Even in it’s Early access state RO has a lot of potential The Locomotives are very well detailed and are pretty fun to operate. The same goes for the rolling stock as there is a lot of little details most developers tend to overlook. Then there is the map itself. Even though it uses the basic textures from Unreal 4 the landscape still looks amazing at times. However it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Track laying can be a pain in the ass and the terrain and bridge tools are a bit clunky. The Link & Pin couplers have a tendency to break randomly when loading a saved game while other times they have a tendency to launch into space. And while the game is meant to be played ONLINE with Friends don’t expect them to stay on very long if you have a slow internet connection as it is a Peer to Peer Hosting system that RO runs off of. However this also means that you can in a sense play this as an offline Sandbox Game since when you Host a Server you only need to be online to launch the server itself. Once the Server is running you can play the game offline and not worry about getting dropped randomly. Naturally however I give these issues a pass since the game is still in Early Access and as such is bound to have some issues. The game itself is still very fun and like I said before has a lot of potential. Of coruse it’s not for everyone, but if you are interested in Turn of Century American Narrow Gauge Railroading, t’s woth checking out.

Real player with 495.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim Early Access Games.

After 81 hrs of play time, I must say AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Yes it’s got bugs. Did you report them so they can get fixed? No? then STFU! I have 1 to 3 others working in this game for me. (Yes they work for me. I get more money and XP faster so we can all have good engines) Always have others join your company, always make a password so a**holes don’t join your world and destroy all your hard work. Yes ghost links and tree regrowth is a small problem sometimes. Hey, it’s still under construction, just like your RR! Got a good idea? Go to the Dev’s Discord and tell him. Is it fun? Very much so. does it have bugs? Yeah but so does CyberPunk 2077 and it’s a finished game. Should you buy it? IDK, I did, it’s up to you how to spend your money. I give it a two thumbs up. But hey what do I know. Will you enjoy playing it? Did you like playing with trains when you were a kid? I still like playing with trains, That’s why I work at a railroad museum. If you to like playing with trains, then by all means get this game.

Real player with 94.5 hrs in game

RAILROADS Online! on Steam

Auto Age: Standoff

Auto Age: Standoff

A ton more fun than I was expecting.

Full disclosure, I am an indie dev living near where Phantom Compass is located, so I knew about the game and was given a free copy. Very surprised at how fluid and smooth and most of all FUN the cars are to drive. I absolutely love the way the little cars handle. It has that perfect “arcady, videogamey” vibe, where teh cars aren’t striving to feel realistic, they are striving for teh best player experiance possible, which I personally think is teh best way to go about this type of locomotion based game. They really did a great job tweaking the cars, and probably my favrit part about teh game is drifting around and boosting into teh air, feels so slick.

Real player with 119.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim Combat Racing Games.

This is not a combat-racing game. vehicular brawling, varied classes/styles and weaponry, arenas, aesthetic; this is a car combat game - Auto Age is this in essence, and it’s not too shabby.

In my opinion, the last proper car-combat game was Twisted Metal for the PS3 released back in 2012, and when there are far too few games released apart from the Twisted Metal franchise that fit the bill for being considered part of the car-combat (sub)genre, and to date, as an indie title, Auto Age: Standoff covers the bases to officially be a part of the lineup and not be cringeworthy in 2018.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Auto Age: Standoff on Steam



Volted, I enjoyed it immensely in the first hours of the game. But it becomes more and more repetitive and faints. Various shooting styles and weapons are put in, but only 2 or 3 types of weapons are useful and this makes it boring after a while as it always pushes to use the same weapons. It takes 10 15 hours to play the game to unlock all achievements and vehicles. The maps of the game are not too many, which makes you feel like you are doing the same things on the same maps after a while. The game is fun for 2 or 3 hours but if you want to unlock everything in the game you will be bored. Unfortunately, the game is not finished or has not been given much thought.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim Action Games.

15h update:

TL;DR is an entertaining game but has big flaws on gameplay and features: movement is meh, bullets collision isn’t consistent and the minions can walk/shoot through the geometry and there is no reward for killing/wining a match :/

Is entertaining game however falls very short on the gameplay and progression. Higher level weapons make less damage (wtf).

