graphics do hold very well to this very day. I’m talking about how the game feels to play, how much lore that you can unfold in this game and a very important point I will bring up later on.

The game itself is very easy to pick up and learn the basics such as what units do what, what your base does and many other things. As you progress through the story; you’ll meet bonus objectives that you can complete for a different medal at the end (great for you completionists). The campaigns can have some very challenging moments for newer players but it will make you do what you’re supposed to do: Come up with a strategy to win.

Real player with 1133.0 hrs in game

1995… A game named Command and Conquer appeared… and paved the way for an entire genre. It’s a name that many RTS veterans should be familiar with. The franchise had its ups and downs throughout the years. 2007, the long awaited sequel of Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun appears. Has it passed the test? Let’s see…

Visually, the game is downright gorgeous, even for today’s standards. You can tell at first glance, whether the map is situated in a still pristine Blue zone, a conflict-torn Yellow zone or in an almost unearthly Red zone. The units are also well designed and their appearance alone tells something about the respective faction. Topped off with non-excessive and neat special effects, the visuals give a good impression.

Real player with 381.6 hrs in game

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars on Steam