4th Super Industrial Revolution Wars

4th Super Industrial Revolution Wars

4th Super Industrial Revolution Wars is a programming game.

And also turn-based strategy game.

Write your codes, click build button.

And then every turn your codes will become your (team’s) units.

Units will fight automatically with AI.

and your goal is to destroy enemy’s base with sending units.

For Beginners, (both Of this Game Or Programming)

Please progress tutorial in game.

Yes, Year 2020! Happy New Year!!

4SIRW is real programming game for year 2020.

You may need to prepare 4th industrial revolution.

*You Are Not Prepared.

So playing this game, you will learn programming.

And you can enjoy programming.

… May the 4th be with you.

Codeyounglings apologize for delaying launch.

Actually Codeyounglings is 1 indie game developer.

I am trying to do all but there are too many of them.

I hope that you understand me and don’t confuse me as the masters or something.

I planned new scheduled release date as TBD

But I’ll do everything not to launch too late.

Read More: Best Auto Battler Logic Games.

4th Super Industrial Revolution Wars on Steam



Firetry is a fun and enjoyable game.

There are more than 50 levels in the game.

To play the next level you must first pass the unplayed level.

Each level has different tanks different level designs.

Each level has a different map, the behavior of the NPC characters in the game is different in most parts.

There are also different enemy characters in each level.

You can design a level yourself or modify an existing level design.

It also has a feature that makes this game different from all other games.

Read More: Best Auto Battler Action Games.

FireTry on Steam



It’s a great concept for a game and it’s executed on very well here; I really want to like this game, I really do. However, there are just a couple of complaints that I want addressed.

1. There’s no way to detect the orientation of other bots.

2. There’s no way to store learned information, the bot can’t create a mental map of the environment or do anything else that would require knowing more then what we just did 1 turn ago.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Puzzle Games.

I really enjoy this game! I like the challenge of only being able to recall the last action instead of storing all previous actions to memory, it makes me feel like the bots are very primitive, in a good kind of way. The potential here is really huge, I could see hundreds of puzzles to play from the community one day being a thing. Speed running, do it in X challenges etc. This game deserves more love and attention!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Sketchbots on Steam