Starship Simulator

Starship Simulator

Starship Simulator is a true work of passion, born of many a childhood dream to experience what it would truly be like to live and work on a massive deep space exploration vessel, just like the ones you see depicted in classic science fiction. A dream of walking among the stars, exploring distant worlds, and answering one of mankind’s oldest questions… what awaits us in the great unknown?

You will serve as a crewmember on the maiden voyage of mankind’s first-ever deep space exploration vessel - the Magellan Class. The ship has been designed and built from the ground up with an unprecedented level of detail. From the bare structural framework to the miles of cables and conduits, every part of the ship is fully simulated and designed to be scientifically plausible. Nothing is mere surface detail. Every button does something, and every piece of hardware serves a real purpose.

Real Structural Framework

The bare titanium that defines the physical structure of the ship has been designed in line with the latest manufacturing techniques used in the real world today, projected forward 200 years with advances in 3D Printing and AI-driven automation in mind. Unlike typical games where nothing exists behind walls and under floors, our ship exists as a completely solid and physical vessel.

Cables, Pipes & Hardware

Every system on the ship has simulated hardware driving it, and these systems are connected together by a complex network of pipes, cables, and conduits that exist in real-time. As an Engineer, you can follow every cable from source to destination while it passes through various pieces of hardware along the way.

Fully Explorable

With over 200 rooms spread over 7 decks, you are free to explore the entire ship on foot without barriers or loading screens. Gaze out of the panoramic lounge windows while the action outside of the ship is taking place in real-time, or hop in a shuttle and take it out for a quick spin. Our goal is to create a truly immersive sci-fi experience.

Our focus on science and realistic simulation also extends to the galaxy itself, with currently over 2 billion procedurally generated star systems to explore.

Procedural Generation

Our procedural algorithms are based on real-world astrophysics in order to generate not only believable but also scientifically plausible star systems. If you want to find Earth-like worlds, then you will need to seek out a star’s habitable zone where liquid water can exist. This is based on not only the distance from the star but also the planet’s albedo and atmospheric makeup.

Life Among the Stars

When you find a planet that’s capable of supporting life, your scans will reveal the nature of that life and how advanced it is. It could be anything from simple bacteria to ancient alien civilizations that are millions of years more advanced than you. How will they react to your presence, and do you attempt to contact them?

Breathtaking Beauty

A NASA astronaut once said that without exception, every person to have ever looked down upon the Earth from aboard the ISS has shed a tear over its sheer beauty. We find that incredibly inspiring, and we’re leveraging all the latest technologies and pushing Unreal Engine to its limits in order to achieve the most stunning visual experience possible. Entering orbit around a distant exoplanet should take your breath away.

Players can choose to occupy one of a number of different roles on the ship, with each one presenting the player with unique and interesting gameplay challenges.


Born to be in command, as the Captain, you will be making the big decisions such as which star systems the ship should explore, whether or not an alien species should be contacted, or whether or not to stand your ground or retreat in a hostile situation. How well you handle first contact situations will have a very real impact on how the mission plays out.


Taking the Helm, as the ship’s Pilot, you will be responsible for safely navigating the ship through space. You will also pilot the shuttles and other support craft as required by the current mission objectives.

Science Officer

Working on the Bridge and in the Science Labs, as a Scientist, you will be responsible for performing scans of stellar objects and analysing any gathered data. You’ll also be performing tests on samples and artefacts acquired by the ship on its travels.

Tactical Officer

Working on the Bridge and around the ship, as a Tactical Officer you will be responsible for defending the ship and her crew. You’ll man the tactical Bridge station during combat, and serve as the security detail on any away missions.


Working in Engineering and around the ship, as an Engineer, you will be responsible for maintaining and repairing the ship’s many systems. Keeping everything in tip-top condition will ensure the ship is always ready to meet any new challenge, but neglect your daily maintenance duties and critical systems will begin to fail.


Working in the Medical Facility, the Doctor is responsible for the crew’s physical wellbeing. You will be dealing with everything from simple cuts and bruises to strange alien pathogens that could infect the entire crew.

Morale Officer

Working in the Mess Hall as the ship’s Chef you will be responsible for preparing healthy meals for the crew, but also as their Bartender, you will perform the important role of listening to their concerns and offering helpful advice. It’s up to you to look after their mental health.


As a guest aboard the ship, you will have no duties to perform, allowing you to simply relax and explore the ship at your leisure.

Read More: Best Atmospheric Exploration Games.

