Eternal Warfare

Eternal Warfare

I have been dabbling in this game for a few years now and I have watched it develop and improve with the developer happy to listen and take on boards ideas and suggestions. Whilst it easy to describe it as a turn based Command and Conquer it is more than that and what is important about it is that it is simply great fun. Different game modes cater for your mood- you can battle through the various campaigns (which vary in challenge from winning through sheer force to more subtle and stealth scenarios), fight off waves of enemies in the invasion mode or conquer the world in huge skirmishes against an impressive AI which cannot be bargained with and which has had me on the ropes more than once when I let my guard down. The graphics are fun, the selection of units is interesting and all for a bargain price. What more do you want?

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Wargame Games.

please play this advace wars clone… please… i need someone to play with

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Eternal Warfare on Steam

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena is an online RTS PvP-only game. Your script fights other players' script autonomously in a match-based arena environment.


  • All aspects of an RTS game: gathering resources, base building, creating and upgrading units.

  • You don’t control your units directly, you play by writing full-fledged JavaScript that runs on game servers.

  • Other languages are supported via WebAssembly : C/C++, Rust, TypeScript, Go, C#, F#, Kotlin, Swift, D, Pascal, Zig, the list is growing.

  • Your code is executed autonomously while fighting other players' code during series of short fast-paced 1x1 matchups.

  • The system will match equal opponents based on your arena rating that changes with every rating game.

  • Different “arenas” (multiplayer game modes) each with its own rules set and goals covering many aspects of a strategy game.

  • Only basic programming skills are required. However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit!

  • We will introduce new arenas every season so that you always have to write new code for different challenges.

  • Play with friends and design your own challenges and arenas.

Read More: Best Base Building PvP Games.

Screeps: Arena on Steam

Screeps: World

Screeps: World

I have played lots games over the years. have forgotten 95% of them, 4.9% of them i remember due to them being an excellent game and myself enjoying, Paradox games I love but don’t rate as in the top .1%. Only a very rare game has me remembering epic or defining moments that really set that game apart for me. EvE online is one, for creating a sandbox of such freedom, politics, warfare, resource gathering, trade, which all helps to create proper player driven stories.

The other is Screeps….which has given me my most proud moments in any game i have played. The games are of course markedly different but also surprisingly similar. Screeps like EvE has trade, crafting, factories, land ownership, politics/alliances, resource gathering, warfare, but ants instead of ships and where in EvE when u get killed you take a big loss, in Screeps it can mean game over, time to respawn from scratch……again.

Real player with 3117.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Massively Multiplayer Games.

Note: I am not associated with the developers in any way, I’ve just been playing a lot recently.

Screeps is a game for programmers.

But it is possible for someone without any previous programming experience to learn it with enough dedication, though I recommend at least learning some basics of programming/JavaScript from somewhere like codecademy first. And try the free tutorial before you buy the game (I am still running code that started out based on the tutorial code, 2 months later).

The game has deceptively simple visuals, but a lot of increasingly complex systems that you gain access to as you progress within the game, providing interesting challenges for your programming ability. How complex it ends up getting depends in part on how much of it you end up wanting to automate. Pretty much anything you can do, you can get your code to do for you.

Real player with 2606.2 hrs in game

Screeps: World on Steam



BUT - Alright another 300 hours down the tube and I have to amend nearly all of the below. There are mechanics in the game that allow for players that are in your coalition (Alliance) to move freely through your territory. Which is great in theory; until it cannot be revoked. There is a leave timer for your alliance set at 24 hours; the player leaving can start and stop this timer as many times as they please to get just the right amount of time to land in your homeland cities effectively removing you from the round. You will find a great many people hanging around trolling with this mechanic. So much so that any alliance made in a round is more dangerous to you than helpful. In speaking with staff, I’ve been told the same rules apply here for people legitimately playing as those whom are trolling. So; what this boils down to is if you want to invest upwards of 40 days in a round where someone will gleefully destroy themselves and you for the joy harassing another on the internet; or not. If you want to pay for this experience or not.

Real player with 2675.0 hrs in game

I like to play the game but it has a option for total paytowin. It destroys most rounds if someone spent alot gold to repair units, sabotage your city you cant counter. I understand that deployers need money but like in most games pay to win is the wrong way. Shame since it is a grat game.

Play Example:

I played Japan it is round 18 on a 24 hour cycle so i spent around 2 1/2 weeks in this round allready.

I managed get a coalition going with surrounding neighbors.

A few Ships are defending the Coasts and Industry is looking good.

Real player with 612.5 hrs in game


Smithy Wars

Smithy Wars

Pretty good! The crafting is well thought and original. The enchanting cards really take me back to Legends of Mana

Real player with 174.2 hrs in game

Fun little game if you like to watch auto-battles and try to figure out the best gear and setup to advance further.

The adventure mode is very bare-bone but the puzzles are interesting (although repetitive) and it is a good way to farm for gear and money, especially early in the game.

I got over 20 hours of fun until I felt I maxed out on gear and could not push further.

But the game just got an update with new, much more expensive gear that should allow me to push my champions a little further and squeeze more fun out of this game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Smithy Wars on Steam



I’ve been playing this game for over a year on mobile.

Monolisk is an interesting free to play game, made by a small development team and has great potential.

It’s a fantastic freeware game that gives you the ability to build your own shards (maps) and possibility of combining them in one campaign, moreover, all the maps are created only by the player base. Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword, but more on that later.

The map editor is very simple, but at the same time it is very functional. To create the shard you begin by selecting one of the realm card (available in 5 colours) which define the appearance and type of blocks available. Then we choose a same colour of shardstone (available in different sizes) that determines the maximum number of monsters, text signs, object and the number of available blocks.

Real player with 353.0 hrs in game

With this game you can have fun in two ways:

-You can play the maps created by other players:

You will have 5 different types of heroes to choose from, each of which has specific abilities. There are nearly 300 different types of equipment in the game, for now, this translates into infinite possibilities of customizing your hero, so that you can adapt it as you prefer to your playing style.

As for the maps to play, being created by other players, you will find new maps to play every day.

-You can create your own maps to entertain other players:

Real player with 308.2 hrs in game