Monsters Domain

Monsters Domain

Your objective is to stop any visitors to your Monsters’ Domain. Start from simple monsters and skeletons and with time build up your defences. You can play any monster from your army and give them specific orders to follow. Every killed hero makes them stronger and gives you an opportunity to equip them better or develop new skills or monstrosities. You can reanimate fallen intruders or collect pieces of your slain warriors and research new ways to use it.

Develop your preferred Style. You can focus on specific Style or mix them together to create a unique army of loyal Monsters. Choose from Necromancy, Vivisection, Mutation, Runes, Elixirs, Talismans, Forge, Techie, Strategy, Roguery, Drilling or Sorcery and different schools of Dark Magic.

Grow your beasts and monsters, make them unique or identical with others to unlock specific skill trees, upgrades and abilities. Combine unique equipment and skills and create your Bosses or Swarms.

Styles are complex systems focused on specific areas but combined with others allow to create more powerful weapons and upgrades. The vivisected finger of the mage combined with some elixirs can be a very powerful upgrade for your simple skeleton. Reanimated corpse of a fallen hero with some fresh mutations and newly forged weapons can make a really nice new Boss for your realm.

Loot all you can as bodies decay and some treasures can be lost to nasty imps or other thieves. Store you treasures as a lure for visitors or forge them into powerful objects. Every piece matters. Study new materials and runes, develop schematics for your traps and devices, collect limbs, flesh and bones for your experiments and new creations.

Learn and experiment. The way your monsters kill new heroes can be entertaining but also eye opening. Develop your Strategy and new Roguery tricks. Teach your zombies to play dead (sic!) or Drill skeletons to fight in formation. Experiment in your Forge with loot and spells and combine them into unique crafting materials.

Do all you can to defend you Monsters’ Domain!

Read More: Best Base Building Tower Defense Games.

Monsters Domain on Steam

The Crust

The Crust

Welcome to the Crust — the game where you can be the CEO of a gigantic moon colonizing company. It is a large-scale economic simulator with elements of survival along with a rich setting and dramatic script.

No fate is determined. The progress is driven by people. It’s time for you to decide whether you become the one who brings changes — or the one who adapts to them. Whether to be mediocre and insignificant anybody — or to be a pioneer in the space colonization industry, leading your corporation to dominance and bringing necessary effort to make humanity an interstellar species.

Building the world of the future will mark a place for you in the history books. Only the strongest can survive on a giant grim permafrost rock surrounded by vacuum, deep space darkness, and deadly silence.

To be the second in the space race means to be the first who loses. Are you ready to take this challenge? The conquest of the Moon has already begun.

Read More: Best Base Building Sandbox Games.

The Crust on Steam



An incredible indy game! fast paced and fun to play.

Real player with 42.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RPG Games.

The Game is still a little clunky, the AI tends to ignore you until you interact with NPCs and creatures ( but then they fight till one of you die evan the turtles ) . It is early access, but I see it as a STRANDED DEEP or HOLD YOUR OWN meets SAVAGE LANDS with a little extra magic tossed in. It still needs polishing but I think mthis game has real potential watch video:

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Harsh on Steam



So close, yet so far. As it is, it should be a free demo game, don’t pay for this, BUT keep an eye out for it, if they can flesh it out better like Pyramida for example, it might be worth getting.

Read some other reviews, and I’ll add my own two cents:

The game isn’t a game, yet, its a broken sandbox of awesome tools.

Some Glaring errors: There is almost nothing you can do with the early game rats, slimes and cherry bombs,

cherry bombs appear to do nothing, except distract the heroes, to maybe give other monsters a little time to get to the fight, except they don’t have a good enough AI to do that.. would have been a perfect ‘alarm’ monster, to trigger the rest to come fight.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

I love Sokpop. I want to like this game so much. It has all the right pieces, but they’re not assembled in the right way. With a some adjustments, it can absolutely get there.

First off, please make building tiles an automatic process, not ones that you have your minions do for you (or make it MUCH faster). It bogs down the “design your dungeon” aspect of the game quite a lot. Especially considering you have to put down wood tiles first, before you can put down brick, which prevents it from burning when lava randomly spits up.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Lairchitect on Steam



For the developer of KeeperRL thanks for making a great game.

My impressions from playing the game about 1 ~ 2 years ago versus today (I haven’t played for 1-2 years waiting for the game to be finished but recently played it again).