Starship Simulator on Steam

Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

I liked this game and it was fun while it lasted, but a malfunction in the core won’t allow me past the first part of the last mission. So I cannot recommend a game I’m not allowed to beat. Once the game gets to the Noah Colony it gets pretty good for a while. Then it tails off at the end leaving a mediocre taste in your mouth. If you want more you can continue reading.

At the end some problems become apparent. Your ships remain un-upgradable just stacking points on, the Angelwing was god-like at the end. While others wither to your backlines because of a real deficit. Then you get a few ships late in the game that never really live up to anykind of hype. Wonky AI that will take a ship attacking another behind an ally not allowing your ship to fire. Mission with the convoy after arriving at Noah Colony, I’m looking at you.

Real player with 148.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Singleplayer Games.

Nexus The Jupiter Incident is one of those games that you wish had gotten popular simply because it deserves a sequel and copycats. It is a stunningly atmospheric game with highly complex, yet easy to use space combat. It is a Space Opera in the truest sense of the word.

You start the as spaceship captain Marcus Cromwell in command of the Stiletto out on the fringes of the solar system on patrol. Things quickly pick up speed however as aliens, wormholes and other outside forces conspire to put you smack dab in the middle of an epic conflict between various hostile alien armadas and a lost remnant of humanity. As you progress through the game your own fleet grows in size and power, new characters join your side and you will often get little role playing elements in the missions letting your chose how to proceed.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Nexus - The Jupiter Incident on Steam

Starpoint Gemini 3

Starpoint Gemini 3

Starpoint Gemini 3 Review

Release Version 5th Nov 2020

Starpoint Gemini 3, 4th title from LGM Dev Team. This time around LGM went with a different view on the Gemini Star System, So lets get into the nitty gritty of it all.

SPG 3 puts you in the shoes of Captain Bold, a brash upstart pilot of a starship who has his AI sidekick ADAH which both are at logger heads over things quite often. This to me adds some charm into the cockpit as I could see my future self in a similar situation as I went to do the dumb things and the AI constantly reminding me of how stupid it is going to be.

Real player with 165.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Exploration Games.

I don’t often write reviews, as I don’t often get around to games until looooong after they’re released, but I gave this a day one try and… now I remember why I wait so long to play games after they’re released.

With this being the third game in a franchise I’ve come to enjoy, I had high expectations. And I was left sorely disappointed. While the graphics are okay, and the ship fighting is decent, that’s about where my enjoyment ended. Here are some of my highlights that I hope the devs can take to heart:

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Starpoint Gemini 3 on Steam



Was having fun and it shows great promise, but it is painfully short. - was very frustrated when it ended. Most of my shown playime is waiting for text to appear and afk making my lunch. I would have spent around 15 minutes actually doing something.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

The game is quite short. It’s a really cool idea. The game engine seems solid. I only wish there was more content. The developer has suggested more content, if the game does well enough.

I had issues with the game on my Debian machine. See forum for solutions. The developer has been very responsive.

Ultimately, it’s worth the price, if nothing else to support an good developer.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

OS:Path on Steam

Starpoint Gemini 2

Starpoint Gemini 2

Update : Now LIVE V1.400 (Internal Test build)

I myself have been playing since Alpha (September 2013 release) and I have seen SPG2 come along in strides. Below is a basic list of what is in-game and can be done whilst playing. SPG2 brings back many memories of quite a few spaces games I have played since the mid 80’s onwards.

Star Point Gemini 2!

DLC - Secrets of Aethera - Adds in new ships, new storyline arc, tweaks and updates to game systems.

Riftways - Oh my, something to experience yourself! - Rollercoaster rides in Space.

Real player with 223.6 hrs in game


Starpoint Gemini 2

(Updated review!)


Don’t Forget to Nominate this Game for the Steam Awards!

LGM Games’ successful debut title, Starpoint Gemini, an RPG tactical sim set in a unique SciFi setting was released in 2010. It was a great learning experience for them and it paved the way for their next game - Starpoint Gemini 2, the sequel. It entered Steam Early Access program in September 2013, and a year later after what most would consider one of the best Early Access communities on Steam, Starpoint Gemini 2 hit the shelves on Steam in Sep 26, 2014.

Real player with 85.3 hrs in game

Starpoint Gemini 2 on Steam



Sable is an incredibly enchanting game. Those who love self-paced exploration in a lovely open-world environment should not miss it. The artwork is striking, the OST by Japanese Breakfast is lovely, and there is just enough story and dialog to thread it all together.

This is a coming of age story. Played from a 3rd person perspective, you guide a young girl as she explores the world to choose a profession. There are collectibles, quests, and a host of landscapes (natural and man made). You travel by glider bike but can get off the bike to climb, run, jump, and glide. Some of the structures have puzzles which generally involve figuring out how to access all areas or collect quest items. The game has a very simple interface which is easy to use and provides a single area to view inventory, quest progress, maps, and settings.

