Merge & Blade

Merge & Blade

Awesome game^^ I saw a preview for this game a bit ago and added it to my wishlist. I LOVE merging things and tetris. This has the same kind of feeling. I love the sounds they use and its satisfying when I make a major merge. I also like that the characters can be upgraded and that there are other upgrade features. Some levels are simple while others offer a bit of a challenge/need to have a little strategy to get where your going. Overall its very fun. Kudos to everyone who worked on this^^

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Early Access Games.

I totally recomend to buy this game if you want a relaxing game to play while you listen to a podcast or drink some coffee, but despite of this there are some things that need to be taken in count before you but it:

-The campaign mode it’s just a succesion of levels there’s not a lot of story on the game.

-The gameplay mechanics are really good and fun once you get into them, but there’s a moment on the game where the upgrading mechanics become quite badly balanced and unfair for the player.

-The game in general isn’t difficult, but there are a few moments where it spikes brutaly making the player get stuck for like an hour or two in a level while quite literaly after you get past those spikes you have to play 2 or 3 levels that you could beat without caring too much about the strategy aspect of the game.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Merge & Blade on Steam

Little Fighters on Stream

Little Fighters on Stream

Hectic and chaotic; wishing there were a few more game modes though for increased viewer participation! BUT it’s on the right path for sure :)

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Early Access Games.

Little Fighters on Stream on Steam