

Amazing game that is great for anyone who loves platformers and a must buy for anyone who likes the outrun style. I have to admit having the best level first mayyyy have not been the smartest idea but i enjoyed the game all the way through and the ending was great! I hope to see sequel if this game does good and am looking forward to returning for the time trials and possibly the DLCs (wink). 10/10 would and have recommended.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric First-Person Games.

Deeply atmospheric & inscrutably mysterious in a ruined world,Spectrolite is a first-person platformer that aims to test our skills.Great visuals,amazing soundtrack,precise controls,highly satisfying.

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Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Spectrolite on Steam



Well the day has finally come, launch day! I’ve been helping out playtesting this game for a while now and It’s great to see how far it has come since the very first day I got my hands on it.

The game has quite a lot of levels, that being 40 levels across 8 worlds. The later worlds are usually longer and pretty tough mind you! So it’s welcoming to have a sort of challenge that gets progressively harder as you get further into the game. Furthermore the worlds has a very neat addition of interconnection between them. At the last level of the Pure world, you will start seeing trees and woodlands, leading up to the next Woodlands world. And the same for the end of Woodlands where you see a castle in the distance, etc. It’s a tiny thing but it really enhances the game experience!

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric 3D Platformer Games.

Challenging! I love challenging.

This game is just what I’ve been looking for. A game to practise your skill at platforming and shooting targets that are NOT other life forms.

The controls seem to work well and I appreciate, as always, the option to change the key bindings for individual preference.

While you do get a better score for being fast, there’s nothing stopping you working your way through each level at your own pace. This makes it a more relaxing experience if that’s how you’d rather play. Though it can still be frustrating when you keep falling off, until you get good at it. Practise and patience makes perfect.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

ADVERSE on Steam

Aefen Fall

Aefen Fall


  • The game is buggy and glitches. A LOT! And the devs will not (be able to) fix it.

  • The game is short. I have no idea how you can spend 45 minutes in a playthrough as stated on the store page. Realistically it will take you around 30 for your first run with failing a lot of jumps and not knowing where to go. Subsequent runs should scratch on the speed run goal time of 15 minutes.

  • You can get Mirror’s Edge and its sequel on sale for the full price of this game. (At least in Euro.)

That being said, I still recommend it. The developers were pretty upfront about the state of the game, its shortcomings and their lack of support. It’s a student project by graduates. Would have been nice if they released it for free, sure, but the price is cheap enough to forgive the lack of polish and content, especially on sale.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric First-Person Games.

This game has a lot of pros and cons, but I still recommend at least on sale. But even at full price, it’s cheap, and has replay value, especially when the cons get addressed.


  • FANTASTIC visuals and art design!

  • Fun gameplay design, that allows opportunities to mix things up if you want to.

  • Many routes, for high replay value, and to challenge yourself with the fastest shortcuts.


  • MANY moments of bugs with clipping, getting stuck, and inputs not working very well.

  • VERY abrupt and unclear ending, though it was expected for a student project with a time limit.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Aefen Fall on Steam

A Story About My Uncle

A Story About My Uncle

A delightful bedtime story


A Story About My Uncle (ASAMU) is a first-person platformer set in a world picturing how wild a child’s imagination could get. A world of gigantic floating rocks coupled with a charming story, odd-looking creatures, and somewhat gravity-bending abilities to let you turn everything upside down.


🔸The game focuses on the narrator as he tells a bedtime story to his daughter about Uncle Fred and his adventures. It’s about the story when Uncle Fred didn’t return home after his last adventure. The player takes control of the narrator in his youth searching around Fred’s lab for clues when he finds a mysterious suit with many abilities. Now that the young boy’s confidence is boosted by wearing the suit, he decides to go looking for his uncle in strange lands.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

God bless Steam! I can’t stop praising it for making it possible to make new cool connections and meet people around the world with common interests. These people always remind me about some games, that I had on my mind for a long time and then forgot.

But what is much more important is that games they recommend me always fit my mood in a proper way, just like in a right place in a right time. The same happened to me with A Story About My Uncle. I had a bit harsh weekend, which started with fixing my broken PC on Saturday, then I was forced to do other stuff I really didn’t feel like doing and after all these events I felt like I squeezed lemon, so I really needed something chill, relaxing and just kind, without any violence. So, after a quick conversation with a friend on Steam, I realized, that I bought this game few years ago, I guess and still never touched.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

A Story About My Uncle on Steam

Lone Land

Lone Land

I’m a speedrunner on this game. It’s really fun to run honestly. The high and long jumps are pretty satisfying, and it’s not too long. I really like the artstyle, and the railway in the water, which reminds me of Spirited Away.

My only complaint, and this is as a speedrunner, is the fact that jumping from the water to the top of 1 floor buildings feels really random, and I tried button mashing, holding jump, crouching at the ledge and all kinds of stuff. I just can’t figure out a way to do this consistently.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

slightly Refunct or Ascendance like, but no crystal highlighting ala Refunct, with patch 1.1 you have a ingame counter, when you press “escape”. after you gain the highest crystal in skyscraper city, the game spawn multible crystal all over the city :-(.

with patch 1.2, the game save your ingame progress.

well, relaxed game, is a little bit exploration (to find all crystals ~ 45 minuts) and jump around…so, its okay for the price.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Lone Land on Steam



Matter is an awesome, but also very short virtual trip.

