The Wolf’s Den

The Wolf’s Den

The voice acting is a little rough in places, but overall it’s a fun way to eat up a few hours of your time. The Unity engine is reminiscent of a lot of mobile horror games I used to play 5 or 6 years ago, and that was pretty nostalgic for me. Either way, it seems like the dev is relatively new to game development and if that’s the case they’ve got a great start.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Dark Games.

I really loved finding the cute octopus at the end. It’s so charming cute!!!!! 3 And the notes in every stage were very well written, I almost felt like I was reading a novel. The werewolf was indeed too spooky… (be careful for your heart attack lol). I was surprised how long the tunnel is!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The Wolf's Den on Steam

Lost in Terra Mora

Lost in Terra Mora

This game tried to access the internet, which is not necessary in any way. My anti-virus caught it, and I blocked it.

I got to the shack with the “secret floorboard” and it wouldn’t budge. Went to all four areas, the game gave no indication of what to do. There was no solution present, so this is either malware, or it simply doesn’t work.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Survival Horror Games.

5 star, no elaboration

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Lost in Terra Mora on Steam

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest

Visual novel in the World of Darkness setting with a focus on the werewolves. Good art and music with often well written and good mechanic concepts, while also rushed in every sense when it comes to learning about other characters and the setting and is over so quickly that like a lot of games that try to use stats or health they end up being pointless.

The five personality assessment options just end with the highest pushing you into a style for the last 1/3 of the game, werewolf form changes is a great idea barely used, and glory/honor/wisdom that takes over for your personality type after you become a werewolf are entirely pointless. It’s all a good system to have for a game about learning that you are a werewolf, finding a tribe, looking at situations differently based on the personality you built and characters responding differently based on what they think of you, and using your abilities in a visual novel form but you never really get to enjoy any of it. Your amount of current rage can change how your character responds to situations and willpower can be used often but I haven’t seen health be as useless in a game since Disco Elysium, it is rarely required and even if used it is easy to get back before it is needed again. You spend so little time with most characters and depending on your route some of the likes and dislikes really just won’t matter at all and the way in which your actions can completely change police and journalists views is particularly ridiculous. With all the minor changes that can happen there is the usual few events or dialogue lines that don’t really make sense and some being quite impossible when it seemed to imply a dead guy showed up. It’s kind of strange in some series of events that it still seems to consider the main human guy to be a friend of yours.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Visual Novel Games.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Heart of the Forest is a creepy and dark visual-novel adventure with choice-based consequences that allow for multiple branching paths and outcomes. The story is quite well written and the flow works pretty well. The many situations that develop differently based on the player’s actions and also accrued statistics will give this game the replay value that it needs despite having a relatively short story that will vary on your reading speed and choices. My first run through took around 3 hours, and I imagine that replaying some sections I might be speeding through some sections trying to see all of the possible paths and endings. I have yet to do that kind of exploration to know just how dramatic the outcomes will be of course.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest on Steam

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves

Easily one of the best and most unique games I’ve have ever encountered.

+Well crafted role-playing elements

+Best skill tree I’ve seen in years

+Amazing sound track

+Immense freedom with strategy

+Complete new genre

-Worst voice acting in a game I’ve ever heard (And I like the english VA in S.T.A.L.K.E.R)

-Terrible story. Just skip it. Like, wow.

I first saw this game years ago and thought it was focusing its efforts too much on being some try-hard, weird niche game. I was wrong.

Sang-Froid creates a whole new genre with a sophisticated collaboration of roleplaying, strategy and action.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

A very canadian game about two lumberjack brothers who must protect their fevered sister from hordes of wolves send by the devil.

And then things get weird…

This game could be called a “Strategic Trap Defense Game” in spite of “Orcs Must Die!”, only much more slow-paced. The gameplay is split in two parts:

1. The Strategy part: This is where you place your traps on a strategic map of the in-game location and take preperations for the night to come. The map shows you what enemies will appear, where they appear and which route they take. There’s a variety of different weapons, items and accessoires you can buy in the shops that will help you to survive and you can change your loadout as you like. There are, of course, limitations in form of Action Points and Money. Every trap costs a different amount of Money and AP and once you run out of one (or both), you have to get along with what you prepared. There’s also a Skill-Tree. Each time you level up you gain a skill point which can be used to further advance your traps or abilities in combat.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves on Steam

Sinister Halloween

Sinister Halloween

I love Halloween and I loved Trick or Treating as a kid, getting that giant bag of candy. But if you think back, it was always a mixed bag of awesome stuff along with things that you’d always pass by as you went in for the good stuff; candy corn, small boxes of raisins, orange and black wrapped chunks of gravel that would break down into soggy cardboard.

I was looking forward to playing this Halloween themed game. Like those treats, however, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Note: I’ve only played through the original levels at this point, I’ve not done any of the added DLC levels or the Asylum expansion yet.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

I love Halloween and this game captures the atmosphere beautifully. At times it has the feel of a haunted house at a fun fair and that’s meant in a positive way. The graphic quality won’t blow you away and that’s such an advantage. It’s raw and sucks you in. The sounds are really nice and the scares are great. Some are simple jumps scares you see coming like at a fun fair haunted house but it doesn’t kill the mood at all. For the price, this is a really nice bug free game with quite simple puzzles but tons of atmosphere and well polished. I’ve already bought the DLC before they realise how good this game is and up the price!! I was a bit slow to realise you press “R” to reload the shotgun. Each chapter only takes about 20 mins or so, so there is no game save but if you die you aren’t sent back far. And, you can chose whatever chapter you like from the main menu. I’m halfway through and loving it so much. Many thanks to the developers for a real gem.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Sinister Halloween on Steam

Everdine - A Lost Girl’s Tale

Everdine - A Lost Girl’s Tale

Everdine - A Lost Girl’s Tale. An atmospheric, fairy tale vibes RPG Maker horror adventure.

