Horny Sekai

Horny Sekai

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A fascinating casual hentai game!

欢迎加入黄油大师 色情游戏 ,一同挖掘好玩的黄油吧~

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Sexual Content Games.

when i got to 4 hearts it just stopped. no more dialogue, nothing to do.

i legit bought every item from the store multiple times and nothing happened.

please help me if this is just me being dumb

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Horny Sekai on Steam



In times of quarantine and inability of people to travel, we want to introduce digital tourism opportunity for people to experience a digital trip to a fantasy world Japan.

Visit the iconic Shibuya suburb of Tokyo, walk at atmospheric Japanese street markets, immerse into a new culture and other people’s way of living.

Famous areas of Tokyo and Kyoto, sky scrappers, capsule hotels, traditional Japanese food, Karate

Japan is a very beautiful diverse country and showing it fully would be impossible, but we gathered a lot of famous things about Japan, and compelled it into a short action packed tourist adventure videogame, making a tribute to the culture we love.

Read More: Best Atmospheric Mature Games.


The Void

The Void

Oh boy, where to start. That’s a big one. That’s a huge one.

The Void is a game about… Well, this is what I meant when I was wondering where to start. The Void could be considered to be a game about many things. The feeling I got after a few hours in was “wow, this goes deep”, and that feeling only got stronger and stronger the more I played. I experienced something similar while playing Pathologic, another amazing game from Ice-Pick Lodge : a very unique universe, brutally unforgiving in terms of both gameplay and story, which immediately sucked me in, in a much deeper, more “personal” way than anything I had ever played before, and I mean that.

Real player with 103.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Surreal Games.

This is one of those Slavic games that wants to be a big “Tim Burton on acid” surrealist trip. Nothing is really explained directly, just implied, but the notes of implication are too heavy-handed for you not to realize when something is supposed to mean something.

The story revolves around your character either dying or at least being on the verge of dying, and passing through “limbo”, although maybe you’re just inside your own mind during your dying moments. The Void itself is shaped like a heart, and each “cycle” of the Void involves an additional heartbeat of the Void itself, so, again, the metaphor isn’t exactly explicit, but it’s far from subtle.

Real player with 78.1 hrs in game

The Void on Steam



I had the opportunity to do some QA testing on Beckett. Although I’ve put in multiple playthroughs, the initial impression of the game, its setting and messages stayed with me throughout.

Beckett is disturbingly enjoyable. It’s filled with elements that would normally make one squirm; although some probably will. Its narrative is a melancholic, yet insightful tale. Characters are depicted as inanimate objects, giving the player a unique way of visualising them in their minds - recalling their own memories in order to try and build a bigger, picture of the object they see represented as a person on screen.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

An aurora of sublime poetry.

These deep meaning fields that literature has had for a long time have reached playable media thanks to plays like Beckett.

Following a brilliant, dynamic assemblage, the story dissects the inner underworld of a bereaved man who only remains to keep the memories of his wishes alive. What could be, could have been. What used to make sense. Who you were, but are. Torture. “We all fantasize about better lives.” Reality disturbance as the only self-healing. A new version of you. For clarity.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Beckett on Steam

I’m on Observation Duty

I’m on Observation Duty

I really enjoy this game. I would definitely say it’s worth the $2 price tag. It’s basically a scary “spot the differences”, and it can be pretty challenging sometimes. Of course, sometimes the differences will be easy to spot, like an intruder in a room or a gaping abyss or a light flickering on and off. Other times, however, the differences will be more subtle. A small object missing, something slightly moved, a small waving ghost way in the background, etc. Be prepared for some nude intruders and at least one masturbating intruder (although nothing graphic is shown in that case).

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

I don’t know why I forced myself to finish this. Guess I took it as a challenge and kept going. Should have stopped sooner. I don’t really get how this has so many good reviews, when it is just a horror-themed “spot the difference” game, with a few jump-scares here and there. Some anomalies are ambiguous, and when you try to report them, you fail because you didn’t reported them as the game wanted you to. The game goes by super slowly; like, incredibly so (there wasn’t a single playthrough where I didn’t feel bored many times). Reporting takes forever, and if you have 4 anomalies at the same time, you lose, so faster reporting matters. You eventually learn what kind of things to expect and where, and that’s when you get through to the end; of course, nothing really happens when you win, it just ends. Feedback would have been nice, so that you know what you missed; since there are many random occurrences, it shouldn’t really spoil it; however, as it is, you just learn how many anomalies you found, and how many you didn’t (which is always 4 if you lose, so that doesn’t really tell you anything). There’s no story whatsoever, and the “attacks” you receive have way less of an impact, since you are just looking through cameras; even if something like this happened in real-life, nothing could harm you. You can also lose suddenly due to some of the anomalies, annoyingly ending your game, no matter how well you were doing it. On top of all of that, it’s poorly optimized: I don’t know what, in this kind of game, could get my fans to start working, or how, but it happened every time; evidently, it takes more resources than it should for gameplay like this. Lastly, I was fine with the mild nudity, it wasn’t really that bad… until you see a guy masturbating in the bathroom. That’s not just nudity, that’s sexual content, something which I didn’t expect to find, and didn’t like one bit. It should have been warned on the store page, and if it had been, I wouldn’t have bought it. It happened on my last playthrough, and that was definitely it for me. I really can’t recommend this at all.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

