Marble World

Marble World

Are you reading this to see if you should get this game?

Then congratulations! You probably should.

This game isn’t for everybody, because not everyone would care about a Marble physics simulator, but if you’re reading this - You probably enjoy marble runs enough to consider this a fun toy, in which case - this game definitely is! At least… If you’re willing to learn the controls for it, which are REALLY not intuitive at first but you get used to them once you learn them (also, the game’s still in early access and improving the controls is on the dev’s to do list)

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Physics Games.

Love the game! I’d give 4.5/5. The reason I don’t give a full 5 stars, is because its only for windows. I understand that things are weird, but maybe making it available to mac would really be cool and add more of the community to the game.

EDIT: I don’t update my rating, still 4.5/5. I know this is still early access, but it would be pretty nice if something like “Gates” were added, letting you stop all your marbles at specific areas. Another thing that would be cool would be a sort of “trash block”, where once a marble touches it, its automatically deleted. Again, this game is still early access, so it doesn’t matter for how long it takes, as long as it can be done.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Marble World on Steam



A fun game that is definitely in early access.

Edited: 7/30/2021. The game has been significantly changed since I posted my first review, and its' unfortunately not all for the better.

The Good:

  • Villagers have been overhauled significantly, and their interactions with each other and the world are much more interesting. They earn money to buy resources, have more robust individual trades, craft items, and all sorts of other fun stuff.

  • The way monsters are used has been vastly improved. Rather than just spawning them next to a villager and letting them have at it, they are formed into parties, led by one of your demons, to accomplish a specific purpose. Marauder parties from the marauder building break stuff and attack villagers to sow chaos, snatching parties kidnap villagers or monsters for imprisonment, and defense parties protect your base full-time. It’s a bit monotonous to reform the parties repeatedly if you make heavy use of them, but this alone has made Ravager a lot more fun.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Villain Protagonist Games.

UPDATE: hot damn, that’s one hell of an update. 10/10 guys, very cool.

At first, I thought this was the “Devil Simulator” I’ve always wanted. But the longer I played, the more frustrated I became with this game. I’ll start with the Good things, follow up with the Bad, and leave you with my suggestions for improvement.

The Good

-The AI is tremendously well made, just as advertised. Each NPC has different traits, different relationships with other NPC’s, and adjusts it’s behavior over time as it interacts with the other NPC’s. The level of care and attention that went into this facet of the game is dumbfounding, considering this is, at it’s core, “God Simulator meets Sim City”. As an example, if you turn enough villagers into vampires or cultists, they can split off and form their own societies.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Ruinarch on Steam

Empires of the Undergrowth

Empires of the Undergrowth

One of my favorite indie games. While only in early access, it easily has several hours worth of content already.

Four colony types are available as of posting, with more to be released in the future, each with its own unique features. The ereptor, gene thief ants, a fictional species that allows the player to mix in other ant species and their abilities; the fusca, black ants, which act as an introductory species with basic worker and soldier roles; the rufa, wood ants, which split their soldiers between defensive and offensive roles; the atta, leaf cutter ants, which have a unique resource system involving gathering, food production, and waste disposal, as well as four castes to make resources and combat more dynamic.

Real player with 683.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

This game is great and is most likely to be enjoyed by fans of the real time strategy genre. Currently there are 4 levels each with a challenge mode and many difficulty settings which you will tackle as you control two different species of ant colony. The ants must collect food to grow their colony which can in itself have various different methods applied such as the strategic placement of tiles for upgrading purposes to the ratio of worker ants to warrior ants so that they can defeat the many hungry predators around them which seek to devour their queen! For those who like a challenge you will get quite a bit of enjoyment and playtime from tackling the hardest versions of these levels as for others this will be a shorter 2-3 hour experience which will be enjoyable nonetheless. inbetween these levels you will visit your formicariam (ANT TANK) where your success in these levels provides resources for your main colony which is a species of ant that can take the genes from other ant species and have their queen produce them within the colony. This formicarium colony itself has two challenges to face which are kind of like a hoard mode. If you finish all of this content and are still eager for more there are a handfull of other modes which may entertain for awhile such as the demo levels (earlier levels with a more basic concept), arena mode (a mode where you can pit various creatures found in the game against each other) and Freeplay mode (where you start a colony on one of two maps with many options for you to tweak for a customised experience which is scored upon the defeat of your colony) and finally the hungry spider level which sees you take control of the one of the ants most deadly predators THE WOLF SPIDER! (This is a slight genre flip as you control the one spider which grows and levels as you defeat enemies working your way up to bringing down other huge predators.) I very highly reccomend this game and support the development team who are constantly keeping the community around the game informed on what they are working on next.

