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Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim VR Games.

I love this stuff. This is a strange cosmic trippy VR experience that makes you feel weird and I like it. A masterpiece of the art form. Thanks for the free experience.

! The big purple baby head knows all. https://youtu.be/4RZ0ZxR5GrI

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


GAI Stops Auto: Right Version Simulator

GAI Stops Auto: Right Version Simulator

This game has taken me on an adventure. When I first started it I was a boy, not realizing the essence of life. But with every minute of this game I matured. With every action I opened my eyes wider, until, after one hour, I saw the truth: You have to be your own master. People are not just gonna stop and wait for you. You gotta motion them aside. Your whistle-power and traffic-stick are all it takes. Make them crash on the snow map so they pile up endlessly. Time your “goodbye” perfectly to make them hit the convoy that you shall not interere with. And dont let some buff guys with very few clothing on them tell you otherwise. Just do it. And then, just then, maybe, one day, you’ll stop an alien in a checkered shirt who will ask you this one question: “Have a sex?”

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim Funny Games.

As someone who has been involved with the police on many occasions, I can confirm the accuracy of the situations portrayed in this game. The storyline is quite chilling and captures the intrigue of a ‘behind the scenes look at a Russian Police officer who has to pull over enough people to keep their career. It is both a sad and beautiful story set in Russia with an overwhelming majority of leather men who oftentimes just come out in herds from the woods. The creators did an excellent job portraying a country I have never been to and now I feel that I have.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

GAI Stops Auto: Right Version Simulator on Steam

Snow Clearing Driving Simulator

Snow Clearing Driving Simulator


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automobile Sim Casual Games.

2/10 you get what you pay for

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Snow Clearing Driving Simulator on Steam

Turbo Dismount™

Turbo Dismount™

I absolutely love this game. At first your there like, “there is hardly any levels, what is the point of playing this game if there ike downloading some more maps.” You go to the amazing steam workshop and doownload some maps. Then you try em out for about three or more hours. You’re there like," I like these maps I am going to download some more maps." then you download like fifteen more maps, and after about ten more hours of playing and steam workshop, you have like over one hundred fifty-three maps and you are extremely addicted to the game and can’t stop playing. That’s basically my perspective of this awesome game, I hope you like it as well.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

This game tells the tragic story of a crash test dummy sentenced to perpetual torment. Players lock the poor dummy in a vehicle and send him into extremely dangerous situations. Oftentimes the impacts destroy the dummy and his vehicle. But it doesn’t matter, for they always rebuild him, but only to break him again, and again, and again. There is no escape.

Turbo Dismount is a physics-based simulation game with the goal of inflicting maximum destruction upon the protagonist, Mr. Dismount. You are the antagonist, Mr. Dismount’s permanent nightmare. With a considerable catalogue of levels, vehicles, and customization options, Turbo Dismount offers players considerable choice in overseeing the catastrophic life of Mr. Dismount.

Real player with 58.3 hrs in game

Turbo Dismount™ on Steam

My Summer Car

My Summer Car

This game is among one of my all-time favorites; over 1,000 hours played and counting, I just love it!

This game is so packed with realism, like paying bills, electrical safety, and car inspections, that the realism is the real draw here. It’s the realism that motivates you to keep playing, it’s the realism that makes the game a large puzzle to navigate, it’s the realism that gives you a relatable connection.

The amount of work, stress, and wide variety of fluids* you’ll put into the car will add to your fondness for the car. Yes, this low-powered, aging, and dripping one-of-a-kind Satsuma will become a genuine beauty in your eyes, I guarantee it.

Real player with 1080.9 hrs in game

Fixed up the Satsuma, passed inspection, slapped plates on it, got pulled over, and gave a breathalyzer test. To just then have the checkpoint, my Satsuma, and me plowed through by the green car with booming subwoofer; killing all of us. 10/10 would play again!

Real player with 139.1 hrs in game

My Summer Car on Steam

Carmageddon: Max Damage

Carmageddon: Max Damage

Before We Begin

Before I start please be aware that as a modder of this game I do have some bias and I really love this series I wlll try and remain as objective as possible with this review.


Carmageddon Max Damage is a game with cars. You play as a car that should ram other cars, run over pedestrians, do insane stunts, and use insane and zany powerups to help do all of the above. You can also ‘race’ and do the laps but really why would you. I personally wouldn’t even qualify Carmageddon as a racing game, its more like a character action game where the people are replaced with vehicles. It is a niche game that doesn’t try and appeal to the mass market. While there is some attempt at ‘tutorials’ the game does very little in the form of hand holding and if you are the type of person who enjoys sandbox fun combined with cars and silly humor then this game is for you and is well worth the price.

Real player with 151.7 hrs in game

Carmageddon: Max Damage isn’t a racing game in a traditional sense. It doesn’t involve speeding around the Nurburgring in order to get the fastest lap time. It doesn’t revolve around unlocking photo-realistic vehicles, customization options, and story cutscenes. CMD doesn’t have you analyzing upgrade specs to try and get the perfect balance of speed, weight, and cornering. CMD is, “the ultimate antidote to racing games,” indeed.

