Dream Engines: Nomad Cities - A survival city builder with flying cities

Dream Engines: Nomad Cities - A survival city builder with flying cities


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☑ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☑ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Building Games.

This game feels like it’s trying to combine multiple popular survival RTS games and it’s failing miserably as a result. In the end, we get a mess of a game.

So you start off on a world, there are native swarm type aliens on it. Killing them off is easy. In fact, I’d call them an poorly utilized obstacle. I much prefer the way They Are Billions handled this. But back on topic, you have to kill the native swarms to get access to resource nodes. They honestly feel like a placeholder enemy, and I’d be much more interested if these were a more significant enemy.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Dream Engines: Nomad Cities - A survival city builder with flying cities on Steam



game crashes for the most stupid reasons like the light bulb touching something after unpausing or using ctrl+v, but the devs read the discussions soo together the community can fix this, but i dont recommend it yet, wait until it has more content, more interesting saves (that dont break on the next version), and less crashes before buying

i think the game is dead

but indeed it has a interesting concept and i support it, but as i said before, wait until its ready to play

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Building Games.

Nice game. Yes, is like People Playground graphics wise (I don’t have People Playground), but it’s a vehicle building (although I’m pretty sure you can do that in both games), physics based game, not a kill the ragdolls in every way possible. There is a lot of parts to play around with, and in general have fun. It’s still in development and has bugs, but it’s very fun as it is. The devs are also really active in the community, which is really nice.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

PixPhys on Steam

The Signal State

The Signal State

Great little Zach-like. If you like this genre of fiddly little programming games, you’ll like this. If you’re not interested in the genre, you won’t.

Pros of this particular game:

+Charming analog aesthetics. The game’s UI feels very “physical” and low-tech in a neat way.

+Minimalist but reasonably interesting story. I’m all about workers seizing the means of production.

+Good soundtrack. Really helps you get into that zen programming mode.

+More accessible than most games in this genre, as difficulty curve is lower. This might be a con for you, if you’re super good at this genre and really want a challenge, but I think difficulty curve is in that sweet spot challenging without feeling like you now have a second job learning an imaginary programming language.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Tutorial Games.

This game falls short on so many aspects and makes so many dubious design decisions that makes me wonder whether the devs actually know what they’re doing:

  • UI/UX:

The main UI, a physical rack representing modules, is just bad, period. Now before you yell blindly, “but node-based programming is the future!”, please note that the game does not feature node-based programming: actual node-based programming would be like Scratch, LabVIEW or Blender nodes. This game’s UI represents specifically DAW skeuomorphism, notably Propellerhead’s Reason. It is also a design decision from the last century, done by nobody else, and being commonly criticized around all the time. Also, DAWs don’t have a million tiny modules like this game.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

The Signal State on Steam



A really great game! I mainly play colony builders and this one hooked me immediately. You are essentially building a city of beavers with the goal of conquering the ebb/flow of wet seasons and drought. The water mechanics are really unique and there’s something tremendously satisfying about planning and building your dams and then seeing the consequences (crops live through the dry season! Oh shit I flooded everything!).

The current early access is extremely polished; I have played 70 hours and it hasn’t crashed a single time and I haven’t run into any frustrating bugs. It runs extremely well even when you push the engine. Because it’s early access the content still feels a little limited; you can reach a point where you can let the game run in the background for hours and know everything will be fine because you’ve solved the current ‘water + food for Population X to survive X days of drought’ problem. It would benefit from a broader tech tree and more map events (forest fire, disease, etc). The actual wet/dry seasons are far too predictable right now and it seems like the Early Access has everything in place to have actual weather and its consequences (ie. flooding that is due to weather and not my own terrible dam designs).

Real player with 87.6 hrs in game

This is a really fun game. It does not yet have great depth (unlike the water reservoirs which you will greatly enjoy shaping), but I would say it’s worth every penny (bought it for some 25 Euros).

Playing with the water dynamics and building vertically is really neat. Yet - as in life, unfortunately - I feel I lack a bit of purpose. Hopefully this will be amended in future versions.

Improvement proposals:

  • Please fix the leeve system. I don’t see the point of adding semi-realistic water dynamics if a 1m3 wood cubicle can withstand a 10m water column.

Real player with 57.6 hrs in game

Timberborn on Steam

The Wandering Village

The Wandering Village

If you’re interested in The Wandering Village, please wishlist and follow us :)

You can also join the game’s community on Discord:

In a world where mysterious plants are spreading all over the earth, emitting toxic spores as they grow, a small group of survivors seeks shelter on the back of a giant, wandering creature they call ‘Onbu’.

Become their leader, build their settlement and form a symbiotic relationship with the creature to survive together in this hostile, yet beautiful post-apocalyptic world that now surrounds you.

Build your village

A functioning village is the basis of your survival. Build your settlement and expand it over the creature’s back. Plan production chains and optimize them to utilize the limited space as efficiently as possible. Create a society that can overcome any challenge.

Live on the creature’s back

Living on the back of another organism comes with its own set of challenges. Will you live in symbiosis, bond with the creature and survive on mutual trust? Or will you become a parasite, only aiming to ensure a better life for your villagers? The choice is yours.

Discover different biomes

Travel through a multitude of different biomes and adapt your village to their unique opportunities and threats. Scout your environments and send out foraging missions to gather rare resources and ancient artifacts.

Research new technologies

Remnants of the old world hold knowledge that has long been forgotten, but can be unearthed by your villagers. Find and research these technologies, but use them wisely, as progress can be a double-edged sword.

Survive the wastelands

Ensure the survival of both your villagers and your Onbu, even though poisonous spores, merciless weather, bloodsucking parasites and many more challenges mean that the odds are often stacked against you.

