The Plan

The Plan


Well guys and girls…

This game is very simple, but has potential to become a great game.

Graphics are very good, but has some crashes when you’re playing like change window and real crash when you click on the credits to gain your achievement.

The music is very touching. 9/10

The SFX in the game are almost hidden, you must be patient to percept then, like the cry of the leaves when you drop down on then, and the florest souns, like birds and even the grass movement.

If you wanna check out a diferent concept of game, this is for you.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

For your experience, please play through the game before reading the following review.

A game about the way of life.

The game is about being a fly and flying upwards.

In the beginning, you start out on the ground, with the dirt, grass, leaves surrounding you. You are right in front of the camera, with the details on your body very clear. You inquisitively explore your surronding, excited about its possibilities. Soon, you discover that up is the only way.

As you rise, what surronds you becomes less interesting, and you become fixated in your only goal – rise up. The camera gradually zooms out.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Plan on Steam

A Raven Monologue

A Raven Monologue

This contains spoilers and my interpretation.

! Everyone in the story has their item. Raven has stone in the cage too. Everyone except him talks about their thing. And when they talk the raven collects what they tell him and puts it in cage so he can use these to describe the world around him -that’s why it goes more colorful with every item. He also uses those words collected to talk with people. He eventually meets the girl with a pinwheel. But this time its not the same. He gets from her a physical thing. The girl isn’t talking. At this moment girl is showing him what are really people, their things, and their words. Girl turns into stone. And so does her thing in hands of the raven. When he’s going back he can only see the stones and the things layed near to them. Those are people who have nothing new to say. And what they are to you when you heard them already and you hear the same thing over an over. They are only made of what they carry. When you take it away, there is nothing left. Which you do by just hearing them out and remembering it. He gets back home. He let’s all the thoughts go. And he goes again. And even tho people are stones. He still gets all these things that before. Because those people just always were stones. When he get’s to the blue girl again pinwheel is still there. When raven picks it up it turns into stone for him same as before. And the story repeats. Like a spinning pinwheel.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

‘A Raven Monologue’ is a very short art digital book from Surabaya, Indonesia developers who founded ‘Mojiken Studio’ back in 2013 .Here they set out to challenge themselves to be able to tell a story with no verbal/written cues. Unfortunately they fail in my eyes, as both the haunting accompanying soundtrack by Christabel Annora and the accompanying poem on Store page, spell out prejudice details catering a gamer’s interpretation somewhat. If they wanted to do an art piece with ‘no’ verbal cues then the accompanying soundtrack should have been solely instrumental, with its musical score telling you that there is something wrong, just like the ‘family feud’ failed tone does when it goes off. Neither should their have be an accompanying poem explaining what the three people visited by the raven are thinking. Noted, it’s extremely difficult to tell a story without ‘ANY’ verbal or written notes, solely relying on artistic and instrumental rendering, but it is possible as shown by games like ‘Kairo’.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

A Raven Monologue on Steam



Legitimately terrifying. The hyper-realistic graphics paired with unmatched story telling and a wholly unique environment really makes this game one of the best horror games I’ve ever played. The depth of the characters found throughout the story is not only brought to life by the incredible writing of Charlie and Ciaran, but enhanced even further by the superb voice acting. If you think this is just a super short walking sim, you’re dead wrong. This game has many, many secrets to be found, and trust me when I say they’ll expand your play time ten-fold, at least. Definitely worth checking out this absolute gem.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Indie Games.

At first when i was browsing free section for some new games i saw it and didn’t bother because horror games are mostly boring, few days later my friend tells me about the game and says you have to play it, at first i didnt want to but then some other friends recommended it and so i watched the trailer for the game and read some of the reviews and said oh well why not give it a try ,to my suprise i enjoyed it so much. ABSOLUTLY THE BEST GAME i have ever played, only 7 hours in and i cant stop playing ,its just a masterpeice of modern art and it really represents the human society. I would love to spoil some of the amazing things that happen while you are playing this but you will just have to download and find out by yourself.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Greetings on Steam

Sisyphus Reborn

Sisyphus Reborn

I believe I’m a less common player on Steam, I buy games for several different reasons, some I buy for myself and also for other people, some games I prefer to watch and comment on instead of play. I collect games for their beauty, for their art design, for their challenge or if they convince me they have a good story. This “game” is, above all, a philosophical reading, you basically need to follow the only way of doing the things.

Inspired by the Albert Camus' essay in which he introduces his philosophy of the absurd: that of the man in search of meaning, unity and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternity. Does the realization of the absurd demand suicide? Camus replies: “No. It demands revolt.” He then describes various approaches to the absurd in life. The last chapter compares the absurdity of man’s life with the situation of Sisyphus, a personage of Greek mythology, condemned to always repeat the same task of pushing a rock to the top of a mountain, and every time he was almost at the top, the stone rolled down the mountain again to the point of departure by an irresistible force, completely invalidating the hard effort expended. You can and, sometimes, you have to do your own way, and even your closer beloved ones will be against you, because people are doctrinated to live an absurd life with no purpose other than gather properties. I call it contemporary (and cheap) slavery, the utilitarian and materialist world we live to serve purposes and reach goals that are not the ours.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

When you finish playing Sisyphus Reborn, it will feel like being suddenly roused from deep sleep in the middle of a blustery night. It’s raining heavily outside; the window is wide open, and the cold, damp air makes you uncomfortable, finding its way under the blanket and disturbing your peace. You remember that the dream was uniquely pleasant; disappointed, you rub your eyes somewhat forcefully for no apparent reason, turn over, adjust the pillow a bit and prepare to go back to sleep. Some intrusive thoughts linger for a couple of minutes. They have no discernible form or purpose, but they feel vaguely threatening. Being awake at this hour seems strange and unnatural, so your only desire is to plunge into nothingness once more.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Sisyphus Reborn on Steam

Cloud Climber

Cloud Climber

As many others note, this isn’t a game, but more of a very short walking sim. Very relaxing. Took me 23 minutes to wander through while listening to the narrator and reading the notes left behind by “game characters”. The scenery is hauntingly beautiful, and the creator must have put a lot of effort into making those hand-drawn graphics.

