Give this game a chance guys. At a glance it looks like a copy/paste of Heat 4. But try playing this for an hour or two then go back to Heat 4. You will see and feel a significant difference. Several tracks were improved both visually and on how they drive. On top of that, the AI have been improved a bit, providing the most fun single-player racing I’ve seen in a heat game. I honestly barely played single player in Heat 4, but i’m enjoying it a lot more now. Another great thing is the new custom car options. Sure it’s no paint booth but to me it’s satisfactory for the most part and they will be adding more templates via DLC. Custom seasons in championship mode are also awesome, though sadly you can’t put tracks that series doesn’t normally go to such as Cup at Road America, though this might change.

Real player with 538.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Driving Games.

First off let me say, I’ve been sim racing for 3 decades (which yes, makes me old!). I started with Indianapolis 500: The Simulation and have played each and every Papyrus game since. I have also run iRacing and I have been a HUGE fan of each and every one of those games.

This year, during the pandemic, NASCAR Heat 4 was on sale and I thought, what the heck, I have time on my hands, lets give this thing a try. I set out wanting to not like it to be very honest. My expectations were low, quite low in fact. After running my first few races I felt I was liking it just enough to try running a career. A few days in I realized something. I was having fun. More fun than I expected. I kept playing, and my fun level continued to rise. I continued to play NR2003 for my weekly races but kept coming back to NH4. It was a damn fun game. Was it perfect, absolutely not. But, the racing was very good, the setups fun to build and I was moving on up in my career.

Real player with 203.8 hrs in game

NASCAR Heat 5 on Steam

NASCAR 21: Ignition

NASCAR 21: Ignition


pants ok..


First and foremost. This game has disappointed not only me but everyone who bought it.

This game is faaaaaar from what I both wanted and expected. But thats my fault for letting my imagination take hold instead of being realistic. Lets look at this package we have here. rFactor 2. What a sim… once you get over that steep learning curve that is the UI. Even with the updated UI s397 put on it, it is still a major pain in the rectum than it has any right to be. But the physics.. the PHYSICS are so good. Coming from Machines amazing NASCAR Mods, this game matches up to what I feel on rF2 with its own feel. The tracks on N21 are easily its best selling point, just feels so right even though there is so much wrong. This game is missing alot of key assets, such as Assignable Buttons for steering wheel, use of H-Pattern Shifters or a Practice only mode. I hate that so much is missing but I can understa.. WAIWAIWAIT HOLD ON HOLD ON PLEASE JUST LISTEN.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Driving Games.

FIX THE GAME!! This is a joke!

PRO: Graphics

CONS: Everything else about the game.

To pay $90 for this is absurd. I have played several hours trying to not leave a negative comment, but this is a complete joke.

Don’t put out a game and then try to work out the bugs. That should be done first and foremost.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

NASCAR 21: Ignition on Steam