Real player with 61.1 hrs in game

This really is neat little game. I say little, because in the current crop of openworld-games this really did feel little. The scope of the overworld and do’able things and quests, all feels manageable. I didn’t feel like I had to visit a million points on the map, or find 1000 “jembies” for different powerups all the time. Although it’s not completely devoid of this stuff.

I in particular liked how the UI is almost exclusively context based and doesn’t overstay its welcome when it is not needed. It’s just Sable and her world. That seems like a simple mechanic, but I really appreciated the clean screen.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Sable on Steam



This game/simulator is incredible and has me hooked. Breathtaking and it really gives me an idea of the scale of our universe. Worth x4 the price in my opinion but must be experienced in VR with a fast computer (mighty GPU) and it is very important to read the manual at the very least and learn the graphics settings and the other facets of this wonderful piece of software before you dive in to get the best experience…

Real player with 82.5 hrs in game

This is a space wallpaper maker! You can take very stunning HD screenshots while exploring an entire universe. I love taking the time to get the perfect shot, adjusting gamma, brightness, the amount of stars you can see, type of lens flare, nebulous, gas giants, black holes! the list goes on and the possibilities are endless, if you are a space nerd get this game…game? it’s kinda a game, you can fly around in a ship too if you wanted and pretend your a space pirate or something.

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

SpaceEngine on Steam

Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator

Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator

This game feels like the creator made a unique and interesting system to play this game but then refuses to teach anyone how to use it. The tutorial even states it’s a LIMITED tutorial and you will learn the more advanced parts of the game with play… except the game play is totally static with no learning curve, so the advanced functions and parts of the game are impossible to reach. At first I figured I was playing the game wrong or just not getting something, but after going to find some kind of guide online (there are none at the time of writing this), or looking at the game’s web page for more information (the game’s page is only a landing page with screen shots, logos, and PR/Sales Hype), and then finally the game reviews/comments that all have the same problem with the game play and then some… I am now pretty sure this game isn’t finished and there are commands and graphics missing to advance the game play. Glad I got this on sale for like $2 since even $6 for this game is over priced as the game currently stands.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

The game is really good-looking, definitely an interesting idea. The art, graphics, sound - top notch! And there are a lot of possibilities for further update, which, judging from Antarctica screenshot from “About this game”-section, might be coming (

! I didn’t see a way to build Earth, Moon or ocean bases ).

Basically you play as an alien race that, for a good reason (from their perspective), wants to invade the Earth. And with maximum of 12 decades (from year 1900) and 10 turns per decade you can invade the Earth by 2020 (yep)!

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator on Steam

Star Conflict

Star Conflict

Star Conflict is a nearly flawless (in my opinion) space combat simulator. The complexities and the fun of this space combat build slowly through the levels, starting from a very high standard and getting better from there. There is an adequate crafting minigame and some half-baked questing. Optimizing the ship is made up of several minigames taken collectively. Optimization in its several pieces makes up a good, fun minigame.

There are areas of the game in need of improvement, yet the game as a whole is certainly in the top ten percent of space simulators. This review makes the case that Star Conflict is easily THE BEST f2p space combat simulator. We will not dwell on the shortcomings here, because the idea here is that you should just enjoy the game as it is at any given time and mostly let the devs worry about how to improve it. Overall, this is a great game.

Real player with 9185.8 hrs in game

You would think with almost 1500 hours and at least a third of that being money invested I’d rabidly defend this game, but I am not happy with the development direction. I’ll probably still play for as long as I can considering what I’ve invested already, but . . . This game has long deviated from what made me fall in love with it. Remnants are there but I can’t help but comparing. What I really take issue with is how I see customers getting treated. Not me specifically, I am the way I am and I’ve just learned to accept any incoming consequences as a fact of life, to brush them off, and just keep going, but other people who go into things with a certain set of assumptions about their investment both time and money wise . .

Real player with 1642.2 hrs in game

Star Conflict on Steam

Red Sector

Red Sector

Fun arcade style game that gives you that, “I want to complete the next level” feeling. Still early doors but I feel sure the road-map of improvements will be coming soon.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

There are a bunch of things I like about this game. Start with the creative “sector” element of an arcade shooter. Moving to different sectors to clear out before giving the player the decision as to where they want to go next makes it a bit more controllable while breaking up the action in parts.

I also like the visuals. Simple but appealing too.

Really nice product!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Red Sector on Steam