Rain World

Rain World

Where to even begin with Rain World? There are three problems I have with Rain World: lack of player agency, occasionally broken controls and, screen changes.

The game tells you almost nothing. It shows you the very basics and then goes “Eat stuff and don’t be eaten”. It’s a Metroidvainia style roguelike where you pick up items in certain areas to help you better survive the game. But, listen to this. To get this game’s version of heart containers to increase your max health you have to find an area of the world where everything is all fuzzy, then die. Then you have to come back to that same area with full health and talk to a spirit. How is any player supposed to figure that out without a guide? Oh and, btw the “spirit” is also a giant, black, floating tentacle monster. The first one you encounter is before you’ll see any friendly creatures so any new player would probably just leave the area immediately and never get the life max increase. It’s just bad design, plain and simple. That’s just one example of which there are many. This is my biggest problem with the game, as a whole. It’s absurd to make a game about exploration and discovery but design it in such a way that you NEED a walkthrough just to play it.

Real player with 167.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

Rain World is an absolutely exceptional game I’m not afraid to call the masterpiece of the modern game industry.

Rain World is a well crafted combination of gameplay mechanics, philosophical ideas and charming aesthetics. This creation is unfair and absolutely is a niche game. It will make you frustrated and is not for everyone. For me Rain World became one of the most important video games of my life. Let’s get to the point:

  • The world that feels alive. Getting chased by a Lizard while running under a random Dropwig waiting for pray making it jump on you but actually attacking The Lizard and making them lose interest in you while they fight for their lives. While you’re watching this scene no longer as a pray with momentary sigh of relief the Scavengers invade the area and start throwing spears towards the Lizard that is already carrying new prey in its jaws while a wild Vulture appears trying to steal a hard-earned meal from this beautiful creature. Do you think this is a rare situation in this game? Not at all. Rain World ecosphere feels as alive as it can get and physics based environment emphasizes this very well. Creatures hunt, fight, fool around and survive the same as you. AI in this game is simply amazing and even simply observing it is fun.

Real player with 152.1 hrs in game

Rain World on Steam



I made a review and play through of the game.

play though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d2fEnd5G2Q&t=1s

Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elI0o4LJ8Iw&t=1s

for Mika: I have suggestions in review video.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Exploration Games.

It’s a fun game about being stranded on a desert island.

Some of the mechanics take a minute to get used to but on the whole I like the game, it’s very chill

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Marooned on Steam

Mr. Walker’s Basement

Mr. Walker’s Basement

Very fast paced even in the second room. I did only get to the second night as it seemed that the developer throws a lot in your face from help sheets till button bashing to staring at an alien at on time. Plus the door may have been bugged as it never opened AND the keyboard I dont think worked either. the only advice I have is, even though you already are busy do a multitude of things at once, you have to pay close attention to find the number for the keypad which the game doesn’t tell you is small and hidden around the screen. Do give this game a go and try and beat my score.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric First-Person Games.

Honestly its pretty hard but worth it since the characters are super creepy and the gameplay is exciting

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Mr. Walker's Basement on Steam

Pandemic Train

Pandemic Train

What is Pandemic Train?

In Pandemic Train you are in charge of the crew aboard a train roaming the postapocalyptic wasteland, ravaged by both war and a deadly plague. Your goal is to survive long enough to discover the cure… or die trying. Humanity’s fate is in your hands! Start your journey now!

You are in charge!

Pandemic Train is a survival simulation game in which you manage the crew as well as the passengers aboard the old school train carried by a steam engine. The in-game universe is characterized by an alternative timeline, in which a catastrophic viral outbreak has decimated the world’s population. The mysterious plague kills the infected within 24 hours, leading to widespread panic, riots, and war. The world is in ruin, and you are the only hope for its survival. Travel through the wasteland, gather the resources, fight off the bandits, and do your best to research the cure for the disease!


In Pandemic Train the world has become a very inhospitable place. Every person can carry the disease, so you have to choose your crew very wisely. People will die along the way, and you have to minimalize the damage. The resources are scarce, so you have to distribute them very carefully. And worst of all - there are lots of hungry wolves around. And by ‘hungry wolves’ we mean desperate people who perceive your train as a fat prize. Or sometimes - as an opportunity for a better life. You have to decide whether it’s better to fight them off or welcome aboard.

