

Very challenging, but fun! Minimal in its conception with use of color to contribute interest. Unique use of cubes in ways to motivate one to seek the solution, but forgiving in its offerings of undo the previous move or restart the puzzle. Refreshingly creative!!

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Automation Minimalist Games.

Beyondthosehills, one indie games development studio which comes from Greece, it have two works-Reky and The Minims(This review only according to Reky). As a puzzle game, it accomplished the mission which the ability of solving conundrums from players is leveling up with the difficulty of it.

The diversity of gameplay make more possibility

From the most simplest way that only need to move one cube on the specified site to create a path through the shift and the cooperation of two types of colors, then the changing of cubes which have many colors, the difficulty of it is increasing slowly, from one to ten. No obvious up and down display on the difficulty, the whole difficulty carve is a little uneven, but the tendency is steady. The design of levels includes many ways, such as going to the end with rising and downing cubes or crossing many black portals to escape. Not only can get fun with exploring the right path by myself step by step, but also can experience the double difficulty from the adjustment of colors and blocks under by the same frame.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

reky on Steam