Incremental Adventures

Incremental Adventures

Don’t be fooled by the negative reviews from people who played it for 10 minutes. This game has far more content and depth than they’ve unlocked in that short timeframe.

I’ve been playing it since it launched on Kongregate a year ago, and it’s been one of the best idle/incremental games I’ve played in a long time.

It’s also a game you won’t easily reach the end of content in, with an active dev that actually cares about his game.

As for the DLC things that people complain about: it’s a free-to-play game, and those are clearly just more of a donation option than anything else. You don’t need them to progress in the game, and you don’t lose out on any experiences by not buying them.

Real player with 588.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Automation Games.

This is another one of the few decent idle/incremental games on Steam. I have two big criticisms though.

The gameplay does a one 180. It looks like a party RPG kind of idle where you allocate stat points and fight tooth and nail for progression through stages. It’s like that for like an hour or two. And then the character/class/gear system becomes sort of irrelevant for advancement. At this point advancement largely depends on what you have your prestige settings and general options at. Don’t get me wrong, it still an engaging game, but in a completely different way.

Real player with 528.2 hrs in game

Incremental Adventures on Steam

Sato Dreams

Sato Dreams

Lucky me, I get to write the first review for Sato Dreams. Sato Dreams is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template or using a game construction kit, and changing a few things. In this case it was a template for a basic endless runner/QTE hybrid using the godawful GameMaker Studio game construction kit, and a few Creative Commons soundtracks.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, copying a template/using a game construction kit requires no talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Rhythm Games.

idk why anyone sober would buy this

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Sato Dreams on Steam

Tome Rush

Tome Rush

After decades of study and practice, you’ve shed your mortal body to become an eternal guiding voice for other wizards. With a cataclysmic threat on the horizon, grow and guide a team to collect powerful tomes before they fall in the hands of an evil organization!

Grow your team!

Tome Rush is about building an effective team of wizards capable of taking on any randomly generated mission. You start with a team of three wizards without any magic specialty, but wizards can grow in three meaningful ways:

  • Type of Magic: Wizards decide on three types of magic they’re interested in, you choose one of those three for them. All spells they learn will be from this type of magic.

  • Spell Choice: Each time a wizard levels up, they will decide four spells they’re interested in, you choose one for them.

  • Compatibility Choice: At levels two, four, and six, a wizard gains compatibility with other wizards of a certain magic type. Compatibility unlocks the ability to go on missions with other wizards! As with choosing their own specialty, they will decide on three types, you choose the one that works best for your team!

As you complete missions, you’ll recruit more wizards capable of the same methods of growth!

Send the right wizard for the job!

Mission sites can have varying objectives that require certain strengths. Sometimes you’ll need a wizard to wipe out enemies. Sometimes you’ll need a wizard that can explore a dungeon and collect artifacts with ease. As your wizards gain experience, learn spells, and learn to team up with other wizards, make sure you recognize their strengths and weaknesses!

Every mission is a risk!

Missions can be unpredictable. If ill-prepared, wizards will die. There’s no way to bring them back. Only by building a well balanced and cooperative team can you maximize your chances of success! Once a mission starts, the result is out of your control so make sure the wizard or wizards you send are up to the task!

Collect powerful Tomes!

Forces of evil are collecting tomes that will assist them in dominating the world. If you can secure these tomes, you’ll drastically weaken them! Sometimes these tomes will show up at mission sites, send your best and brightest wizards to retrieve them. Once you or your enemy collect all five tomes, be prepared for a challenging final mission!

Discover more spells as you play!

Tome Rush features seven types of magic each with over 25 spells, but each wizard can only only learn seven spells! Carefully consider what each of your wizards can accomplish and choose their spells accordingly!

With proper planning, strategy, and a little bit of luck, this simple wizard management game turns into a challenging blend of Solitaire and deck building! Can you form a capable and cohesive team of experienced wizards in time before a final showdown?!

Read More: Best Auto Battler Card Game Games.

Tome Rush on Steam

300k - The Game

300k - The Game

fun game to play while doing something else

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

300k - The Game on Steam

Strong towers

Strong towers

terribly clumsy game, no joy in playing it at all!


Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

A cool game where you need to collect your squad of Vikings and capture magic towers, defeat troll troops and much more, in other things an interesting strategy)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Strong towers on Steam

Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

One more juice, one more squeeze, and before you know it you have 30 hours in this game and almost enough points to buy the poop hat. Did anyone else mention you get to put hats on your little animal friends? This game pogs me out of my gourd.

Now for the serious part.

Serious Review

This an an auto-battler, which means you draft a team of units with varied stats and abilities, and you get to arrange them in order. That is the full extent of your involvement. Once you have spent all your gold in a turn, you are matched against another player and the animals duke it out without further involvement on your part.

Real player with 287.8 hrs in game

it’s fun, it’s free, but while i would recommend it, i fear there is a heavily addicting element bc it’s super easy to get into, so having picked this up less than 24 hours ago, all my waking hours have essentially been while playing this game. This is not a good thing. (but the game is good, just be wary if you could get addicted to this) There is no monetary danger of addiction, which is a positive! There is DLC, but there is a filter such that F2Ps cannot play with P2Ws unless they change their settings.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Super Auto Pets on Steam

Time Idle RPG

Time Idle RPG

Time Idle RPG is an idle incremental game with prestige and multiple layers of game mechanic unlocks. Each seconds that passes in real life is one second you can use in the multiple mechanics found in the game.

As the game mechanics unfold, you will find yourself making decisions on how to assign the Time that you have gathered so far to optimize your gains.

This game will gather Time and resources while not played.

Featured Mechanics:

500+ Unlockable Sacred Timeline Tree Nodes

Time Idle RPG on Steam

Carotic - Academic Version

Carotic - Academic Version

I haven’t played a single game 10/109

edit: no steam i havent changed my mind i just left the game open

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Phan Mạnh Quỳnh

Có chàng trai viết lên cây

Lời yêu thương cô gái ấy

Mối tình như gió như mây

Nhiều năm trôi qua vẫn thấy

Giống như bức tranh vẽ bằng dịu êm ngày thơ

Có khi trong tiềm thức ngỡ là mơ

Câu chuyện đã rất xa xôi

Niềm riêng không ai biết tới

Hai người sống ở hai nơi

Từ lâu không đi sát lối

Chỉ thương có người vẫn hoài gìn giữ nhiều luyến lưu

Mỗi khi nhớ đôi mắt biếc như thời chưa biết buồn đau

Ngày cô ấy đi theo nơi phồn hoa

Chàng trai bơ vơ từ xa trong tim hụt hẫng như mất một thứ gì

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Carotic - Academic Version on Steam

Dr. Derk’s Mutant Battlegrounds

Dr. Derk’s Mutant Battlegrounds

If you have been intrigued by AI researchers showing AIs trained to overcome obstacles and fight, this game is made for you. Set up a training scenario and watch them learn by fighting hundreds of battles per minute. I often have it running in the background attempting to train some interesting behavior.

A bit early access feel at this point, but major bugs have been ironed out already by the responsive developer.

Real player with 174.0 hrs in game

In this game you get a dinusourodogomeow, a small pet to train, you train it badly to be agressive and kill other dinusourodogomeows or help your other dinusourodogomeows kill goups of dinusourodogomeows. or train it to be a traget in tranning for other dinusourodogomeows.

and they have actuall brain so they are alive.

GG iguana



EDIT: the developer stopped updating it, chacnged to negative because the game is dead

Real player with 91.8 hrs in game

Dr. Derk's Mutant Battlegrounds on Steam



It’s a great concept for a game and it’s executed on very well here; I really want to like this game, I really do. However, there are just a couple of complaints that I want addressed.

1. There’s no way to detect the orientation of other bots.

2. There’s no way to store learned information, the bot can’t create a mental map of the environment or do anything else that would require knowing more then what we just did 1 turn ago.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

I really enjoy this game! I like the challenge of only being able to recall the last action instead of storing all previous actions to memory, it makes me feel like the bots are very primitive, in a good kind of way. The potential here is really huge, I could see hundreds of puzzles to play from the community one day being a thing. Speed running, do it in X challenges etc. This game deserves more love and attention!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Sketchbots on Steam