Pandemic Train

Pandemic Train

What is Pandemic Train?

In Pandemic Train you are in charge of the crew aboard a train roaming the postapocalyptic wasteland, ravaged by both war and a deadly plague. Your goal is to survive long enough to discover the cure… or die trying. Humanity’s fate is in your hands! Start your journey now!

You are in charge!

Pandemic Train is a survival simulation game in which you manage the crew as well as the passengers aboard the old school train carried by a steam engine. The in-game universe is characterized by an alternative timeline, in which a catastrophic viral outbreak has decimated the world’s population. The mysterious plague kills the infected within 24 hours, leading to widespread panic, riots, and war. The world is in ruin, and you are the only hope for its survival. Travel through the wasteland, gather the resources, fight off the bandits, and do your best to research the cure for the disease!


In Pandemic Train the world has become a very inhospitable place. Every person can carry the disease, so you have to choose your crew very wisely. People will die along the way, and you have to minimalize the damage. The resources are scarce, so you have to distribute them very carefully. And worst of all - there are lots of hungry wolves around. And by ‘hungry wolves’ we mean desperate people who perceive your train as a fat prize. Or sometimes - as an opportunity for a better life. You have to decide whether it’s better to fight them off or welcome aboard.

Manage the resources

In the harsh reality of Pandemic Train, you need to be self-sufficient - you grow your own food, breed the livestock, gather and purify your own drinking water, and do the essential repairs. You have to utilize every bit of scrap or junk you have at your disposal and turn it into something useful. This often leads to some difficult decisions, for example - rarely there’s enough medicine for everyone, so you’ll have to decide who is worth the treatment, and who is going be left to die.

Fight the plague!

The main goal of your actions is to create a vaccine and save the remnants of humanity from extinction. The longer you manage to keep the train moving, the less likely the crew will have the contact with the virus, and your scientists - more time to work on the medication. You can customize the train to your needs - decide how many people are on it and how many train cars are going to be attached to the engine. But remember - the bigger the party, the harder it is to keep it in check. You are the only hope for mankind. You are the last hope… for humanity.

Read More: Best Atmospheric Survival Games.

Pandemic Train on Steam



I first played Locoland back when it was called Steamland, on a loose CD in a stack from an estranged family member almost 15 years ago. I spent hours attempting to play it on my already aging Windows 98 computer set up in my bedroom, and boy did I suck at it. Fast forward to about two months ago and I find it on Steam and, despite never being any good at it, I bought it.

Playing it now, I realise that the game isn’t necessarily any easier - I’m just more patient. It’s still tricky, and isn’t exactly monumental as far as strategy games go, but I still enjoy playing it. As frustrating as it can be fighting against the enemy trains, mounting attacks on their factories and repair depots and fending off zeppelins, I think it makes the victories even sweeter because you really need to fight for it.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.


A happy and peaceful civilization of hard working robots with an extensive railroad network, enjoying robotic life as best they can. Cherishing the ancient “Golden Gear” relic as their ancestors have, unfortunately the evil Khon-Kaa-Doo has other things in mind. On a beautiful night, he sent his troops to steal the relic. From now on, your mission is to get it back!

An interesting strategy game involving trains as your main units. Building wagons containing canons, artillery, missiles and more to destroy the enemy’s forces. Make sure to build plenty of engines to pull or push your trains into the enemy territory. No good building an arsenal and being as slow as a snail!! This game is all about the manoeuvrability of your trains and how efficiently to attack the opposing forces.

*– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](*


![Metro Simulator]( "")

## Metro Simulator

I really enjoyed the game so far, even tho it's only early access. The train models and stations look very nice (every station looks very close to it's real couterpart). Tho in some places, texture quality could be better (for example written text on information boards in stations). Also AI sometimes doesn't make sense, for example in passenger mode I can wait for 15 minutes with no train arriving. Sometimes it's also very hard to keep schedule (it's too tight in my opinion, but good thing is you can change it by yourself). The signalling system works quite good in my opinion, tho already an update has been announce which will make it even better probably. The physics of the trains seem quite realistic, tho breaks seem to be very weak, even on emergency break application. But maybe that's normal for Moscow's subway trains.

