Chambers of Devious Design

Chambers of Devious Design

“Build me a lair… And it better be devious!”

The evil mastermind is in need of a lair suited to his devious demeanor. Can you come up with a fiendishly creative design to bury your competition?

Each room type comes with a unique effect that is boosted when the room is placed next to supporting room types. Try to come up with an optimal design that unleashes the full potential of your rooms!

Your opponent shouldn’t have started building so close to you… Teach them a lesson by planting a room full of dynamite next to their control room! Or maybe you should shoot at them with a cannon instead?

“No, no, NO! This will not do. We need to have a puppy jail! What do you mean “why”? Because we’re EVIL, duh!"

The evil mastermind knows exactly what he wants… And usually, it’s the complete opposite of what he wanted 5 minutes ago. If the boss wants his bedroom next to a snake pit, it’s best to follow along.

Read More: Best Base Building Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Chambers of Devious Design on Steam

Creeper Goo

Creeper Goo


The creeper is crawling through hills and canyons to your base while you try to stop it in its tracks by building a space station, constructing weapons and structures and ultimately encapsulating the sources of this insidious enemy. In this new take to the tower defense genre, you will have to defend your city against an adversary that comes at you from all directions. In order to defeat the imminent creeper tsunami, you will need to research better technologies, shoot down enemy creeper missiles and capture enough land for collecting energy efficiently. The goo is so strong and corrosive, that the slightest touch would mean the end of any building, even including your mighty city. In this crucial battle against this awful ocean of goo, can you lead your city and your people to the ultimate salvation?


Play in a 3D environment where you send construction and ammunition packets to your buildings and fight against a fluid that has the sole aim of drowning your city. Build lightning towers and missile launchers to push back the enemy. Practice defending your zone by building flak towers on strategic points and fending off enemy aerial assaults. Build superweapons to quickly evaporate large chunks of creeper and assist your counteroffensive. Finally capture the emitters using capsules to win the game.


Generate your own maps using the built-in map generator or create new maps using the map editor. Play the creations of other players by downloading user generated maps and contribute to the growing creeper nation by having your say and rating these maps. Showcase your artistic ability by creating beautiful landscapes and let the world play your masterpiece and give it the rating it rightfully deserves.

Read More: Best Base Building Casual Games.

Creeper Goo on Steam

marriedbook 💍

marriedbook 💍

About marriedbook:

Marriedbook is a digital book of memories, a self help interactive platform, community and marital content source for married, engaged or newly wedded couples. Marriedbook includes Self Help programs for married couples such as Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp that can be launched from any web browser to access. Future interactive programs and games will be included at no additional cost.

Build your own private book filled with your memories and experiences. Utilize marriedbook’s self help therapy tools for couples to help in the areas of communication, relationship and love.

*All applications are browser based and can be launched from any web browser.

Access Includes:

Love Boot Camp (Coming Soon)

Features Include:

  • Interactive: Self Help Programs, Therapy and Games for married couples.

  • Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp comes included.

  • Your Personal Profile Book: You can build your memories and special moments over time, post memories on your wall and timeline, upload photos, build albums, post videos and create a catalog of your special moments.

  • Award Progress: Gain experience points, level up your progress and gain award badges as you add content to your book and/or community.

  • Public Pages: Create pages for particular or specific memories, events or occasions.

  • marriedbook magazine: Articles including Married Tips and Helpful Content.

  • Community: Fun Activities, Community Groups and Polls.

  • Privacy Settings: Make settings on your Profile Book private, public or for friends to view only. You can also engage the community anonymously by selecting the “anonymous” option if you would like to remain private.

Read More: Best Base Building Adventure Games.

marriedbook 💍 on Steam

Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars

This game had a few bugs to play around but it wasn’t awful. As of the Nov update you can now barely finish a game there are some many new bugs. If you are thinking of purchasing this i would recommend you not. Save your money till its fixed, if it ever is. It is 3 years after the release and still has very poor stability or chance to complete a game without bugs.

Real player with 972.0 hrs in game

Too many bugs. Too many cards that dont work as intended. And too dumb an AI. And the recent patch just broke it. It was bearable before - mainly just an inept AI. But at least it worked. Now it doesnt even do that.

Real player with 392.0 hrs in game

Terraforming Mars on Steam

Frontier of Fortune

Frontier of Fortune

fun enough game thats simple and straight forward, and very repeatative. There’s a single means of controling the battle, a slider. unfortunately it’s of limited use once troops start fighting as even if you’re fighting at the enemy’s gates and then disengage a good portion of your troops will continue to fight the enemy, and even those who have disengaged will often immediately rush back towards the enemy once they reach the point you’ve set, compounding how horrible this is is the fact that your troops won’t fall back all at once and instead will go back is in clumps of 2-4. additionally spawning in more troops happens in a similar manner, resulting in frequent situations where player troops are picked off piecemeal.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Frontier of Fortune on Steam



#### Enter the crazy world of SpiderPunks and face overwhelming enemies.

SpiderPunks is a unique blend of three-game genres: Builder/Defense, Action, and Puzzle.