Rating 1~2 years ago: 9/10

Sandbox dungeon keeper freaking awesome and satisfying exploration and village pillaging.

Powerful and fun spells that allow you to mess with the NPC’s and dominate the map.

Left feeling satisfied when you close the game because you felt like a powerful warlock/wizard dungeon keeper.

Real player with 119.1 hrs in game

KeeperRL at it’s very base is a Roguelike, in which you take on the role of a “Keeper”, who’s job is to build a dungeon and maintain it, all the while encouraging monsters to come to your dungeon. There’s a handful of monsters and they all fill a role.

People have been comparing it to stuff, such as Dwarf Fortress and while I can see how it’d be easy to compare KeeperRL to that game, the reality is, it’s not nearly as deep, complex or polished as Dwarf Fortress; it’s no comparison at all. This statement still stands even after a the updates given to the game.

Real player with 79.9 hrs in game

KeeperRL on Steam

Brave Path

Brave Path

Very Roguelike difficulty, with progression through a base that you build up as your various heroes venture forth, with turn based strategy and crafting with a lot of depth.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

So far so good, I quite enjoy it. It’s tricky organizing your items at first but once you have the architect table you can make chests and bookcases to hold your items (and find them there when you die, too!) Wish I didn’t have to hold recipes individually though, they take up so much space for such a small piece of paper! :p

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Brave Path on Steam

Dungeons 3

Dungeons 3

There are things I like and things I don’t like in this game. I have gotten and completed all the DLCs. I have also completed Dungeons 2.

I start from the things I didn’t like.

The trailer shows a nice movie - that is just an ad in the store. There are no such animations in the game. After some missions(not all) you are shown a partially animated 2d cartoon. No 3d animations like in the trailer, nothing like that in the game.

Dungeons… There were dungeons in Dungeons 2, but in Dungeons 3 there is just 1 dungeon in each of the missions. It was fun to visit and explore dungeons other than your own in Dungeons 2, nothing like that here. There are no other dungeons.

Real player with 159.1 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I have not played any of the earlier installments in the series, nor have I played any other dungeon sim games, so I have nothing to compare this game to.


In this game, you build a dungeon, create an army of evil and invade the aboveground world, called Overworld, to defeat heroes and complete various objectives, while at the same time defending your dungeon from the heroes' raids. The game has single player, co-op, and multiplayer mods, but I have only tried out the single player campaign.

Real player with 102.1 hrs in game

Dungeons 3 on Steam

Waste Walkers

Waste Walkers

A surprisingly well excuted use of the RPG Maker engine to produce something more than the usual fare. Mechanics are about as would be predicted for the engine and genre, extended to include welcome survial elements (which I believe can be turned off? Wasn’t intrested in doing so myself but do recall seeing that).

The setting might be said to be like Fallout, but unlike Fallout which takes place many decades after an apocolyptic event, Waste Walkers places you in the role of a survivor shortly after whatever happened (it seems to be one of the mysteries of the game) happened. Resources are scarce and heavy enough to make you concerned and wish to create stashes around the city, but not so far as to panic. Combat is very challenging but not impossible, and the survival element is reinforced by some encounters consistantly costing more resources than they reward, making ‘fight or flight?’ an important question throughout the game.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

April 26 2020 edit

Theres now literally no way to be lost in the game. The map you start off with has every single individual building marked with their names. Now you can go to wherever a quest tells you to.

Very cluttered, mostly readable. But you can definitely find anything for the most part.



After posting this review, i noticed the store page description of the game does it a very good job.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Waste Walkers on Steam

Galactic Crew II

Galactic Crew II

A diamond in the rough to be sure!

I am giving this a thumbs up because even though it plays more like a beta, . (Oh wait, it is still in early access - MISSED THAT sorry!), I think it has the potential to be a really good game.

On the downside, there are stability issues (crashed 4 times in ~20 hours of game play), feedback mechanisms, and information on how to do even basic tasks or what abilities do are seriously lacking.  Goals are vague. The NPC AIs are minimal at best.  Some tasks such as mining are tortuously dull and should be more engaging.  (staring at your screen for 10 minutes listening to PHooomWha….  PHooomWha….  is not fun for most people).  The game lacks consistency across the board - NPC experience gains, UI functionality and design, balance, etc.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

It’s a weird but fun mix of ftl and xcom, and it has a lot of potentional! Give it a try and support the developer.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Galactic Crew II on Steam

Goblin Stone

Goblin Stone

Goblin Stone on Steam