*– [Real player with 87.5 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

--- _Revised Review, Aug 29, 2021:_ To put it briefly… Those who have enjoyed the World of Subways games will most likely enjoy Metro Simulator as well but beware of AI traffic, it can mess up your ride! From graphics to presentation to game depth, there's nothing that really stands out, but at its core it's a solid but limited Metro simulator with believable physics, well-designed stations, and passengers who get on, sit down, and get off at their stations. However, you should be able to overlook some minor issues like passengers slightly clipping through objects or the inconsistent texture quality; and the switch arrows floating in the tunnels are somewhat immersion-breaking. *– [Real player with 26.1 hrs in game](* --- ![The Count of Monster Disco]( "") ## The Count of Monster Disco Bought this game on the recommendation, nay the insistence, of a friend who has become a huge Train Simulator enthusiast. It was half-off during the Halloween sale, and even at full-price it is much less than the original game. It is a great introduction to the unique gameplay. As my friend said, explaining the gameplay makes it sound boring, so suffice to say, it is a fairly relaxed experience, with the simple controls, simple objectives, and observation of the camera angles and maps. It is not exactly easy, with different resources to manage, but it is a slow paced game that gives you time to ponder the nature of transportation by rails. This is a fun and well done I wish they would do another one for Halloween 2021 and other times of the year would be great. I have also bought Christmas themed add on's but there haven't been any new add on's like these for a long time it's too bad I would buy more if available --- ![World of Subways 4 – New York Line 7]( "") ## World of Subways 4 – New York Line 7 Much worse than WoS3… it's even worse in some ways than WoS 1 and 2\. Physics are non-existant, there is no cab sway (the train is glued to the tracks), weather effects are pretty bad (seriously - snow looks like fireflies), most of the train sounds are all recycled from WoS 3 (like the doors and handles); new sounds (like the compressor for the brakes) are stiff just like the physics - they start and stop in an obvious loop cut. The train is stiff, braking is quite bad (the first few notches do almost nothing and then with the last two you can stop a massive train litteraly on a dime); there is absolutely no feel for the weight of the thing; not even Trainz levels of feel. And on top of it all the graphics are super choppy, and my system is not at all bad... TS2015 runs awesome on it, and even OMSI runs pretty good. *– [Real player with 55.6 hrs in game](* This is just one of those titles where you either love it or hate it. I have a large margin of forgiveness when it comes to this game's gameplay(physics, AI etc) because of the content involved. By saying that you can consider this review biased because I rode the 7 train to school daily growing up, and rode them to and from work for years and miss the Redbirds dearly.Graphics 10/10 - I can concur with the other early reviews and tell you that the scenery is just perfect. They nailed key locations like Aviation High school, Queens Blvd, Roosevelt Ave, and other spots that would only be recognized by people who ride this line regularly. The stations are modeled perfectly. Some details are a miss, but not everything can be perfect. TML did a great job of getting the feel of the Redbirds. As a child and early teenager, the conductors used to leave the cab door open all the time while driving the train so I would always watch them at the controls. It is safe to say that the cab has been detailed perfectly down to the last detail. It is amazing to finally understand what the conductor was doing all those times I watched him drive the train since now I am sure most of the trains(r160's) are controlled by computer more than actual manual controls and air brakes. I have not gotten into the mission part of the simulator yet since I am still trying to get better control of the train itself, but I understand the complaints about the physics. Sometimes you think there is actual physics working in the back round because when you are going uphill, the train slows down and vice versa on the down hills. Gameplay 7/10 -For what its worth, its an awesome simulation. Like I said earlier this game gets my vote because 1\. Part of the route is modeled after the neighborhood I grew up in/live in 2\. It rendered probably the coolest of the MTA NYC subway lines aside from say the F train since you can see so many cool things above ground compared to tunnels. Even the tunnels were kept pretty interesting. I have to say that if they went for complete realism on the tunnels, they would have been more bland. They actually spiced up the tunnels with extra lighting here and there and threw in pipes and stuff I normally don't see since its so dark and dreary in the actual tunnels. Audio 8/10- The sounds are pretty well done also. the screeching tracks, the train doors and all appropriate sounds are emulated. The only ones I actually noticed were missing were the air brakes releasing the pressure and the announcements for each stop amongst a few others. It still amazes me that I can simulate driving the 7 train. *– [Real player with 52.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Train Sim World® 2]( "") ## Train Sim World® 2 This game a fantastic simulator with obviously it's drawbacks as with all games. The aspects of the game that I enjoy are the ability to operate trains, being able to change services and gain experience. Pros: 1\. 24 hour timetable meaning that there are always services to operate no matter what time of the day 2\. Performance improvements from the previous game 3\. Decent tutorials to get you started (Useful for the more complicated locomotives). 