However, the backstory, or history, is very shallow. The game description on the store page gives you more information of what’s going on than what you learn in the game itself. Only the basics of the backstory are given to explain what led up to the point where you now find yourself. You must use your imagination to fill in the details of what happened.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Cloud Climber is a very short walking simulator, with nice hand drawn graphics, and a brief story about why the builder build the towers. The time I played gave me a taster that made me want to see a full blown game expanded from this idea as the end came abruptly. (not that I was expecting anything less {or more}. Because the developer is giving this simulator away for free you really cannot go wrong downloading and checking it out. I found that it was worth the 15 to 20 minutes of time it should take to complete the simulation. You can actually complete it much faster if you ignore the messages, but that would defeat the point of this developers project. It actually took me almost 45 minutes to finish, but I was dragging my feet looking at the views and taking screen captures etc.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Cloud Climber on Steam

Escape Rebooted

Escape Rebooted


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Escape Rebooted on Steam

Aspiring Light

Aspiring Light


! There should be a prize for getting the question right, though. New dialogue, y’know? That would’ve been funny.

Oh my, this was such a good experience. I loved the SFX and soundtracks played throughout the game. I personally really enjoyed the change of pace with the perspective swaps alongside the story, specially how dynamic it was, making everything more interesting to read.

Also, this story gives me a feeling of nostalgia that I don’t seem to find very often while reading. I don’t know why though, it might be just a me thing, but the plot felt really relatable. Not only this, but I loved how it kept going. Most stories just go to a certain point then just sums what happens after. This actually shows you, it’s SO interesting, I loved the interactions between the characters, felt so much real and wholesome, while sometimes intense. This was such a fresh experience, I wasn’t expecting a free visual novel to be this good.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Check out my game play on YouTube.

This is a very interesting visual novel game, good story, good graphics, not much interaction, barely any to be honest. I will finish tomorrow, possibly. This is actually a pretty good length, pretty long visual novel game.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Aspiring Light on Steam



Wow…just wow! Finished the game and honestly, it’s definitely a great work. I’m not say much more than this because I might spoil but that ending caught me off guard. I can only sympathize with those kinds of people. The only thing is that I wish it could’ve been longer. To be honest I believe that its a brilliant concept fused with gentle and neat art design. While playing I felt unique experience when struggle completing level by level, not too hard nor easy. The music arrangement also a great piece of this game. I definitely liked the challenge, and its a game I’d replay over and over again. Keep up the good work! Let’s raise our awareness of mental health!

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

This game is simply amazing.

Every aspect about it is just great. The art is simplistic yet eye-catching, the music is phenomenal (the credits theme being my favourite), and the way the gameplay functions is so satisfying and not too challenging.

But the way the gameplay ties into the story and reflects it’s theme is simply breath-taking, and reframes everything you’ve done until this point.

It’s a short game, but even then, it is worth both your time and money.

I would highly recommend this game.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Biphase on Steam

Forbidden Game

Forbidden Game

Fair free to play collectible card game in dark fantasy setting.

“On the edge of the world, on the very border with the Abyss, mysterious masters of the Forbidden Game are looking for new disciples who could stand on their side in an endless game of existence."

  • Almost every card has a unique ability;

  • Over 100 cards in the first set;

  • Short game sessions (about 5 to 10 minutes);

  • Player appearance customization;

  • All content is available via in-game currency;

    “We giveaway boosters and cards for free, this is Not a “pay2win” model. Our monetization goal is to sell appearance, that has no impact on gameplay."

  • Built-in tournament and ladder systems;

  • Unique game mechanics;

Forbidden Game on Steam



‘‘There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere’’ - Annie Leonard

Plasticity is a bold project by students of the USC games program that beautifully expresses, both visually & in the story being told, of the harmful, unseen after-effects of plastic upon the oceans, environment and the unknown health effects too.

What I enjoyed most about this project is that throughout the gaming experience, you are shown environments showcasing what can be considered an extreme example when seeing the garbage bags, litter and plastic everywhere but consider how realistic that image would be if the garbage was never collected and taken away to be discarded?

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

This is one of those situations where I wish there was an in-between rating. Because I’m not totally confident in giving this a thumbs up, however, being a free game made by students, a thumbs down feels too harsh. So I guess read this review and a couple others before deciding. By the end of the day though, this game is FREE, so there really isn’t much to complain about.

The positives of this game are that the message is good and the graphics are pretty. I liked the art style quite a bit and the story was touching. The music was very nice. The message is a good message, however, slightly misguided (I’ll talk about that later). The game itself is pretty short, only taking me maybe 20 minutes to finish my first play-through.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Plasticity on Steam