Incremental Adventures

Incremental Adventures

Don’t be fooled by the negative reviews from people who played it for 10 minutes. This game has far more content and depth than they’ve unlocked in that short timeframe.

I’ve been playing it since it launched on Kongregate a year ago, and it’s been one of the best idle/incremental games I’ve played in a long time.

It’s also a game you won’t easily reach the end of content in, with an active dev that actually cares about his game.

As for the DLC things that people complain about: it’s a free-to-play game, and those are clearly just more of a donation option than anything else. You don’t need them to progress in the game, and you don’t lose out on any experiences by not buying them.

Real player with 588.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Free to Play Games.

This is another one of the few decent idle/incremental games on Steam. I have two big criticisms though.

The gameplay does a one 180. It looks like a party RPG kind of idle where you allocate stat points and fight tooth and nail for progression through stages. It’s like that for like an hour or two. And then the character/class/gear system becomes sort of irrelevant for advancement. At this point advancement largely depends on what you have your prestige settings and general options at. Don’t get me wrong, it still an engaging game, but in a completely different way.

Real player with 528.2 hrs in game

Incremental Adventures on Steam

the Sequence [2]

the Sequence [2]

While I’m just starting this game, I can with 100% confidence say that it’s worth its price.

The puzzle design is brilliant! All tools are very simple, All puzzles fit in a couple of hex cells AND YET they all have very interesting and unique solutions.

And the game is CHALLENGING! It looks like a simple mobile game, but don’t let it decieve you. The solution to a puzzle is almost always not obvious and often requires you to do things differently then you did before.

This game gives me brain juice :з

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Stylized Games.

Good game

I spent a lot of time to play this.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

the Sequence [2] on Steam



As it is right now, this is a game for programmers. If you have existing knowledge of functional programming and lambda calculus, and plenty of patience for working with new tools, then this game is plenty fun! If this isn’t you, though, then I would firmly say wait to see what this developer puts out next; if it’s anything like this, it’ll be very interesting.

It is very fun to go through a programming game with such a powerful mini language! After maybe a hundred hours across TIS-100, Shenzhen I/O and Exapunks, I finally get to make function calls, compose higher order functions, and extend a language using itself. It’s just refreshing seeing these front and center, and I think these are good puzzles built to explore it all from the ground up. It stops before getting ‘endgame Zachtronics’ brutal, but this was the right level of challenge for me.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

I love the overall idea, but the game really needs polishing.

When I was playing TIS-100 and Human Resource Machine, I wondered, since people can make profitable games based on the Von Neumann model, why nobody ever tried making one based on functional language? So I bought this game the moment I saw it, and I enjoyed it!

It is amusing to reinvent

! Y-combinator and Church numerals and solve problems using data structures and recursive functions that I gradually developed during the game. The puzzles should be reasonably challenging for anyone that enjoys learning math or programming. (And probably can lead you to learn functional languages)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

functional on Steam

[the Sequence]

[the Sequence]

[the Sequence] is a logic puzzle game based on placing modules to move things from one place to another. It is similar to SpaceChem in feel and design, but much less complex, which for me is a good thing because man did that game get a bit too involved at times.

There are a few quality of life issues that could easily be fixed. First, even on the fastest speed, playing your sequences can still take a very long time. This can be rather irritating when you’re trying to test minor variations of a solution repeatedly. Second, fiddling with module properties like polarity and sequence timing could have been easily improved with adding the option to use right click and mouse wheel, but instead you have to manually go into each module’s submenu to get that done. Lastly, when you finish all the levels, you’re greeted with a congratulations screen that says “Click to continue”, but it doesn’t actually work and apparently has not for at least a year and a half according to the discussion forums. Kind of ridiculous that whatever ending, how minor it may be, is completely inaccessible and will probably remain that way forever.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Awesome puzzle game!

It starts pretty easy, but it gets more and more complex and you progress and at some point you really have to think hard to solve the puzzles. The basics are simple, you have a couple of modules you can use in order to move a white dot from the start to the finish, but the amount of things you can do with those simple modules is incredible, and the levels are really really well designed to make you think hard and figure out all of the possibilities.

On the design side, the game is beautiful and the sounds are really good! One complaint would be that the interface isn’t adapted for horizontal screens. The game started as an iOS game and so it looks like you have an iPad in the middle of your screen. The different buttons could have been place on the sides to leave more room for the actual level, which could have taken more space on the screen. It would be nice also if the game would detect the screen orientation so it would rotate if you want to play it vertically on a Windows tablet. It’d be nice if they could add controller support also. It shouldn’t be too hard and it would work great with a controller since the game is a grid with simple controls.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

[the Sequence] on Steam

Industry Idle

Industry Idle

No waiting on energy / stamina / turns. bloops you down with 5 million cash and you do the rest.

After playing about 5 maps and at the current stage of the game ill rate it like this.

R = rating / S = suggestion / Number links both

(R1) Game play 9/10

(R2) GFX 8/10

(R3) Menu Layout 5/10

(R4) Misleading Overwhelming-ness 6/10

(R5) User Overly Clicking Fatigue 6/10

(S1) Solid Game (people should be required 2 hours of play before reviewing on steam)

(S2) (more color never hurt. building colors. and background green when same type selected) (S3) (needs a right click on map or building with wheel menu option.)