4\. After finishing a service there's usually plenty of more services to operate which makes sustains the enjoyment for longer *– [Real player with 1073.5 hrs in game](* This simulation is brilliant. I bought both TS2022 and TSW2 to compare, and find myself spending all my time in TSW2\. Why? In TS2022 you ARE the train; in TSW2 you're an Engineer driving a train - so you can walk around on the train, move to different locos on foot, and explore the world. The graphics are great, sounds very good, and this game is challenging. While an in-game tutorial is included (I recommend you play through all of it, in sequence), you will need to check out various manuals on the Dovetail forum and elsewhere for tips/tricks. You WILL get stuck - maybe on a steep gradient. And you'll probably lose control of a train going downhill. And, at times, a loco will simply stall, and you'll lose power and need to go manually restart a loco. *– [Real player with 69.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Train Sim World® 2020]( "") ## Train Sim World® 2020 ### This is a genuine review from someone who actually works in the rolling stock industry. ### Dovetail, please read this. I really want to make this game great. So, conclusion first. **Does this game have loads of potential?** ### YES! With the diverse functionality of its engine, it is highly improbable that the game would ever fail. ! Hell I am more than happy to implement this simulator into our driver training simulation cabins, the graphics and details of those blasphemous atrocities needs to be updated fast. *– [Real player with 936.6 hrs in game](* Train Sim World. A new sim by a company with a complacent attitude despite the chance of a clean slate being presented to them. TSW is a new modern train sim and calling it a sim is stretching it ALOT at this time for those with a interest in the railway using the UE4 to bring an immersive experience of not only driving trains but to ride as a passenger, walk around the environment to a degree or even fulfil you're inner hobo and hang onto a freight as it goes on it's way in perfectly clear weather to blizzards at midnight with lovely graphics and visuals. *– [Real player with 421.5 hrs in game](* --- ![World of Subways 3 – London Underground Circle Line]( "") ## World of Subways 3 – London Underground Circle Line This game accurately simulates the driving of a tube in London Underground's Circle Line. I will list the PROS, the NEUTRAL and the CONS, based on my experience with the game. For the PROS, I enlist the following: - Graphics - for a 2014 game, the graphics are pretty well designed. With a good computer, the whole experience is enhanced because of it; - Simulation - the fact that you're given pre-service tasks, like turn on your train from cold/dark, up until the strict and challenging timetable, gets you fully immersed on it; *– [Real player with 26.7 hrs in game](* A very nice representation of the London Underground Circle Line. Trundling around it is good fun. The graphics are generally good and the driving aspect seems realistic. That said, it is still a simulation game by a company who clearly don't have English as a first language, making the missions dull, the tutorial a bit awkward and some of the in-game information a bit odd. I'm not sure if the stats actually work because I seem to get the same score every time. Setting up the train is an annoyance in the early stages, but it soon becomes second nature. Once you're rolling it's fairly straightforward and the HUD's provide useful info that without them, it'd be a much harder sim. *– [Real player with 17.4 hrs in game](* --- ![ZUSI 3 - Aerosoft Edition]( "") ## ZUSI 3 - Aerosoft Edition This is IMO the de facto state of the art train simulator as far as realism goes. What makes this one an absolute sell even at the comparatively hefty price is that there is no paying for routes or rolling material, every future content is part of the current price. Furthermore the inclusion of the EBuLa and ZuSi Display (which allows one to open instrument panels, MTD, MFA/MFD, EBuLa and backpanels in new windows that can be resized and/or put on other displays) gives it a huge advantage over the simulators by Dovetail Games. It even supports GNT and ETCS and has routes making use of this. *– [Real player with 821.9 hrs in game](* I thought I would write a few thoughts, as it has been sometime since anyone posted for Zusi 3. Is Zusi 3 worth the money (currently £54.50 Aerosoft Edition on Steam). Well, it perhaps depends upon your point of view of what you want from a simulator. If you want fancy graphics and easy game play then perhaps Zusi 3 is not for you. If you want adequate graphics (I will return to that subject later) and intense study level game play then perhaps Zusi 3 may be for you. I have played 236 hours and still only scratched the surface. I am sure there are people who have played hundreds of more hours. It can still catch me out and proves very challenging. *– [Real player with 243.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Trainslation]( "") ## Trainslation Full article with images and proper formatting: TLDR; Trainslation is a very unique game, and if you have 20 minutes of time, I urge everyone to go and play it. But more importantly I definitely recommend watching the making of video after you finish the game, especially if you have an interest in the world of game development or just want to know how much effort and design even smaller games like this take to create. The making off video didn’t only explain the video game process in a simple and clear way so that anyone can understand it. It also did so in a beautifully illustrated way with in depth explanation of the thought process behind the game and it’s systems. *– [Real player with 3.3 hrs in game](* Confusing at first until you get it. Got the "Good Ending" on my 1st playthrough. I say give this a go and strongly recommend watching the Making of video that's unlocked after beating it. Really amazing video. (Glad you did not take inspiration from the NY Subway trains, as the NY subway is evil when you want to get to your destination.) *– [Real player with 1.4 hrs in game](* ---