Summoner VR

Summoner VR

Not bad to killing time.

This game is RPG tag match game through auto battle.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Adventure Games.

Summoner VR on Steam

Arc Wizards 2

Arc Wizards 2

The war of the wizards begins!

This is an exciting action game with a 16-bit taste!

←↑→↓: move

X: Attack (Keyboard “A”)

Y:Plasma shot (Need 1/3 Ppoint ) (Keyboard “D”)

B:Force shield (Need 1 Point ) (Keyboard “W”)

●We recommend the Special Ninja Pack!●

Click here for details ↓


Read More: Best Auto Battler Exploration Games.

Arc Wizards 2 on Steam

Carotic - Academic Version

Carotic - Academic Version

I haven’t played a single game 10/109

edit: no steam i havent changed my mind i just left the game open

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Auto Battler Hidden Object Games.

Phan Mạnh Quỳnh

Có chàng trai viết lên cây

Lời yêu thương cô gái ấy

Mối tình như gió như mây

Nhiều năm trôi qua vẫn thấy

Giống như bức tranh vẽ bằng dịu êm ngày thơ

Có khi trong tiềm thức ngỡ là mơ

Câu chuyện đã rất xa xôi

Niềm riêng không ai biết tới

Hai người sống ở hai nơi

Từ lâu không đi sát lối

Chỉ thương có người vẫn hoài gìn giữ nhiều luyến lưu

Mỗi khi nhớ đôi mắt biếc như thời chưa biết buồn đau

Ngày cô ấy đi theo nơi phồn hoa

Chàng trai bơ vơ từ xa trong tim hụt hẫng như mất một thứ gì

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Carotic - Academic Version on Steam

Northend Tower Defense

Northend Tower Defense

We love tower defense games, we set ourselves to innovate on this genre ( a bit).

Rather than having a straight lines of a puzzle like level, it’s more open level now.

  • Wider fights.

  • More control.

  • Less waiting for action.

  • Open building.

  • Unique upgrades for each unit type.

  • 9 Different units and more coming soon.

Northend Tower Defense on Steam

Sons of Ra

Sons of Ra

Neat concept and all the characters explore different playstyles. Soundtrack is a big standout, it’s great!

Having played long enough to unlock all the gods, the strategy feels a little too minion-focused at time of review. None of the god abilities buff towers- only disabling or destroying them. Most abilities either damage or buff units already on the board, or summon a super powerful unit. I can reliably win games without building a single structure, and I would like to see the balance shift a bit towards building to really lean into the tower-defense aspect.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Alright quick review under 2 hours played. It’s a FAST paced tower defense with all controls done through the mouse. That brings me to what I dislike so far. Tower defense is cool and all but when I have to hold a mouse button down then select a defense/offense/power by sliding the mouse then placement after that. It’s just not intuitive. It should be abilities and units are selected with the keyboard and placement is through the mouse. That would allow the player to place units and abilities WAY faster.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Sons of Ra on Steam