You play in first-person view and jump through dynamically forming levels that give an organic and psychedelic feeling. The sound and music seems to react to your movement as well. Where are you? Who are you? Looks like you are in some kind of organism. Or is it space? Who cares, it’s trippy as hell!

There are some slower parts where you run around little planets and search for artifacts, but the main part is “just” running and jumping. You can reverse time a bit if you miss a jump. Gravity seems to be all over the place and changes, so some of the jumps can be a little tricky, but if you just push on, you will be able to get into a flow state and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Ok, I know well the devs, but they didn’t ask me to recommend the game. Take it as it is, but I will try to be as objective as I can.

I just finished the game. What I could say is that it was a delightful dreamlike trip, with very special attention to the ears and feeling of gravity. It’s the kind of game you can’t forget after playing to it. It makes bubbles in the stomach.

Except for the jump, which is sometimes a little bit harsh for me (no air control, but it doesn’t block me), I did not have much frustrations.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Matter on Steam

Marc Eckō’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

Marc Eckō’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

An interesting and long forgotten PS2 game.

Before I say anything, name a game in your head where you play as a graffiti artist who tags his name across everything as he makes his reputation be known to a highly oppressive government. Can you think of any besides Jet Set Radio? Well whatever the case, you have to admit that this game is really unique in that feature.

Marc Ecko’s Getting Up is a game primarily made by a guy who said gamers should get up off their butts and buy his games, where you play as a 20-something year old male named Trane who wants to tag his name everywhere across the city just for the sake of getting his name up. All while he is doing this he faces a dangerous graffiti gang called the Vandals of New Radius and an oppressive regime of “peace-keepers” called the CCK, led by the government to stop vandalism and defacement of property to build a better and cleaner way of life in the city of New Radius.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

What I liked about the game

  • Loads of unlockable content.

  • There are loads of side activities in the missions like bonus graffiti, legend photos, Freedom challenges, and collecting Ipod songs or upgrades, which are all optional.

  • You get to select the artwork before you start a mission and as you complete missions more content will become available; you get to choose from a large range of stickers, graffiti, posters, and stencils.

  • Awesome characters like Trane, Decoy and Tina.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure on Steam

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™

Imagine you are on a nice trip over the sea… and suddenly you are attacked by male sexual slaves with one really hot chick leading them all… and suddenly you remembered you are hunted by guardian of the timeline called Dahaka - just big black kind of demonic dude with tentacles/Venom. Few moments later… you are a lonely loner on a lonely adventure.. alone (I STAND ALOOOONE starts playing). But not really because another hot chick is telling you what to do. You start to do all on her command because of her nice pair of ti..green eyes. So yeah you like a real gentleman in a family start to do all necessary #&@{ while she is just standing there around waiting for you. But enough of this How I met your mother tragedy origin.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within was a good experience? This game' story was great - it is conected to the first game Sands of Time but is not nessesary to play it first to have a gameplay experience - just story would make more sense? - I guess.

Why I wrote “a good experience” with question mark was because many times I put this game on hold. Sometimes it was too confusing - got lost many times. The game is sort of open world which isn’t really nessesary. Running backwards and not knowing where I had to go was a total waste of time (the map was just a picture where was a prince icon that changed location after moving a while and red cross as a mission but which way I had to move - no idea). It wouldn’t had changed a thing unless found a health upgrade secrets. Sometimes the game got too difficult. I was playing on the hardest difficutly - hoping for better game experience - I love challenges. After experiencing the difficulties I do not recommend it. It can ruin the game feel - too hard to kill the enemies. I am not sure how it is on easier difficulty but I assume it will be much more enjoyable experience. I still managed to finish the game on the hardest difficulty. But yeah - if you do play I strongly recommend to play it on easy or medium.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™ on Steam



6 hours of playtime out of a fifteen minute game (without speedrunning) , which is still going by the day.

This game has an fantastic momentum based movement system that makes getting around the map fun, almost so much so that it rivals Mirrors Edge and Titanfall 2 for how thrilling it is to control.

Just get it, it is so much fun just to chain together wall jump combos, slide out of every jump, and create your own path through everything. When you add the amazing atmosphere, music, day/night cycle, achievements, and stunning lighting and visuals then you get what is the main purpose of playing this game. But it doesn’t end there…

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game


Refunct is a very refreshing and fluid experience. For such a short game, it was satisfying to play and was definitely worth the 1.50$ spent. It feels like thought and effort went into making it, and that immediately sets it apart the bad apples that comes through Greenlight.



Refunct is a 3D parcour platformer at the same time it has a relaxing, peaceful atmosphere.

Refunct immediately puts you into the game when you start it up. But that’s okay because the game doesn’t need to annoy you with any tutorial, the mechanics are easy to learn on your own.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Refunct on Steam



If you’re okay with banging your fists on the desk and waking up your small rural city this game is completely for you.

This game is actually pretty good (gameplay wise) and it’s completely optimized

It ran at 60+ FPS with my ryzen 3 3250u and 4GB Ram (impressive I know) on ultra

The only real issue is the lack of VSync but other than that it’s great

I didn’t expect the skinny light stealer (I named her Felicia) to just pop up. I didn’t know she existed.

The clown was expected (Literally the first thing you see, Menu screen.)

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

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“An Idea That Sounded Good on Paper…”


Here’s The Thing:

You’re a nobody. And you’re stuck in a nightmare with nothing but a lantern! Conquer your phobias, see a few feet around you and find your way to the structure lit like a Christmas tree~

[+] PROS;


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Skotos on Steam