Putin takes taxes

Putin takes taxes

Best game on steam, must buy for political and indie game lovers!

worth every penny

Edit: Soon 50 hours going strong, NEVER STOP TAKING TAXES

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

I mean its literally what you see in the video. All the time, for all time. The negative reviews are just people who were too hopeful that there would be better gameplay, but in mother russia, game reviews you. 10/10 would send people to the gulag again, only bitter point is that the last achievement doesn’t work for me.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Putin takes taxes on Steam



12 sliding picture puzzles. Good enough for those who like those type of puzzles, and a nightmare for those who do not. Not much else to say. 12 achievements. No trading cards.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

Cool game with varied and fun puzzles :)

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Intelligence on Steam

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe

strongly do not recommend. it looks more like a draft student work with a lot of mistakes than a commercial product

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

This is a text adventure with an interesting premise and cryptic puzzles (number sequences, decoding, word search, etc.). You are required to solve each puzzle in order to progress. I blew through the first few puzzles, brute-forced one puzzle with number patterns, and then came to a dead stop (where I have been for a couple of hours). The current puzzle has one in-game hint that is not helpful in figuring out a message hidden in a 10x10 grid of 2-letter combinations.

I do not appear to be the only player stuck and it would be nice if the developers were checking the Steam discussion board to provide some insight.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Master Of Secrets: Dark Europe on Steam

Norman’s Great Illusion

Norman’s Great Illusion

Before reaching the first ending, I tried to explore the game as much as I could. However, almost the whole room is not related with the game. So why did the developer put the apartment structure draft here? Only the chairs and TV can be interacted with the character.

The mini-game sucks. The developer has explained, “…mini-game “On the work” reflects the stress that many people experience in their workplaces”. Excuse me, but games are not supposed to impress players by literally torturing people! Actually, the two mini games are the mandatory and indispensable parts of gameplay. From function point of view, they are not mini at all.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I originally posted a negative review of this game, however I went back to play it some more and have changed my mind on it.

My main gripe when I first played was that the working mini-game was too unforgiving. The game entails solving advanced maths sums while under a strict time limit and I really struggled with it. Upon replaying, I’ve realised that the point of the mini-game is to basically be impossible. You’re supposed to barely be able to scrape by in it because that’s what it’s like working a gruelling job in a society that doesn’t value you. The only way to “beat” the mini-game is by cheating and pausing the game to work out the sum in your own time. Just like in real life, the only way to succeed in capitalism is by cheating. Looking at the game as something that is to be “won” will ensure that you don’t enjoy it. You’re not supposed to succeed in the mini-game, you’re supposed to lose continuously.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Norman's Great Illusion on Steam

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

It is fun and stressful, but feels impossible to complete, i rage quit frequently because difficulty doesn’t build up well, once you learn the basic mechanics you are thrown into multitasking 4 things at once. It’s very fun, but you don’t feel like you will be able to complete it, which leads be to quitting the game a lot.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

ah i love being dictator of soviet Russia and killing spies and threatening country’s for nuclear domination but the most important thing is drinking VODKA

while doing all of the things on here……………..THIS IS GREAT VR GAME

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Calm Down, Stalin - VR on Steam

Section Six

Section Six

Pleasant game! A 19th century Orwell/investigative game. However, it is terribly too short.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Follow my Steam Curator page for more reviews https://store.steampowered.com/curator/35705466

Section Six is a text-based adventure. You read the correspondence between nobleman in the eve of the Russian revolution. You get to decide if you should snitch on any of the parties and of what crime you will accuse them, which could lead to a few different endings.

I really enjoyed ruining a few lives. In my playthrough, which took around half an hour, most of the characters ended up dead.

While the game is made by a Russian team, the text was NOT directly translated by google from Russian to English.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Section Six on Steam

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood

Feels like a concept/mod for improving the old gangsters by adding infiltration options for your gangsters. Though that’s it, just the mod alone. You instantly bribe or kill officials and replace with people with your own. no election or other factors even. Game is a ‘clicker’.

Last waiting part of game after having replaced mayor holding office for x time is waste of time.