Real player with 281.9 hrs in game

Empires of the Undergrowth on Steam

Hell Architect

Hell Architect

Hells Architect is my first ever review, and one of the reasons why I decided to leave a review for this game is because I am surprised by the mixed reviews the game is currently at (day 2 of release). In my opinion, the producer and developer of Hells Architect launched this game correctly; they ran a successful campaign by keeping the customer in the loop during development, they released a playable demo, they sought feedback from testers, are continuing to listen to feedback, and perhaps most importantly – they delayed launch by several months until they had a viable product ready to go that they were proud of!

Real player with 116.4 hrs in game

I feel awful posting this review, but I’m hoping that the dev team will fix the issues that I have with the game over time. It’s not that I don’t recommend the game, I just don’t recommend it right now and at the price I paid for it (more than $20 in case someone is reading this later after a price change). I’ve completed every stage with the exception of the final mission as of this writing (and I intend to complete that stage), as well as played some of the sandbox mode. My actual playtime is a bit lower than what the review will have listed, since I had to leave the game open while I wasn’t actively playing it (more on that below).

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Hell Architect on Steam

Lords of Nether

Lords of Nether

NOTE: Lords of Nether is in an early state of development and will be undergoing many exciting changes and additions in the coming times! The contents presented in this page are not final and serve to show the baseline of where the game is headed! Expect far more to come in every way!

A dark power returns to the ancient and blood-soaked world of Antioch, to claim what rightfully belongs to it and bring the world of Man to ruin! That power is you, my Netherlord!

Discover a New Era of Dungeon Management

Lords of Nether is a Dungeon Management Game that blends Real-Time Strategy and God Game elements to create a new and more involved take on the genre. You may control your creatures directly in typical RTS fashion, allowing for complex combat strategy and management. You can manage space efficiently and creatively, through the use furnishings and other building tools. Taking control of the villain, one of four powerful, dark demigods known as Netherlords, you return to the world after centuries of banishment with the singular purpose of bringing it to heel under your control. Immerse yourself in a deep, storied world of Dark Fantasy and bring it all to ruin!

Build Your Dungeon

You will carve out and build vast, intricate and deadly underground dungeons, where you will gather minions to your cause, research new magics and knowledge and build devious trap gauntlets to protect yourself from invading heroes.

Amass a Dark Army

You will grow and be able to directly control an army of fiendish, living, thinking creatures, a vast menagerie ranging from cowardly goblins to terrifying, blood-thirsty demons. You will need to provide them with necessities and comforts and make sure they grow strong, so that they may turn your enemies into gory heaps.

Vanquish Mighty Foes

As any self respecting Dark Lord, you will find wretched heroes at your doorstep, seeking to undo your sinister plans and put an end to your evil. Show them just how misguided they really are, Lord.

Conquer Different Game Modes

Explore a multitude of different planned game-modes:

  • Sandbox - Free building mode that allows you to express your wicked creativity!

  • Skirmish - Play against AI Netherlords to test your skills!

  • Multiplayer Deathmatch - Pit yourself against other Players and determine who is the Greatest Evil!

  • Survival - See how long your designs and tactics can help you last being assailed by wave after wave of never-ending heroic scum!

…And Take Over the World

Embark on an epic Single-player campaign to conquer the ancient world of Antioch! The mighty Empire of Ostoria stands in your way to world domination and it’s monarch, the great King Albrecht will do anything to stop you! Travel distant lands, from great rural plains, through scorching deserts and frigid mountain slopes, to the very heartland of the Empire and crush all that stands in your way! Take your armies from the underground to the very world above and reduce it to a burning ruin! This world belongs to you, Netherlord!

Lords of Nether on Steam

The Immortal Mayor

The Immortal Mayor

This is a really cute and beautiful game with a fun concept. I was interested mainly because it kind of made me think of Black & White which is a game I miss so much. But also, the unique setting of ancient China with a mix of Eastern mythology. This is not a style I see often in these kinds of games, and I find it refreshing!

In its current state I believe the game is enjoyable and still playable, but it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work. For instance, the balancing and management of resources seems a bit off and I still don’t have a consistent grasp on how to get it perfect. Any wrong move it seems your town will crumble in minutes. The current guide is wordy and doesn’t really cover it all. It took trial and error to figure out how to find a balance and how buildings worked with attributes from decorations.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Super super nice game. Chinese city building theme (OMFG) is just simply my sweetest dream.

