Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

War… war never changes. Unless it’s Fallout Shelter.

So I’ve been playing Fallout Shelter for quite a long time and I’m sure i got everything I could out of this game.

It was fun. 101% fun playing. Every single quest, every event and the whole idea of it is pure fun. Even the grind I had to deal with makes the game more fascinating. The “cartoonish” and “cardboard” art-style makes it look cute and adorable. It is a humorous family-friendly game which anyone is suitable to play.

The idea of Fallout Shelter is simple: You start with several dwellers and a Vault to populate. You build new rooms, increase population with newcomers or “relations”, get resources, make and find some equipment, well… you expand and progress. NB: There is no “aging” in FS.

Real player with 1555.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Post-apocalyptic Games.

You have a message beep ‘‘Good morning! This is Vault-Tech speaking! You have been choosen to live inside a vault shared by other lucky people and boy oh boy! Isn’t that wonderful? Now since this is one of a kind offer, we do have a little something to make it a once in a blue moon chance, think of it, as a promotion… If you got it right, then yes! You have been selected as the Overseer with the advantage of numbering your vault! To accept this offer, you have to give us your personnal information with your signature and send it to Vault-Tech Inc. and if I were you, I wouldn’t miss this for anything. So, interested in building the chaotic future underground?’’

Real player with 146.5 hrs in game

Fallout Shelter on Steam

War Selection

War Selection

Hello everyone!

Before I list the good and bad things about this game: If you are thinking about getting it, just get it, it will definitely be worth it. The positive aspects greatly outweigh the negative ones. As for that now let’s go to the more detail analysis.

Positive aspects:

  • A RTS that is not micro heavy:

Workers and units will be produced over time in a queue, which means you don’t need to visit your barracks / main building 100s of times like in any other rts. Due to the big amount of units you can have the micro potential of a unit is most of the time very low, you can still outflank, dodge arrows, kite, etc. If you want to win you need to focus on your macro, the strategy you play, your economic management and so on. So basically big brain gets rewarded.

Real player with 2419.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

An RTS game for “non RTS - players”.

Small forword:

For anyone that is not willing to go that much into detail, I have a pro-/con- list on the bottom and a small afterword that hopefully sums everything up :)

My ingame name is Cammy/1337Cammy and I am playing War Selection since November 2019 on nearly daily basis.

I stream the game for multiple hours a day on twitch and have a small moderator role on the official War Selection Discord Server.

In general, I am a complete RTS fanatic.

Real player with 764.7 hrs in game

War Selection on Steam

Builders of Egypt: Prologue

Builders of Egypt: Prologue

Congratulations to the developers, basically. Cause the game is in early access and it shows a high potential.


  • It really gives information about Egypt so you have the possibility to learn about the topic if you are interested and skip if you aren’t. This is a huge point. Normally you get control a civilisation and you can learn little about it. Plus the fragments of texts are GREAT!

-Visuals are beautiful.

-Music is good.

-Interface is proper.

-Tutorial is good enough.

-The game its atmospheric and engages you to live “the Egyptian experience” so to speak. So the game has all the ingredients to work perfectly if polished. Because all this greatness can become frustration if some things are not fixed in my opinion. And some others could make the game even greater.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

I recommend this game with the caveat that IT IS NOT A COMPLETE PRODUCT! I feel too many reviews here are complaining that there is glitchy UI and there is no save function etc…it’s not a finished product!! It’s available for testing for those interested. It’s like ordering food at a takeaway shop and then complaining because they didn’t serve you the lobster and steak you wanted. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

I’ve played this game for just over an hour and I already have so many flashbacks to Pharaoh, Caesars and the other Sierra games. There is also a nice cross over element with Children of the Nile. I feel this game has the very great potential to take the game-play mechanics of both titles and produce a really quality product when it is in it’s final form.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Builders of Egypt: Prologue on Steam

Warzone 2100

Warzone 2100

Old school RTS. Somewhat limited due to the old UI, archaic controls, and limited mission parameters (that were sometimes in place to keep the game within the performance capacity available at the time). BUT! despite all that. This is the game that kept me into RTS games during a helluva long dry spell LOL. Dune on Genesis caught me first. Then this and the Command and Conquer games. I’ve played so much Stellaris it isn’t even a game anymore. it’s an empire simulator. But i still love this game. a lot!