Earn money and spend it on new spider’s web connections. Buy new spiders or heal injured ones. Protect your spider’s mother from deadly soap bubbles using your family’s unique combat skills to fight the ever-growing enemy force.

As a growing family needs more and more food and space, expand the cobweb threads network which will unlock food sources. Connect the threads of the web to increase their endurance against advancing enemies.

Place the baby’s spiders in strategic places. Make sure they are close enough to food sources and not far from their parent. Let them use the full potential of their ability to fight toxic bubbles.


Shooter - Kills enemy by a direct shoot.

Freezer - Slows down enemy advance.

Bouncer - Pushing back enemy attack.

SpiderPunks on Steam

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves

In UF: Vampires vs Werewolves you first choose one of the Supernatural factions, like Vampires or Werewolves with the goal of conquering different cities of the world (there will be more factions with upcoming updates). You play a 1v1 real-time strategy battle where you control your units to capture regions of the map. The player will have to manage their resources, and balance early-game aggression via spamming units on board with the late-game combo abilities that can annihilate the units very easily. You will be able to buy buildings in each region changing what kind of resources that region provides you with. In addition to the abilities, units, and buildings the game features lore-rich events that will introduce new characters, and will force you to make difficult decisions that will lead to game changing consequences. The variety in the combination above will make each gameplay unique, and will increase the replayability of the game.

There will be several maps to choose from, and the player will have to keep in mind the unique features of each map when they try to conquer it. Each faction also has unique Lords, and similar advisors that grant different upgrades in-game influencing the strategy you’ll choose to play the game.

Current Features:

  • 2 Factions - Vampires & Werewolves

  • 3 Cities - Baku, Moscow and Istanbul

  • 6 Lords in each Faction

  • 5 Units per each Faction

  • 24 Advisors

  • Partially unique Faction Buildings

  • Unique Supernatural Abilities

Coming During Early Access:

  • Co-Op and Multiplayer

  • Custom Scenario Creator

  • Loads of new maps

  • World Map Mode

  • New Lords

  • New Factions

  • New unique Faction Buildings

  • New Supernatural Abilities

  • New Units

  • And much more

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves on Steam

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Song: Tainted Grail Artist: Vlakabaka

“Sometimes I feel I’ve got to, run away, i’ve got to, play a chill card game for a run or two

And the love we shaaare for card games is all in d’ere, with 9 classes, lots of deckbuilding and re-play-aability

Some runs might end baaad and some might go well but with this game time seems to goo noo-where

And this Tainted Grail is full of story, voiiiice acted characters in a daark tainted woorld

So taaake Gabens tears awaaay and buyy diz game here, cause you dont want to hear any-moe from mee

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

It’s very similar to Slay the Spire and Monster Train but you’ll like it more than either of those if you prefer a dark aesthetic. The music and story are also more substantial here than other games in the genre. You get access to 3 classes (basically archer, fighter, invoker) which determine the type of base deck you’ll play. Every class is broken into 3 subclasses (i.e. invokers can be summoners, blood mages, or necromancers) that each have unique passives and a unique subclass ability. It’s honestly pretty remarkable how each subclass feels very distinct from its counterparts.

Real player with 69.4 hrs in game

Tainted Grail: Conquest on Steam

Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy

I picked this up on a whim, purely because I am a sucker for these hybrid dice games. While I do recommend this game, it still is a very flawed game and your appreciation of it will surely come down to your flexibility to cope with said flaws. A lot of games exist that are imperfect and this is one of them.

What is fun?

The core system of building up a unique dice pool, in real-time, with stamina and special powers is pretty fun. It feels at odds with itself at first but it definitely caters to it’s real-time gameplay mechanics unapologetically which I think is a good thing. You can tell from others' reviews that others do not like the RTS elements and wanted something slower, methodical, and more tactical). That isn’t this game which I think is going to just be a matter of taste.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

I’m more of a turn-based and tabletop gamer myself. This game seems to draw heavily on the mechanics of some very good tabletop dice games like Roll for the Galaxy and Dice Forge, but with real-time pacing. If you’re like me, the RTS pacing of Dice Legacy might be a bit much for you. In that case, I have some advice for a more laid-back gaming experience:

1. Start a new game on pacifist difficulty. It effectively disables the biggest source of real-time pressure, the hostile raiders, and lets you think through your moves at your leisure. The game far, far less stressful as a result, largely becoming self-paced. The economy of the game is still involved enough to get many hours of fun even with the raider threat removed. And you can always bump up the difficulty later if you find yourself mastering the rest of the game, and want more of a real-time challenge.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Dice Legacy on Steam

First Days of Atlantis

First Days of Atlantis

It’s definitely a step back from traditional city builders, but in this case that’s kind of a good thing. It’s challenging enough to pique one’s interest trying to unlock the higher tier buildings, but relaxing enough that it’s a good time sink if you just need something to do while you relax. All in all, not a bad little game, especially if you catch it on sale.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Great mix of City Builder and highscore hunt. I especially like the little details like boats, people and sheep (which you can pet btw.) that move around and make the city you build feel alive.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

First Days of Atlantis on Steam