

It is a very challenging hard-fun game yes I do infact think that people with the b i g b r a i n z should play this game

Real player with 88.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Tower Defense Games.

It’s really fun. You have to have autism though.

Real player with 82.4 hrs in game

Mindustry on Steam

Main Assembly

Main Assembly

If you have a creative drive or artistic eye, this game is great for allowing you to express yourself through your builds. The controls are a little wonky to start with and the building “flow” seems un-intuative at first. But it doesn’t take long to figure out how things work. If you have any experience with 3d animation or model building, this is definately in that “wheelhouse”. This feels more like working with clay, than sticking blocks together. There’s a decent amount of additional add-on pieces like hinges and servos, as well as pistons and specialized tools like the suction cup or drill head. The physics in-game are decent as well. Although, to me, the atmosphere feels thin. When taking off in a flyer, it feels more like your breaking the surface friction, than pushing yourself through the air resistance.

Real player with 74.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Building Games.

Poorly designed and poorly made. Does not feel like a 1.0 game. Most controls can’t be rebound, and the input system is super buggy. Most controls can’t be bound to controller. The vehicle chase camera is awful, requiring constant hands on the controls just to see where you’re going, and like most badly designed things in this game, it’s not adjustable. It’s especially heinous in the space parts of the game, where you can end up upside down relative to the camera, which is just stupid. The game has very few options. There isn’t even a “reset options to default” button, so if you break something, which is very likely, you’re SOL. Multiplayer is a disaster, with horrible lag and desync making any kind of interaction or collision impossible. The challenges mode where you unlock parts and cosmetics is half interesting and half miserable. I ended up getting an automatic collectible grabber bot from the workshop because the sandbox levels with 45 stars were such a chore.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Main Assembly on Steam

Contraption Maker

Contraption Maker

I used to like this game. A lot. I won firts place in one of their contests, and second place in another. For which I received reward in the form of steam games. Contraption maker is a great example of a game that never stops growing. Even now, they keep adding new content to it.

But… things havetemporarily changed.

Top Meadow and Game Dev Castle took over the development and publishing of the game, and I get the feeling that they don’t really care about the game itself anymore. They look at things from a rather business perspective which is bad for this type of game’s health. I am talking about DLC packs, and the fact that they ruin this game’s fun of uploading and sharing contraptions, puzzles and mods.

Real player with 205.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Building Games.

If I think about my earliest days of video gaming, back before I got into my classic platformers like Sonic the Hedgehog, the title that stands out to me the most (amidst many education-focused games) was The Incredible Machine. A game that tests your ingenuity to solve puzzles, and your imagination to create them. Many of my fondest gaming memories from those days came from T.I.M. I got this game when it was in alpha, and the fact that I got to play any part in this game’s development, even just by messing around with the parts and reporting bugs, is something truly special to me.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Contraption Maker on Steam

Streamer Dancefloor

Streamer Dancefloor

This is so cool and I still haven’t scratched the surface of fully utilizing it. I was lucky enough to be part of the beta and it’s been a staple part of my stream ever since. All of the avatars, dances, animations and effects for donations and bits gives a whole new incentive for interactivity for my viewers. Along with multiple saveable camera angles, the ability to green screen it and customizing your backgrounds with jpg or video keeps things from looking static. Diverse with customizable entrance/exit points, easily edit where people dance. The integration with Twitch and Streamlabs is quick and easy and I’ve yet to run into any issues. The support for this has been amazing as well with fast updates and patches withing hours of reporting an issue, few as theres needed to be.

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Absolute must for any DJ/Musical Artist doing a livestream! Saw this on Stickybuds' stream and immediately bought to implement into mine. Crazy fun and boosts stream engagement tenfold. Also has a super easy to use interface and the application itself is highly customizeable. The dev also has a bunch of video tutorials on their website which make setting it up a breeze. 10/10 would hiiiiighly recommend!

Real player with 105.5 hrs in game

Streamer Dancefloor on Steam



This game has given me many hours of enjoyment. I have followed the development closely and had a ball with all the updates. The creative update has given me many more hours of playtime.

Real player with 1027.2 hrs in game

Hydroneer is one of those games which, on the surface, should actually be fun, and easy to play. However the problem is, that while sure, it CAN be fun in spurts… it’s more frustrating than anything. What’s more, it’s as if the developer simply doesn’t either have a clue how to fix the issues that players have… or has become so invested with his own goal for the end game that he simply ignores the issues.

The number one issue this game has, is tied to its physics calculations. Which, if you know anything about the game itself, or what it claims to be, is a MAJOR problem. A problem which isn’t really being addressed. The developer regularly posts streams about how he’s making entirely new sections of the game… and yet never touches on the problems with physics.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game

Hydroneer on Steam



–——– Thought I’d update my early review to explain where the game’s at right now ———-

45 hours in, I still haven’t gotten bored. 80-something hours in, I still haven’t gotten bored.