Most events are plain annoying like raids that take your money and kill all your guards at shops.

Bugs: you drag a portraits around in the attack screen, then they disappear from screen, never to be seen there again. as result, I never attacked places. Just bribed them back.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Just as many people I was also hyped before the release because th game looked very promising to me.

What I then got was a game so basic, that even my Grandmother could have played.

Basically the whole purpose of the game is, that you (A premade Mafia Boss) controle all the City Buildings and the City Government.

You do this by raiding the Buildings or buying them and Bribing or threatening Government Officials so you can then install your own people.

Sadly that is all to the game and it is pretty much the same throughout every walk, which makes it pretty boring after just one game which you can easily win in 20-30 minutes.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood on Steam

Cold War Minister

Cold War Minister

You are one of the most powerful and influential people on Earth!

You are driven by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower led by one ruler.

As a result, you deal with significant influence, plenty of weight resting upon your shoulders, but powerful enemies, too.

So, how are you going to manage?

Keep your finger on the pulse thanks to many devices for recording and monitoring enemy movements. Options are many: sonar, radar, satellites, and scouts.

Take appropriate action to maintain your edge over your opponents.

Make use of your forces' potential and the assistance of your allies alike.

Manage your troops. You have a staff of generals, engineers, and seasoned operators ready to carry out your orders.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and war is no different. You have the means to get away from responsibilities and indulge in the pleasures your position offers like a true Russian!

Cold War Minister on Steam

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Point and click adventure game with a quest to find a Russian symbol.

True to it’s Russian nature you’ll see a lot of Russian stereotypes and clichés which can be fun and annoying.

I do wonder whether I’m walking through some sort of mini-Russia

! with drunks on the streets and being poor with almost everyone asking for money and many things just broken or in a worn down state. To come accross Very rude and impolite people is something I didn’t expect, actually.

The game has a very usable system to interact with the envoirement and a handy map that will transport you trough the game if you don’t feel like taking your characters walking. Beautifully drawn backgrounds and freshly designed lead characters. Still has that olden days Russia look of course. With Russian voices make it sound true to it’s Russian nature. It’s was hilarious to hear them talk in Russian for the first time, luckely the English subtiltes made sense. That’s where this game differentiates from other point&click games, it’s Russia style of handling things.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Well, it’s a russian game. Its main characters, Peter Isaev and Vasiliy Ivanovich Chapaev, were real people who served in Russian Civil War. Then, in 1934, came a very successful and popular film “Chapaev”, so this pair became the stable character of jokes and folklore, being popular for decades the USSR existed. They only lost their former glory in in 1990s-2000s, because of changed times and morals.

And, this game was made first decade after vanishing of that country, in a dark time for millions of people. Among questions that arose then, there was one, kind of philosophical - whither to move? For some people the way to get to the answer was - since the Union’s return in the nearest years seemed to be highly improbable, it’s reasonably to sum up all the previous experiense that country, consisted of every inhabitant, had, to highlest its best, to use it as base for building something some suitable for new circumstances, and then to move on.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded on Steam

Tropico 3

Tropico 3

Day 1:start game ,listen to a overly excited probably bribed anouncer welcome you in,build house,no one lives in said house,

Day 2:i want to build a farm,builders refuse to build farm,i get mad,i use army to “convince” the builders to build,

Day 3: the people no longer like me now, i have 8 rebels on my small island…my army still cant find them,

i cower in fear in my palace.

Day 4: They have attacked, i’m the only one left, the one last man in the army. i’ve taken out only 2, now i retreat in shame. where are my people?

Real player with 733.9 hrs in game

El Presidente Version 3

This is my first Tropico Game and after some time of frustrating restarts and head meets desk moments,

i finally figured out how to be a good El Presidente.

Sure some folks are always bothering me, but meh i got a prison.

You have many ways of getting rid of negative people as well as options to make your people happy.

Beating these small shacks, your worst enemies, can be difficult, since they tend to pop up in the worst moments.

Also your workers are damn lazy, they dont build your houses and ignore the big ass transport ships in your harbor -.-

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

Tropico 3 on Steam