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

For a game more then 20 years old it is still awesome. I first played this on Play Station 1 and after a few years I found a pirated copy online and still play it. Because it is 20 years old there are some AI issues with pathing but nothing that cant be remidied by changing your click and forget playstyle.

My biggest selling point on this game is something that ALL RTS games should have… a “seemless campane” meaning the defences AND units you build are used for ALL future missions. There are a number of customization options and stratagies you can choose from even in single player matches vs the PC.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Warzone 2100 on Steam



Despite reading some bad reviews of the game at the outset, this game looked like fun and was great fun at the beginning. However, at over 1700 hours now logged into this game, I now have a very different opinion, and one which I feel fully qualified to give, one which isn’t based on superficial first impressions playing a game for less than an hour. I honestly have to give this game a thumbs down for several reasons, but one much more than the others: it’s too chance based. I wouldn’t necessarily go so far as calling it “pay to win” as some have, but I also wouldn’t deny pumping serious funds into the game couldn’t enable exactly that if someone were inclined to do it. As the leader of my alliance faction said recently, the game just involves too much gambling. You grind and grind and grind for days, maybe a week or more to get enough keys to open a unit crate to get a hero perk…only to discover, nope. Nothing doing. Not only are you not getting the hero perk you were after, you’re not getting any hero perks, period! By time 4 of not getting any hero perks from a unit crate, you’re getting annoyed if not much sooner. By months of still never being able to get a certain hero perk…well, how long can you play before you go crosseyed or want to kill yourself from the boredom of mindless repetition?? Or maybe just finally pony up the cash to pay to open tons of those crates to get what you want? Months after first starting this game and despite $65+ invested in addition to all the time logged, there are still certain cards, certain hero perks I haven’t ever gotten and can’t ever seem to get, despite certain players at the top having whole forces equipped but nothing but that one kind of perk I can’t seem to get so much as a single one of. Sadly, I am far from alone on this issue. Multiple long-time members of my faction including its leader describe similar situations…despite more time than me logged on the game, they’ve never once gotten certain base defense cards. Certain hero perks. Etc. So one begins to wonder…do they only exist on the PS4 version of the game, and not the PC/Steam version? Does someone out there just hate me? So while this game is really fun at the beginning, it rapidly becomes far too grind-y and repetitive for my tastes. Even if you put $60+ into it to speed things up. And so there’s the other issues, like the nigh-undefeatable Bombadier bases that remain so even after a recent nerf and despite extensive time and money invested into the game. And the fact that every Alliance season, a different faction is winning every time, typically by two to three times the next closest faction’s points…but at least for the past two seasons, it’s been much the same members just operating under a new banner! And one major guy from that group had more points last season by himself than whole legendary factions combined! What’s up with that? Are they cheating/hacking? Do they have smurfs and smurf alliances they mine to boost their scores to such crazy high numbers? Who knows. And then there’s the truly horrendous load times between your main base and doing attacks or defends, that sometimes leaves you feel like you’re doing less playing, and more staring at loading screens.

Real player with 2450.5 hrs in game

The game has potential, it’s cute, but there are annoying things. If they improve it with more features, buildings, units, and make it more player friendly, it could be a much better game.

First of all, they say it’s “Pay-to-Grow-Faster”, so i’m playing for free and after 163 hours, i’m close to level 34 (there is a total of 200 levels). The exp boosts are not so useful, the exp is still hard, except if you are so rich to use a million of boosts.

At the end of every match there is a chance to get rewarded with Attacks Cards, with chests, or with Keys (used to open chests - you need 10-25 Keys to open chests), or with Valor Points to upgrade your units (every unit is upgradable three times), or with very rare drops like Epic Card packs (and maybe Legendary Packs, but personally i didn’t find any Legendary).

Real player with 753.5 hrs in game

GUNS UP! on Steam

New Day: Cataclysm

New Day: Cataclysm

Personally I found New Day: Cataclysm to be a fun title.

The main goal of this game is to survive the night, using various resources to build and upgrade your wall and base.

Combat come in the form of clicking on the targets.