Everdine finds herself lost in a forest of eternal twilight. Soon to be hunted by a mysterious beast, she will stumble across the remnants of others that came before her, and learn of a magical ritual that may be her only way out.

Gather the needed ingredients to complete the spell, and bring her home before the dangers of these woods devour poor Everdine.

Everdine - A Lost Girl’s Tale is for those with a soft spot for RPG Maker horror adventure games and those that enjoy the whimsical nature of fairy tales, including a bit of drama, love and darkness.

RPG Maker horror adventure games?

Think chase scenes, no battles, exploration, puzzles, multiple deaths and endings.


  • A short game focused on atmosphere and exploration.

  • Collect the needed items to escape an environment that tries to kill you.

  • Progression through exploration, solving puzzles and overcoming other obstacles.

  • Uncover the mysteries of the forest.

  • A female protagonist.

  • Lgbtq+ friendly (some gay and bisexual NPCs)

  • Inspired folklore and fairy tales.

  • Neither much gore, nor an overuse of jump scares.

Everdine - A Lost Girl's Tale on Steam

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight® Mystery

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight® Mystery

A game I revisited from my childhood. A FMV classic from the 90s.

It’s an incredible piece of work. Completely engrossing and uncompromising. (It didn’t actually take 152 hours, I left it on the launch screen - but expect a good 25-30 hours if you don’t use a walkthrough)

You play just over half the game as the title character, Gabriel Knight. Knight is a reluctant shadow hunter following the events of the first game, Sins of the Fathers. Living in his ancestral town in Germany, he is asked to investigate the killings of a young girl near Munich. The town folk are convinced it was a werewolf.

Real player with 152.5 hrs in game

GK2 is the ‘Star Wars:Empire Strikes Back’ of the series, a really strong follow up to a fantastic first game, that may actually be even better than the original.

I’m on my 4th or 5th playthrough of this game since it came out many years ago, and it has singularly spawned my interest in topics such as Bavarian/German history, Werewolves and Wagner. It’s a ‘pilgrimage’ type game, which has me coming back and that in itself tells you a lot of about the quality of this game if i’m willing to do it over and over again.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight® Mystery on Steam



Legendary is that odd little game that stirred up so much disappointment and controversy with FPS fans upon it’s intial arrival, but nearly a decade later, is actually much better than a lot of what passes as a FPS game anymore. Granted, this title is still barely Triple-A status, but a far cry from the notorious reputation it garnered. Sadly, this title and the even-more maligned Turning Point: Fall of Liberty both made and broke it’s developer Spark Unlimited, which after two failed titles sank into oblivion afterward. This was the far better-looking and far better-playing of the two major-publisher offerings it had, and even though this game’s publisher (Gamecock) would also be bought then assimilated into the fold of some larger being, at least for a brief moment it showed that independant developers and publishers could still compete in the Triple-A gaming world. But enough about the back-history, onto the game.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Legendary is a cheap FPS that greatly exceeded my expectations. It’s not an amazing game, but it’s an enjoyable 5-6 hour experience that’ll cost you as little as 50 cents. This is probably the best game on steam for 50 cents (though I can’t say this for certain). Today, considering its pricetag, I’m actually rather perplexed as to why people are as harsh on this game as they are.

The core shooting and movement are fine, though there is some awkwardness. The sensitivity while you’re ADSing is a too high, making precision aiming oddly difficult at times. Jumping is the strangest I’ve ever seen in an FPS. It’s extremely wimpy most of the time, but it’s effectively a ludicrously fast long range horizontal dash if you jump while sprinting. This dash is very useful in combat, but I still find it to be an odd design choice. You’ve got a decent selection of weapons. Here’s a couple that stand out (for good or bad):

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Legendary on Steam

The Last Saviour

The Last Saviour

Very interesting idea and plot! I really liked the game, I recommend it!

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

!@#$%^Z&*()_ The demon comes out way to often and theres not nearly enough ammo to kill it when it does.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

The Last Saviour on Steam

Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion

Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion

Sam Spade [Humphrey Bogart ~ Maltese Falcon (1941)] has nothing on Harvey Jenkins when it comes to being a hard boiled private detective. This is ‘Film Noir’ without the film.

Stories are set in 1935 New Orleans, Harvey Jenkins is a man about town who has unlikely friends and makes powerful enemies. But that is what happens when one is a private detective that takes on unusual cases, those of the supernatural kind. He and John Constantine (Vertigo comics Hellblazer/2005 movie) are much alike, one foot in Hell and the other in Heaven.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

While I briefly played the Deadlands tabletop RPG back in the 90s - yup, I’m THAT old! - I’ll confess to having never so much as HEARD of this Deadlands Noir phenomenon. Now, considering that Deadlands was more-or-less a transposing of Call of Cthulhu-style antics into a Western (read: cowboy) setting, I’m not quite sure what the purpose of transposing Call of Cthulhu-style antics into a 1930s setting is, considering that that’s precisely when the original Call of Cthulhu RPG was set anyway! BUT…I’m not here to query the existence of a tabletop RPG, I’m here to review a video game/“visual novel” set in that universe. So get awn wit' it, already!

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion on Steam