At its core, CMD is a toybox; a collection of digital Hot Wheels cars that you smash together over and over to the cackling of your inner child. The game’s core mechanics encourage destruction and doughnuts, discouraging actual racing, which is absurdly therapeutic. Instead of getting time penalties for taking shortcuts through the grass as the cardboard cutout crowd stares at the action blankly, a la Forza, in Carmageddon everything the game is composed of discourages you from following the checkpoints present in each large, open map. Though there is a more structured campaign mode, it’s really just a slightly limited freeplay mode with uninteresting and tedious progression. I have never touched the multiplayer in my 62 hours playing, but I can tell you the competitive modes in single player are not engaging nor do they compliment the game’s mechanics. Carmageddon is a one trick pony that knows that trick very, very well. Upon choosing freeplay mode, you have the option to choose which race and car you want. The races in the game are made up of roughly 10 maps with several different checkpoint layouts. These races may also have different minor changes in scenery, changes in pedestrian placement, and changes in powerup placement. The cars all have different specs including top speed, attack power, and strength, but these are ultimately nullified by the game’s mechanics. Choose whichever looks the coolest and get going. As soon as the race loads you have the option to start before the countdown finishes, triggering a minimal credit cost. After that, the player is completely free to abandon all the opponents in search of powerups and pedestrians, ram right into the closest opponent, or, if there’s something truly wrong with you, attempt to complete all laps as fast as you can. Kill all the peds (takes forever), finish all laps in first (BOOORING), or wreck all your opponents to complete the race. There are a multitude of bells and whistles that make this simple formula work. One of Carmageddon’s signature features is its ridiculous cartoon physics. All the cars are as bouncy as marshmallows and flop around the levels with delightful imprecision. Twisted Metal is to Devil May Cry is as Carmageddon is to Goat Simulator. The game fundamentally is made to create slapstick comedy moments that prevent it from getting old. You may completely miss a turn, throwing you into a minefield, which then throws you into a pinball mode powerup, which then sends the entire map into chaos. You may also make one wrong calculation, end up flat against a wall, and get wrecked in the first 30 seconds. This is all moot, though, as Carmageddon is played more or less in god mode the entire time. Don’t like how beat up your car is? Hit repair twice and watch all your pieces come flying back to you. End up on your roof? Hit recover a couple of times and land gently back on your wheels in another part of the level. There is basically no way to lose Carmageddon unless you choose to restrict the mechanics yourself. This makes for a very passive and stress-free experience. The damage model is another part of Carma’s claim to fame. Before the days of Flatout and Wreckfest, Carmageddon boasted its extremely detailed destructibility and delighted players with exquisite mangled cars. The destructibility in CMD is top notch, though perhaps less impressive in today’s game landscape. Doors and hoods flap open, hitboxes become comically crushed, and your driver can get thrown out of the windshield, leaving the vehicle to drive itself. Some of CMD’s powerups exploit the damage model extremely. The ‘ave a Banana ray twists the front and rear of your opponents making them look like a crescent moon with wheels and the Splitter Ray leaves half of your victim spinning around in circles desperately trying to navigate the level. Remember when I said the game is geared towards comedy? That’s embedded in everything from game mechanics to the text descriptions and sound clips. Carma’s developers are obsessed with dirty puns and will have you rolling your eyes immediately. Aside from the vanilla CMD package, the PC version is especially worthwhile due to fantastic modding by Mad Mike. The base vehicles are fine and bring many original designs to life, but all are very over-the-top and toy-like. Mike’s extensive catalog of more realistic vehicles truly adds a layer of enjoyment to the game that can’t be ignored.

Real player with 99.0 hrs in game

Carmageddon: Max Damage on Steam

Dumbass Drivers!

Dumbass Drivers!

A bad option to spend your money on!

This game is trash.

Not the good kind of trash, but just a waste of time!

Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Maps are badly done, yet playable with much patience!

  • Design sucks. I mean the graphics are worse than many free games from the beginning of the 21st century, it is just bad, cheap landscaping and very low budget production overall.

  • THE GUY to the right of the screen makes me freak out. I mean WHY? Why do you add something like him? xD

You can get the achievements relatively easy, if you feel the need to get them … ( 25h)

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

Please send help. They’re living in my walls and making me play this in the 9th circle of hell. There are bugs inside of me. THERE ARE SPIDERS. IN. MY. FUCKING. BONES.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Dumbass Drivers! on Steam

Extreme Truck Simulator

Extreme Truck Simulator

Great game, worth the buy. I’ve been playing this for the past 11 minutes, and i must say its been exhilirating and VERY extreme. Two thumbs way up. Love it.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

could you please add a reward when you finsish a level beacause now there is no need to finish the level

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Extreme Truck Simulator on Steam

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation

I’ve been playing the game for about 4 hours a week and I’m glad that I bought it and, in general, found out about it. I love to mow the grass, so most of my games are all about them. For a gardener, like a person who loves order, it became a choice for me to buy this game. And so the developers did their best and made a quality game. Very well developed cars and body parts of the cabin, etc., good pine graphics, not bad dynamics and many different additions

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

If you dreamed of working as a lawn mower in your life, but circumstances do not allow you, or you do not have a private home, then you can buy this game and mow the lawn for hours, because no one restricts you (well, except for your mother: 3)! The game looks not very attractive in terms of graphics, but I can assure you that the picture does not reflect the whole essence of the game. After starting the game, you can easily mow the lawn for a couple of hours.

The gameplay of this game is simple: you play as a man of about 30 years old, who rides around on a lawn mower and mows the grass. For each mowed area, you get points that can be spent on new lawn mowers (there are 4 of them in the game, including the initial one). The world in the game is not big, not small. The environment in the game does not shine with variety, but it is also enough for a comfortable game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation on Steam

Extreme Racing on Highway

Extreme Racing on Highway

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.3] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 2.1/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: ‘just Drive’ game

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

at first i did not expect anything from this game i started of with a simple main menu

saying that i had a ridiculous amount of points and i thought its one of that games after that i played it was kinda good but not perfect at all for example you could just speed up on the middle of the road and just blast through endless. its a racing game…well kinda but fun for a while recommend

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Extreme Racing on Highway on Steam