I can confidently recommend New Day: Cataclysm as a good wall/base defender game,

which is free now so take advantage and pick up a copy!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Its free, and once you reach day 80, you start realizing the game kinda ends here. Its fun and the music is awesome, the music was what i enjoyed the most and it kept playing in my head few days after i left this game. Recommended to try and just delete this shit once you are satisfied.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

New Day: Cataclysm on Steam

Shop Titans

Shop Titans

I come from a similar game called “Shop Heroes” run by a different developer.

This is a shop simulation game, and if you’re into this genre of games, I found this to be the best option currently in this genre.

Here’s some points I came across while playing the game that made me choose this game and quit Shop Heroes:

F2P vs P2W balance: The game can be played entirely F2P, end game content like the Haunted Castle dungeons can be cleared with heroes equipped with cheap, easily obtainable gear. There’s no strict paywall behind any of the content, and paying real money just makes you get to the end game faster and complete things faster. You also don’t need crazy gear or gold to clear any of the end game content.

Real player with 2677.2 hrs in game

As a player who has been playing and paying for over a year since Mar 2020. (F2p first 3 months and a monthly subscriber over 14th months now)

Summary (6/10): The game system itself should be an enjoyable long-term craft-like game. You will need a year to reach high level receipts if you are not a hardcore player. but not suggested to casual f2p players.

Pros :

1. Unique craft game and enjoyable system, easy to start.

2. Build your own Hero team to do quest is fun.

3. Graphic: All 3D and Cute design

Real player with 1287.4 hrs in game

Shop Titans on Steam

New Frontier

New Frontier

Don’t listen to the negative reviews. The game is fine. Take notice that nearly all the negative reviews only have a 1 or 2 hours played. They didn’t give it a fair shake. Those complaining about how hard it is to kill zombies are trying the wrong way, at the wrong level, using the wrong tactics. I often round-up 100 zombies, kill them all and farm them for resources. Another complaint is that the “story mode” needs money to play. Not really. There is an in-game way to earn the gold certificates needed to open the story mode & other aspects of the game. About the only complaint that is real, is that the servers have low population, but who can blame the game with all these nonsense negative reviews. The PVP is different that most PVP. (So far, due to the low population servers. People don’t “always” shoot other people in this game. There are safe-zone where they can’t but even outside of the safe-zones it’s not like GTA5. People seem to respect others in the game a whole lot more. The world is the world, and as in real life, people don’t (or shouldn’t) just go around killing each other and that’s the way it is … so far … in this game. That’s not to say that it never happens. There are some events that throw people together and the PVP is pressed a bit more due to proximity and because resources are being offered, so PVP sometimes erupts in those cases. There is also a specific section of the game where the PVP is similar to CS:GO - team against team & fast-paced. This game certainly has potential - if only the population of the servers would increase. The only bad thing I can say about it right now, as I type, is that for the first time the servers have been down for 2-days without notification… I don’t know if they are updating it, or what as they don’t tell you. I hope the game is still alive … Hanging in there, etc. Because I think this game war ruined mostly by the negative comments from people who don’t have a little bit of attention and effort to try it out long enough. AGAIN: The negative reviews are nonsense. Decent game.

Real player with 436.1 hrs in game

Im not going into depth here there is no point this re wrapped game full of bugs creatures with no sounds, hit boxes are way off and for a pvp game everyone just sits in the safe zones hoping someone will be stupid and 3 or 4 will rush them at once. The only thing that made the game fun was balloon drops you could buy for cheap that when used people would swarm to and pvp would actually take place. thing is they got greedy and upped the price and lowered how many you got and people started leaving out the door quick. So your response is going to be its a alpha game! No its been released before and was a shit game so they decide to re release it under a new name… Oh but the devolpers are working on what the community wants! No they stopped listing to what the community wants and only was updating stupid fixes that didnt improve gameplay and most important would not respond to good questions or have really dumb answers. Example when asked why up the price for balloon drops and lower the amount given? They responded that it was to easy to get rare guns and would increase the life of the game fro the player. When asked how so when the elite killers in the game already have the best guns and 200+ drops you are lucky to get one? They responded that a equalizer (the gun you start with and takes 5 or more shots when others can 1 shot you) is still useful in the game. When asked why would you not just tell us thew truth that you needed money for devolpment of game or just wanted more money but to respond to us like we are dumb asses that accepts every answer as truth is shameful. Even with several re posting in nice answer forms no response but when they have an answer they will respond… It is said to see a game that could be great but have the wrong people at the helm and look them up and listen to others before putting money into this game or what till it is re re released as old frontier cowboys versus clowns.