Also the current state is unplayable because the mechanics aren’t helpful. The spawn point is next to a base instead of the HQ - making harder to save your base :( … and the bullets go where they want. The minion NPCs are way too overpower and 90% of the time spawn on top of me and kill with 1 hit (maybe is due the lag?).

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

VOLTED on Steam

Diesel Guns

Diesel Guns


Nowadays is really hard to find some good drive combat videogame, and while Diesel Guns is still in developement, it is still promising and has a good foundation.

Sayd this, maybe is because of it’s Early Access nature but there are things that definitely need improvement in order to make it a good game that can bring back the Drive Combat genre.

First off, let me list what’s good about it so far:

  • Good weapons variety. I especially like that you can choose which weapons to equip for each kind, and apparently it seems there will be more in the future.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

If you’re a fan of games like Hardware: Rivals and Vigilante 8, you’ll love this game. the balance of weapons seems just about perfect, and so does the gameplay. Everything just works great. The speed and pacing is perfect. You’re never struggling to try to make a certain mechanic like, ramming or ground pounding work right, it’s not TOO easy either, but it just feels… GOOD when you use it. as of right now, the game is severly lacking in overall content due to it being an early access alpha title, but what’s there will make the gameplay feel near complete when you’re in a deathmatch and blowing up enemies! But for $5, it’s absolutely worth the current state that it’s in.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Diesel Guns on Steam

The Crew™

The Crew™

I love racing games. It’s been so long since I’ve been excited for an open-world racing gaming like this one. One that specifically caters to an aspect often discarded and ignored which is the love of free-drive and exploration. The Crew has its focus there as well as on racing. I was so looking forward to driving around different corners of the states, meeting other players, driving around with my friends and discovering new areas or car brands and acquiring crazy modifications along the way. It has many similarities with other common games such as Test Drive Unlimited 1 mixed with Burnout Paradise for speed, exploration and challenges.

Real player with 773.1 hrs in game

The game is quite fun, and I have spent many hours in it, and will probably spend more too. However… there are some pretty big caveats to this. The price for one; I have the Australia tax, and the base game costs $75USD, not including the exchange rate and everything. Then there is the DLC - each one is a pack of 4 extra cars, hardly worth the price considering they don’t really offer too much more. And then there are the Mi-crew-transactions. Seriously? Extra in-game micro transactions on an already pretty pricey Triple A release? There are two different forms of currency in-game, one which is solely earnt through missions, skills, and stunts. And then there are CREW CREDITS. You are given 100,000 reasonably early on in the game, but that’s not enough for anything good. And so… you are invited to use real life money to purchase these in order to quickly obtain cars or specs that you would otherwise spend countless hours grinding for. The grind for this game is pretty ridiculous - not only do you have to grind for in-game cash (unless you pay real money) for the cars, but then, upgrade those cars, you must complete skill challenges to acquire parts to improve your car… for each individual car. The best parts are also RNG based, so you could easily spend hours farming the same challenge to try and get that specific part you wanted.

Real player with 301.4 hrs in game

The Crew™ on Steam

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

I’m sorry, I really want to like this game, but if I gave it a thumbs-up, it would be for the concept and not the implementation and that’s not fair to people who are considering whether or not to purchase it.

To the dev(s): I like where you’re coming from and where you’re going with this. I hope you keep persevering and turn my opinion around. There’s an ENORMOUS amount of potential here. However, it’s plagued by issues (not just pre-release bugs) that make me question whether it has what it takes to pull off a successful release.

Real player with 270.4 hrs in game

I wanted to review FL sooner, but I also wanted to feel this game out first. I’m a simulation “expert” in that I’ve played almost every simulator game that has come out. There were some I purposely ignored for looking terrible, however. The emergency simulation genre has been struggling for a while. You have sh*tty developers and publishers pushing out games that make you want to burn the game itself so no one else ever has to experience it. Speaking of burn, I’ve been burned by these devs and publishers a lot - specifically Excalibur. They are notorious for backing garbage games. I used to be a moderator for Enforcer and had high hopes for it. Boyyyyyyyy was everyone, myself included, mislead.

Real player with 140.9 hrs in game

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator on Steam