Real player with 511.2 hrs in game

“Oh yay.” I thought; “another idler to waste my free minutes on whilst I’m busy answering my emails…”

Boy was I wrong….

Welcome to Industry Idle; a minimalistic game in the spirit of games like Factorio and Satisfactory. The game places you in the shoes of a company CEO tasked by setting up a profitable factory complex in a city of your choosing. Build a booming automotive industry in Rotterdam, go deep into IT-development in Detroit, arm Toulouse with nuclear armaments and sell it all on a dynamic market…OR your competition !!

Real player with 352.6 hrs in game

Industry Idle on Steam

Block Machine

Block Machine

Block Machine is a difficult yet poorly explained programming puzzle that combines the joy of doing homework for computer science class with the eerie satisfaction of toying around with Redstone in Minecraft.

In Block Machine, you build machines from blocks (who would have guessed!) to solve a variety of programming tasks. Block Machine’s programming model is unique: Blocks are both code and data, and all computation happens in parallel. Von Neumann would have loved this.

15+ Different Block Types to Explore

How many different ways can you find to use the basic arrow blocks? Or maybe you fancy the charged battery blocks? Wrap your head around the different capabilities and use them to build the smallest and fastest Block Machine.

25+ Challenging levels, ranging from HARD to REALLY HARD

Solve difficult programming puzzles in this Turing tarpit. Can you beat the global highscore in any of the three categories?

A Sandbox mode to mess around to your heart’s content

Build that 1000 block machine your dreamt about last night. Or don’t. It’s a sandbox!

Block Machine on Steam

Cyborg Earthworm

Cyborg Earthworm

Cyborg Earthworm is a “Snake” automation game. The worm follows the rules of the famous Snake game, and you can program it. Develop a strategy and let the worm follow it without your involvement.

  • Solve and optimize 20+ areas, each of which contains a virtually unlimited number of procedurally generated levels.

  • Watch the worm dominate the levels automatically without having to pilot it.

  • Reach the maximum possible length, filling all free space.

  • Use a variety of tools like paint spray for leaving marks in the soil and internal worm memory for tracking things.

Cyborg Earthworm on Steam



Very bad for a game that actually costs real money.

could use more content and a better layuot for the graphical user interface, its literally effortless.

Real player with 137.7 hrs in game

For an idle game it is quite short, It is “beatable” in a few days.

Game is bugged and the dev does not care. The gains are faster/slower depending on which tab you are on. It tickles the surface of what makes idle game fun but that ends there. I doubt the game will evolve furthermore. Do not recommend.

Real player with 83.8 hrs in game

OPEC IDLE on Steam

Rip Them Off

Rip Them Off


First and foremost: this is a mobile game, so its interface and the pacing is build as one. It is also cheaper on iOS (4 euros).

A stylistic tower-defence game that lacks a lot of room for the player to explore, leading to a lot of trial-and-error. Each level consists of a street or more with adjacent buildings. You’ve to figure out which store will be active in the preset buildings so that every customer eventually emptied its wallet by the end of the street. There are no differences between the pedestrians. If they walk on the same side of the street, they’ll all have the same amount of money and they’ll walk at the same speed. They’ll go into the store if there’s room.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

This game bills itself as a puzzley tower defense game, but is

none of the above. The way to solve each “puzzle” is to guess

correctly at what kind of shop should go where, and when to

upgrade them. There is no strategy or clue decoding. There is a

help button that tells you the correct answer, and that’s

basically it.

Tower defense games give players choices and tradeoffs. Puzzle

games give players the tools they need to solve the puzzle. This

game gives players a bunch of things to try.

Pros: The music is nice. The flavor text is sometimes amusing.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Rip Them Off on Steam

Transport INC

Transport INC

Disclaimer: Ol' Il Pallino has Asperger’s, and the characterization of aspies having a high tolerance for repetition is mentioned in the Negatives section of this review. If stereotypes of aspies offends readers (however true) the reader is advised to go read someone else’s review. Ol' Il Pallino and REXCurse hereby disclaim liability of triggering snowflakes who become butt-hurt as a result.


This is one of those times where writing a review is tricky, because recommendations are purely Yes/No and management sim Transport INC is in a gray area with a slight red tint from what was experienced in the story. Apart from the story, which is a campaign about the son of a bus driver who has ambitions of becoming a shipping tycoon who’s father very early own proves to not share-in on the main character’s ambition, the main character branches out from a bus empire to also trucking, which leads to other modes of transporting passengers and cargo. The game also has a casual Free Play mode and Global Race mode where the player and AI opponents compete against each other to “capture” cities by being the most profitable carrier.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

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I’ll start this review with something I normally wouldn’t need to do, a WARNING: At the time of writing, there is one achievement in the game that you can’t unlock (yet).

There is an achievement for completing the campaign on expert mode, however, the expert mode appears to not be added to the game. People who’ve completed it on Hard Mode have reported on the Steam Forums that it hasn’t unlocked the Expert Mode. I’m not sure if that is how it should unlock or if there is something else currently causing the issue, I just hope that in the future, this warning will not be needed.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Transport INC on Steam