Manage the resources

In the harsh reality of Pandemic Train, you need to be self-sufficient - you grow your own food, breed the livestock, gather and purify your own drinking water, and do the essential repairs. You have to utilize every bit of scrap or junk you have at your disposal and turn it into something useful. This often leads to some difficult decisions, for example - rarely there’s enough medicine for everyone, so you’ll have to decide who is worth the treatment, and who is going be left to die.

Fight the plague!

The main goal of your actions is to create a vaccine and save the remnants of humanity from extinction. The longer you manage to keep the train moving, the less likely the crew will have the contact with the virus, and your scientists - more time to work on the medication. You can customize the train to your needs - decide how many people are on it and how many train cars are going to be attached to the engine. But remember - the bigger the party, the harder it is to keep it in check. You are the only hope for mankind. You are the last hope… for humanity.

Pandemic Train on Steam

Pathologic Classic HD

Pathologic Classic HD

Hands down, the best game I have ever played!

Pathologic is a very ambitious, very unique, genre-bending, medium-defining video game which does things no other game has done before or since. It is also devilishly vague, extremely difficult, incredibly slow and takes place entirely within one small greyish town over a period of about 30 hours. But as you go on you realise its incredibly slow pacing, its single greyish location, its trudging from one place to another are all essential to creating such an incredible atmosphere and game.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

This game already has thousands of reviews for it, and nobody is likely to read this one, so I’m not sure why I’m bothering to write it. Then again, I’m not sure why I bought this game to begin with, or played it, or dedicated myself to completing all three scenarios and collecting every achievement over 70 grueling hours. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.

Actually, I lied a bit there. I know why I bought this game, if nothing else. Like many here, I heard about Pathologic when its remake/sequel came out, and several popular YouTube channels featured intriguing summations of the game and declared it a lost gem. Despite their praise, though, the videos were almost pitched as dares, warning potential players about the game’s infinite rough edges, grinding difficulty, and uniquely eccentric approach to the relationship between the player and the game. Depending on how deep you go down the Pathologic rabbit hole, the fourth wall will be anything from ‘leaned on’ to ‘completely bulldozed.’

Real player with 70.7 hrs in game

Pathologic Classic HD on Steam

This War of Mine

This War of Mine

I really love this game! I waited a long time to play it but it was worth the wait! The game is hard as h*ll I have played and lost more times then I can count but I finally made it to the end the other night I was shocked and disappointed because I had no clue that it would end that quick! I was not happy about that at all but in general I really love this game. The makers of this game did a great job!

Real player with 259.0 hrs in game

This War Of Mine ..

what an extraordinary experience i went through !!

it’s a simulation to the reality that i lived in RL !!

at the start there’s a sign says " F The War "

totally F war and all who agreed to end people’s lives !

we’ve lost many people neighbors friends family’s members even !!!

man there are too many families vanished from the existing !!

it’s not a game to have fun with !! it’s a phase that you test yourself that :

" what kind of human you are ? "

Every soul matter .

in addition i recommend you all to buy the " charity DLC " to support war children .

Real player with 129.0 hrs in game

This War of Mine on Steam

Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story

Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story

I absolutely love War of the Worlds and anything that involves it.

But if you take the element of the novel and story out, unfortunately the game itself is mediocre at best. The game’s pretty to look at and the dev did a good job of making me feel like I was in England. But the mechanics are generic and the stealth was tedious. Enemies were bland, the crafting system wasn’t all that useful and the characters were next to non existent. I felt frustrated how there was so much stealth revolving avoiding what was basically Human zombies and far too little gameplay against surviving the actual Martians. Speaking of which, we don’t even get to see the Martians! We don’t see how they landed, when they landed and where the invasion began. We go through a drawn out string of avoiding people to get a tiny bit of Fighting Machine activity at the very end.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗕𝗨𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘!!! Grey Skies is absolutely miserable, it is a combination of boredom and frustration. Grey Skies is a cheap, buggy and janky mess of a game.

There are a plethora of bugs that are down right annoying to deal with. The gameplay is extremely tedious and slow. Most of the time you’ll be running around a dull map looking for random crafting parts, that don’t really make sense (such as finding a red weed to make a glass of water). There are moments where you are forced to slowly walk down an empty, linear path for a few minutes straight, doing absolutely nothing. The music that starts in these walking sections ends before it is even finished, so you’ll be walking in silence for the last minute of the section. Also, the main mechanic in the game is throwing cups of water at generators.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story on Steam

Into the Radius VR

Into the Radius VR

I play this title with a Quest 2 via Air Link.