Real player with 238.7 hrs in game

New Frontier on Steam



TideTurn is a dynamic third person shooter where diverse characters and water-based weapons clash in a fight over the world’s oceans. Submerge into any water your team’s weapons splash onto the map, using the path to move seamlessly across any surface. Fight the enemy with jaw dropping movements and abilities limited only by your creativity! Free to play and designed for all age groups.

Be Like Water

The entire map is your canvas; submerge and move anywhere your guns can reach! Free-form movement mechanics make combat a fast-paced dance of dodging, weaving, and split-second decision making. Swim up walls and leap off buildings to keep your movement unpredictable and your enemies struggling to keep up!


Every character in TideTurn has a set of powerful killstreak abilities earned over the course of a game. Hunt down enemies and chase killstreaks to unlock increasingly powerful abilities. Sometimes you just need a giant sea monster on your side. Ride the high of your total domination headshot after headshot — no cool-downs needed.

Weapons Worth Fighting For

Every map in TideTurn has powerful weapons you can use to turn the tides of battle, from sniper rifles, shotguns, and vehicles to incredibly destructive experimental weapons like remote controlled rockets, EMP guns, and liquid light beams— just make sure you get there first!

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

TideTurn’s MapMaker is designed for every player to make their vision of a playable world come to life — no coding or modeling skills or tools needed! Fight to save the ocean on your own turf, or visit someone else’s creation for inspiration and world domination!

Immersive Story Mode

Cinematic campaigns immerse you in TideTurn’s lore, as Atlantians and Humans battle to save the oceans. Find out what it means to be a Defender.

TideTurn on Steam

Wasteland Survival

Wasteland Survival

Do Not Even Consider Downloading This Dried Up Turd Of A Game!

This is nothing but a pay to win POS. You will not get far with out spending some money. after 70+ hours wasted on this junk i can tell you this is not the game for you. It’s fun at first sure. then it turns into a grind. Monsters like the Butcher have 8000hp and they will kill you in one hit. then you have to pay to revive if you want to stay on that map if not you better hope you have energy to get back to that map with in 10 minutes to recover your items. If you die again trying to recover the items you spent hours grinding for you’ll lose it all. Not to mention all those items you make break after very little use. Guess what you can’t repair melee weapons. you can repair armor 3 times it only takes 6-8hrs for it to repair plus the time grinding for the repair parts. You can reload guns if you make or find ammo. ammo is extremely rare and it takes 6 hours to make 40 9mm rounds, 8 hours to make 50 AK rounds. That’s not counting the hours it takes to make the stone you need or once you have the stone the 6 hours it takes to make gunpowder from there. so not counting the grind to get base materials it takes 13hrs to make 40 9mm rounds. AK rounds take 5 gunpowder. that means you have have to process 10 stacks of stones into 5 stacks of cut stone that alone is 2 hrs. from there you process the 5 stacks of cut stone into gun powder that takes 6hrs each, so 32hrs so far. then take all that put it together 8 hours later you got 50 AK rounds! thats 1.25 rounds per hour if you don’t count finding the copper and processing that and finding the nails and glue you also need. You’re looking at 50+ hrs just waiting for 50 rounds. You’re going to use almost if not all of those in about 2 minutes or less fighting 1 butcher. I could go on and on about the other terrible parts of this game, but this alone should be enough to steer anyone with 1/4 of a brain away from this garbage.

Real player with 73.1 hrs in game


1. Animals/Enemy too over power like Dire Wolf DAMAGE 200+ with your max health 150! so instant death!

2. too much things you can’t get it in your level (must really lvl up too much)!

3. quest, items, weapons, armor, level, etc is not compatible! it’s like your lv is 10 but you need items/quest it’s on lv 30 and must have armor or weapons from lv 30! MATERIALS in area lv 30 for armor lv10 (like harpoon is lv 10+ but materials like maple board from lv 35+)! REALLY MESS SYSTEM!

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Wasteland Survival on Steam