The Wandering Village on Steam



Still an amazing game!

I am editing this review to reflect how i feel after adding another 120 hours of play time in game and i can tell you that my feelings toward this game have only been reinforced. This game is awesome! The developer has been very vocal with the community and continuously given us updates (both content and where they are at with future updates). Still a very intuitive but complex programming system that is only limited by the player. Since my first review there have been massive updates! I.e Base building, new defenses, enemy types, and so much more! Absolutely worth the 20$

Real player with 223.4 hrs in game

This game brings THE single feature that would take every game that inspires it to the next level. I love it, I love what it could be if it were developed seriously with a full team. All these “learn to code” “psuedo-games (such as hour-of-code) are failing at the “GAME” part of this. Mechanica has NAILED this. I want this to be fully developed so badly because learning to code is so much easier when driven by necessity, by a problem the coder themselves understand. This game presents situations for the player to have a reason to want to code/program, and then provides a great framework for learning to implement their ideas. This game also brings that magic element that no other game like Satisfactory or Factorio has, the ability to determine how you want a group of machines to work together, and then to implement that idea, the player’s idea, not just putting together blocks of machines in some manner the dev wants you to.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Mechanica on Steam

Atrio: The Dark Wild

Atrio: The Dark Wild

It’s still very early access but this is a fun game! I was in the mood for a new base-builder game when I found the demo for Atrio. I liked it enough that I bought the game on day one. I’ve sinked a few hours into the game and I am loving it. It’s like Factorio and Don’t Starve had a cute baby.

Right now I’m playing in story mode. I’ve reached the end of chapter 1 (which is as far as the story goes right now), but I’m still building out my base in preparation for when the next chapter comes out. I have almost everything automated and almost everything researched (that’s available right now). Once I’ve done everything I can do in the story mode I’ll switch over to free mode and see if I can take it further.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

I love making your own factory and the fact that you can make it longer, shorter, and it works the way you want 100% but 4 parts really bugging me is the bees just stand still and group up for hours unless your blow them up, the chests can be very little and take up alota space, its little but kinda anoying when you have to make 3 blocks touching the water for it to work, and the worst part is the deers wont stop stealing your glowbubs and making poos everywhere its anoying when you cant make them run away but other than that i would love 1-4 players that would be really cool since its simple and fun and you have so many tasks you can help your friends out

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Atrio: The Dark Wild on Steam

Blue Energy

Blue Energy


Create the factory parts, items and weapons to survive.

Factory Building

Build factories that produce everything.


Change the earth to suit your needs.


Explore the islands and escape from enemies with your hovercraft.

Apocalyptic Survival

Hunt creatures and mine ores on different islands to get resources to survive.

Blue Energy on Steam



BarricadeZ takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where the only things left are monsters, and you, a robot. Yet, there’s a tiny spark of hope falling from the sky; a baby. Now you have to get to work, because of course the monsters are after the little bundle of joy.

You have to build your own defenses, and that’s the meat of the game. The gathering and crafting system reminds me a bit of Terraria (to name one), and is nicely done, imo. During the night the monsters will test your design for you, and failure is definitely not an option. Remember the defenseless baby?

Real player with 293.1 hrs in game

It’s ok but definitely not worth $20; get it on sale. Technically a 2D Tower Defense game. There is fun to be had in finding a base design that works for you, lots of options and flexibility. But some very questionable design choices concerning the mining/resource gathering you’ll be doing a lot of underground. You might think that you would be splitting your time between topside and the mine; being topside during the nightly attack waves. You’d be wrong for the most part.

The clock is always ticking (except for pauses during daylight to build/upgrade your base) and you will eventually realize that the game actively punishes you for being topside during attacks at all. That is precious time you could be spending downstairs gathering resources that you need. Now early on, maybe being topside in battle might be useful to scrape by some in-battle repairs between waves. But by day 30 or so of a 78 day campaign when you have enough resources to be well established, there is no good reason to be topside at all. Good defenses will require virtually no active maintenance at all aside from a swift repair visit come daylight. Your war effort is actually crippled by wasting time topside during attacks when you could otherwise still be mining. This means that to play “well”, you must never waste time being up in your base during battle - which is really strange for a TD game. Watching mobs march through your death trap is kinda half the fun of a TD at all and here it is very strongly discouraged to do so. Expect two thirds of this game to be straight up Terraria mining, only the mines get very boring, very quickly. There is some mystery in “Is there a bottom to this mine?"; don’t bet on it, even when you think you’ve found it.

Real player with 106.3 hrs in game


Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies

Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies

ITDHVZ это IMTD от того же разРаба, с некоторыми изменениями. Поэтому напишу об отличиях.

Плюсы, в сравнении с предыдущей игрой:

Нет экзотиков, в некотором плане может даже проще формировать расстановку монстров на поле;

Отсутствуют щиты, а вместо элементалов монстры делятся на профы - 8 мобов в каждой группе редкости - по 2 дд, 2 бафера, 2 голд/эксп-фармера, 2 дебафера, 2 бафера;

Имеется 3 слота сохранений/загрузки для абилок на каждую карту, не только для монстров;

Отсутствуют скучные чалленджи, но есть принципиально новая музыка;

Real player with 2980.9 hrs in game

as far as idle games go this is kind of a sequel to a game called idle monster tower defense. when i say its a sequel mostly i mean that it is a similar game but built from the ground up to be easier to work on. at the time of this review it has little to offer as far as new content from that game but its a fertile start and the dev is already nearing new content released. I recommend this game as an idle game especially considering my optimistic attitude toward future updates.

Real player with 2952.7 hrs in game

Idle TD: Heroes vs Zombies on Steam