Version 2.0.6

Into the Radius (ITR) is a VR game that has shown a lot of promise over the course of its development. It is clearly well loved by its Developers. It has some atmosphere, when it isn’t hidden beneath a sphere of fog, whose radius is ironically centered on you. Enemies equipped with firearms have teeth to them, enough to challenge you to look before you leap. In its best moments, ITR will immerse you in a small corner of an anomalous disaster and you will believe - for a moment - that you’re not just standing in a big empty room.

Real player with 99.5 hrs in game

One of the best VR Games your money can buy. Two for the price of one if you want to play the 1.0 version as well. Besides the few remaining bugs, which the devs aggressively resolve as we bring them up, Into the Radius is as close to perfection as you can get without being perfect. It could use more variety in the mission types and a much better ending, but honestly, by then, you have gotten so much value for your money by the time you get there, it feels like a small gripe.

Tight physics, gun mechanics (especially with the most recent changes), fun progression, and significant challenges at higher difficulty settings make this great value. If the thought of the flood of “Meta” 12-year olds screaming in your ear when you try to play Onward makes your skin crawl, download ITR, step into this world, and light yourself a virtual smoke, relax, and enjoy the beautiful but deadly silence.

Real player with 94.7 hrs in game

Into the Radius VR on Steam

Orphan Age

Orphan Age

Orphan Age is a life-sim game where you look after a band of orphans in a cyberpunk warzone.

Set against the backdrop of an unforgiving, neon-lit dystopian warzone, your only battle is the fight for survival, scraping out a living in the face of extreme danger. You will guide a band of orphans, each with their own skills, emotions, strengths, weaknesses and fears, through a dangerous and ever-changing city in a bitter struggle for survival. Constantly balancing risk and reward, you must make the big decisions to ensure the group stays alive. Build up your base, scavenge, craft and explore the city for new recruits, whilst ensuring there are enough supplies to keep going, even when it seems all hope might be lost.

Orphan Age plays as a single player campaign with a lot of replayability inspired by the 4X genre. But there’s a twist! 4X stands for Exploration, Exploitation, Expansion and Extermination. In Orphan Age, we replace Extermination with Empathy, bending the 4X genre into a 4E.

The city of Orphan Age is ever-changing and procedural. You won’t find the same building twice. There are high risks and high rewards when you explore. You can find rare resources, Orphans to recruit, but you can also get wounded or worse…

Exploration is similar to the expeditions of Fallout Shelter: procedural text adventures. They offer more complexity though, because you have to make decisive choices while you’re out of the orphanage.

Hundreds of resources are left to be scavenged in the Orphanage or in the city. They are classified in 6 categories that allow you to eat, drink, take care of wounds and to craft the items and resources you need to build your Orphanage.

The Orphanage is the place your Orphans call home. The environment surrounding the Orphans greatly affects their moods. Try to keep the rooms lit, warm, furnished and clean for the happiness of all!

There are 38 different items of furniture to build (beds, playgrounds, science mats, campfire, heaters…) and each one can be upgraded.

Research allows you to discover better furniture and improve living conditions for the orphans.

Orphan Age is a deep micro-simulation making each Orphan unique in personality and in gameplay. The Orphans have different ages, set of skills, backgrounds and personality traits. Depending on who they are and how well they are, the Orphans will take different paths anytime there is an issue to be discussed.


  • For PC, Mac & Linux

  • Comes with a companion visual novel Orphan Age: Diaries

Orphan Age on Steam

Hikikomori life

Hikikomori life

Hikikomori simulator. Experience the hard life of a hikan suffering from gambling addiction. You have to satisfy physiological needs, eliminate distractions. And how can you play, play, play without it.

Hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引きこもり, lit. “pulling inward, being confined”.

Key features:

  • The atmosphere of a midnight apartment and solitude, complemented by lighting and soundtrack.

  • Random events that prevent you from playing. Manage to eliminate everything.

  • The need to play, drink, eat, relieve themselves.

  • Funny and not very lines of the protagonist.

  • Several endings, try to open them all.

Hikikomori life on Steam