This game WAS a buggy mess, multiplayer USED TO BE fucked and the gameplay loop can still feel kinda same-y and repetitive. This game is like if you let a child open five different flavors of ice cream out of the freezer, throw some of each in a bowl, and stirred it around until it all turned into a weird, brown soup with little “unique” bits sticking out of it everywhere. That said, that’s a sweet fucking soup and dear god does this game not lack in the charm-department.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Fantastic game. Got this a while ago and at first the multiplayer barely worked, but with subsequent patches (the devs are working hard on it) this improved and became playable.

Game has a lot of depth to it and found time after time there was an additional layer of complexity after ascending ages, or figuring out new mechanics with gear, or skill trees. The game gets even better with friends as you can actually make a composition of tank, heal (kinda) and dps, and I definitely reccommend this game to be played with friends.

Real player with 96.7 hrs in game

Craftopia on Steam

Time Warpers

Time Warpers

Time Warpers takes the design philosophy and mechanics of an idle clicker, and just builds a bigger, fuller experience. And the end result is easily one of the more elegant implementations of idle clicker elements to date. The idea is to have a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter PvE experience, with a huge progression grind based in idle clicking. Yes, there are many moving parts here, and I’ll try to explain this as best I can.

First, we must consider that there is a spectrum between complete idle clicking/AFK and complete active playing. Time Warpers allows the player at any given point to choose where they want to exist on that spectrum. And really, your place on that spectrum will depend on your strategy and goals. You want to idle this in the background to grind some levels? Sure, we can do this for the most part. You want to run through FPS-style and actively progress with even more benefits? Yep, we have that option, too.

Real player with 1908.8 hrs in game

Updated review. I gave this game 11/10 before and haven’t played in months, so why the salt? Let me explain.


-Mastering this game’s movement and zooming around at the speed of light is some of the most fun you can probably have in a video game.

-A true multiplayer incremental. Holy wow. Hats off.

-Customize your weapons for maximum fun.


HOLY POWER CREEP. They flat out RUINED this game. Keep reading below to see what I mean.

The incremental part of this game was barely passable before, and every update just made it more and more bloated. Runs are now way, way, way too long given the amount of actual content the game has. The in-map collectibles (which become tedious once you’ve completed two or three loops of the entire map) were made pointless because you can now collect them just by looking at them.

Real player with 1321.3 hrs in game

Time Warpers on Steam



Edit: This game is chugging right along. Still recommend, still think $10 is too much. But if it keeps going, it’ll be worth it in no time.

Ok. Here we are a month and a half in. I just picked up this game because the partner saw it and said it looked like something I would like. I did not realize it was pre-alpha, I just jumped in. Bought it for both of us. We’ve both put about or close to, 10 hours into the game, each.

I want to like this game mainly because I don’t wanna be wrong about spending $10 or go through the refund process. I am really hoping the Dev’s listen to gamer suggestions and improve this little project.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

This is currently pre alpha, and that taken into consideration, i could still not recommend. It is utterly unplayable 5 min in with frames counting 1/min.

I’m gonna wait it out and come back in a year or two. You should do the same, unless you wish to support the devs or just have fun money to spend with little return.

Edit: after another 4+ hours of gameplay, most of which spent on just getting the game off the ground, there are additions to be made.


So, i checked it out again as pr your recommendation. I’ve sort of completed the game - in the way that the game’s broken, inhibiting further progress through the story.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Trashed on Steam

Hemp Co. - The Tycoon Game

Hemp Co. - The Tycoon Game

  • Hemp Co. is a game where you can grow your hemp empire from seed to sale. Have the flexibility of growing hemp on a farm, processing hemp into other products, selling hemp at a dispensary or do it all. Trade everything on the market, unless of course there’s a shortage!

  • Planned release on Steam for PC, Mac & Linux.


Imagine being able to start your own hemp company and grow it to as small or as big as you want it to be. You can start with growing hemp on a farm, manage delivery and logistics to sell on the market. Expand by opening your own dispensaries and selling your own product while still selling your excess on the market. Build out your dispensary, hire staff to manage your farm and retail establishments. Process raw hemp into other products like tinctures, concentrates, edibles and more. Expand your empire and go full seed to sale. Create trade routes between farms, processors, retail establishments and the market.


Create a grow operation and grow hemp indoor & outdoor. Manage required materials to grow such as water, supplements and lighting if growing indoor. Create processor buildings on your farms to process raw hemp into other refined products.


Create a dispensary or a chain of dispensaries, sell your hemp products including raw hemp flower and refined products. You can also sell to other dispensaries that may be interested in your products.


Buy and sell pretty much anything on the open market. Import needed raw hemp to your processor buildings if your farm can’t keep up. Sell excess raw hemp. We are designing a very flexible system that will be open for greater creativity.

Hemp Co. - The Tycoon Game on Steam

Cinema Simulator

Cinema Simulator

This game gives you exactly what you would expect, which is perfect

the movies dont lose much quality when on the big screen, and overall, the game does its job well.

there are a few things i think could benefit the game, such as more options for height, clothing and food/drink

other than those few minor thoughts, i recommend this for sure

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

I love the concept so much I don’t regret buying but this desperately needs VR support and maybe a mini movie arcade to increase immersion.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cinema Simulator on Steam