Really interesting and creative way to upgrade buildings, which I have never experienced before.

You can simply move a mountain away to get more space (since you are GOD in this world :D) and add more resources for your people to exploit

OMG I just love it…

However, there are still a few things I need to mention:

  • The most annoyed thing is when you want to find a building that you have built (let say Tea room), you have no tool to find it but only your bare eyes. It really takes tons of time especially when the building is upgraded (its appearance will change).

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

The Immortal Mayor on Steam

War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

This is my first Steam review, so i’ll try to make it a good one; it might be a bit longwinded (TL;DR is at the bottom), but i’d like to make it as thorough as possible becouse the game and it’s devs deserve as much.

First off, my PC specs so you’ll know what i play it on:

• Windows 7 64 bit

• Intel Core i5 4570 @3.20 GHz

• AMD Radeon R7 200 Series, 2GB RAM


My history with the genre

I’ve played Dungeon Keeper 1 + The deeper dungeons & Dungeon Keeper 2 on multiple occasions & systems over the years.

Real player with 221.5 hrs in game

Update April 11, 2015:

THE memory leak has been fixed, but the game has such poor performance across the board that the game is unplayable. Still crashes. Still many many bugs and unfinished things. I am way too frustrated trying to play through the broken, unfinished stuff with awful performance.

Beating the final “boss” doesn’t even make sense in the campaign. Maybe there’s supposed to be some more cutscenes that explain it that aren’t finished/added yet? The overall story is very poorly written.

Real player with 112.3 hrs in game

War for the Overworld on Steam

4 Civilizations

4 Civilizations

It’s a funny game, easy to master.

There is no tutorial, but you’ll learn to play it quite easily.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

The lack of tutorial and community guides can throw new players off. However, once you got the hang of how to get around the game and the UI, it gets going. It’s nice and all but the game can use plenty improvements like multiple save points, pausing the game to plan with menu blocking, and faster screen scroll. But considering how short the game can be, perhaps you just want to quickly unlock everything and speed-click through the game. There’s potential to this game if the dev wills it so. The rest of you contemplating to buy or not; get when it’s on sales (at least more than 75% off). Unlock all achievements and not look back. You’re not playing “Banished” here…

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

4 Civilizations on Steam

MiniMap Kingdom

MiniMap Kingdom

It’s a simple mini explore game + buildings. It has potential to be big if player constantly feedback what system /mechanisms to be added. The game will be improved. It’s pretty fun game if you are willing to spend some time to understand the mechanism.

It will feel a little complicated in the early stage. but once you get hooked and understand how the game works, you can lead your armies to occupy enemy’s base. It will earn you satisfactions.

The developer is very passionate and friendly approach, willing to listen to feedback. Give him a support if you are free to check out this game.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Great game.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

MiniMap Kingdom on Steam

Monsters Domain

Monsters Domain

Your objective is to stop any visitors to your Monsters’ Domain. Start from simple monsters and skeletons and with time build up your defences. You can play any monster from your army and give them specific orders to follow. Every killed hero makes them stronger and gives you an opportunity to equip them better or develop new skills or monstrosities. You can reanimate fallen intruders or collect pieces of your slain warriors and research new ways to use it.

Develop your preferred Style. You can focus on specific Style or mix them together to create a unique army of loyal Monsters. Choose from Necromancy, Vivisection, Mutation, Runes, Elixirs, Talismans, Forge, Techie, Strategy, Roguery, Drilling or Sorcery and different schools of Dark Magic.

Grow your beasts and monsters, make them unique or identical with others to unlock specific skill trees, upgrades and abilities. Combine unique equipment and skills and create your Bosses or Swarms.

Styles are complex systems focused on specific areas but combined with others allow to create more powerful weapons and upgrades. The vivisected finger of the mage combined with some elixirs can be a very powerful upgrade for your simple skeleton. Reanimated corpse of a fallen hero with some fresh mutations and newly forged weapons can make a really nice new Boss for your realm.

Loot all you can as bodies decay and some treasures can be lost to nasty imps or other thieves. Store you treasures as a lure for visitors or forge them into powerful objects. Every piece matters. Study new materials and runes, develop schematics for your traps and devices, collect limbs, flesh and bones for your experiments and new creations.

Learn and experiment. The way your monsters kill new heroes can be entertaining but also eye opening. Develop your Strategy and new Roguery tricks. Teach your zombies to play dead (sic!) or Drill skeletons to fight in formation. Experiment in your Forge with loot and spells and combine them into unique crafting materials.

Do all you can to defend you Monsters’ Domain!

Monsters Domain on Steam