I'm on Observation Duty on Steam



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Developed by Main Loop Videogames, Submersed has been apart of a few interesting events, including award winning of Best Basque Game at the Fun&Serious Game Festival, and a nominee for Best Debut Game by GameLab. Directed by Jose Antonio Muñoz, which is also the sole programmer and lead designer, this is one of those titles where we have to recognize the efforts, but also come to realize its flaws.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Honestly, there are only a few pop-ups in this game. The rest is filled with a lot of tension mainly from audio which I really like. You can view gameplay here:



  • Great story

  • audio and visual cues create tension throughout the game

  • Filled with missions and puzzles

  • challenging enemies

  • decent cut scenes


  • they could add more enemies other than the sharks

  • story could have been longer

  • some things straight up did not work like the electromagnetic field device and there were a few bugs like going underground when crouching

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Submersed on Steam

The Good Time Garden

The Good Time Garden

this might not be suitable for persons who have suffered from sexual trauma as there are a couple of lines in the game that could be triggering but aside from that this is surprisingly a really good game! it is very short and to the point with its message and theme but that is probably for the best

also, you will be in our hearts forever dude with a hole in his chest. you’ll be missed

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

It’s good to be wet.


There’s not much I can say about this without spoiling what’s here. Let’s just say there are games and then there are artistic experiments masquerading as games. This is an art project with game elements.

What you see on the store page is what you get: A throbbing pink squishy world full of naked creatures in a short surreal experience. Feel free to interpret it as innocently or as perverse as you prefer.

It’s about 15 to 20 minutes of exploring that climaxes into an abstract metaphor for… whatever you need it to be. Along the path is just a relaxing music track and some silly creatures to meet in this casual maze of squishy pink.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The Good Time Garden on Steam

The Naked Game

The Naked Game

A first person horror game, your main character is a naked Japanese girl named Mia who wakes up in an unknown place and her objective is to escape. There are no ghosts, zombies or people who will try to murder her but there are challenging puzzles and lots of creepy mannequins, the game doesn’t have a save feature instead it auto-saves every time Mia advances to the next area. Throughout the game she will be guided by a mysterious English guy over an intercom whom she’ll meet at the end. Mia is nude from beginning to end, when you point the camera down you’ll see her naked body. She’ll carry a flashlight that will frequently need batteries, if the flashlight isn’t working press O to get a brief flash of light. If you love puzzle games or naked women you’ll definitely love this.

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

Let me give you an honest review of this game. Complete honesty, No BS or bias opinion. It’s good, it’s great. I love it. It’s just insanely buggy. Once the buggy part is over, the game is absolutely amazing. I do hope they throw a patch out to fix the bugs, but other than that, the game is great.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

The Naked Game on Steam

The Bad Gravedigger

The Bad Gravedigger

If u like night cemeteries and their atmosphere, I think u should play.



Real player with 184.9 hrs in game

The game seems and looks larger than what it actually is, I can go on to say that the game needs a lot more content, that the landscape and areas you explore should be filled with more objects, intractable objects and more, but it’s a cheap game that was dumped on the store for +1 purposes, so that’s what it is, hoping for more is a waste this game already served it’s purpose. The game is not all bad, it’s just that barely any effort goes into these games they slap a few codes on, then add a few textures and other content, dump on steam, game collectors buy for +1, achievement/ perfect game collectors buy for +1… If the game sells enough they get cards and that’s it, there is no story, no life or reason behind it, if your looking for an actual game i suggest you find it elsewhere because games like these will never fit that bracket.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

The Bad Gravedigger on Steam

The Detective Chapters: Part One

The Detective Chapters: Part One

Really enjoyed the overall story. Like the whole Goth thing that you got going here - loved those clubs back in the 80s and 90s. Except for a couple minor crashes that I was able to recover from that game is excellent and has promise. Wish there was more to the chapter but looking forward to the next!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The time I spent with The Detective Chapters: Part One mostly consisted of the playable character getting stuck on small objects I accidentally knocked over, trying the find my lost cursor, and physically writing down binary to solve a puzzle. That all came to a halt when the game got stuck 3 separate times on a day transition card reading “October 7th 2016”. From the very little I got to experience, this game feels as if it’s still a rough draft. If you decide to give The Detective Chapters a shot, you should do so in the ridiculously awesome early 2000’s graphic setting.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The Detective Chapters: Part One on Steam