Roll The Cat

Roll The Cat

I’ve got a cat that gets me up at night myself, so, when I saw this game, I had to play it.

And what can I say - good old Sokoban, cat-themed, with good art style - how can it not be good?

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Casual Games.

Unironically It’s One of the Best games to come out in the 2021, Totally Deserves my ‘Game of the Year’ Award

a simple puzzle game where you roll cats. that’s it.

Go buy it.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Roll The Cat on Steam

Platzkart Simulator

Platzkart Simulator

Ставлю положительную оценку авансом.


  • зависла спустя 10 минут (звук есть, а поезд встал и какой-то странный объект вылез за окном)

  • оставить звук в игре после снятия фокуса с окна (чтобы игра шла на отдельном мониторе)

Ну и в целом подшлифовать графику

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric First-Person Games.

basically what Metro Exodus should have been.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Platzkart Simulator on Steam

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Point and click adventure game with a quest to find a Russian symbol.

True to it’s Russian nature you’ll see a lot of Russian stereotypes and clichés which can be fun and annoying.

I do wonder whether I’m walking through some sort of mini-Russia

! with drunks on the streets and being poor with almost everyone asking for money and many things just broken or in a worn down state. To come accross Very rude and impolite people is something I didn’t expect, actually.

The game has a very usable system to interact with the envoirement and a handy map that will transport you trough the game if you don’t feel like taking your characters walking. Beautifully drawn backgrounds and freshly designed lead characters. Still has that olden days Russia look of course. With Russian voices make it sound true to it’s Russian nature. It’s was hilarious to hear them talk in Russian for the first time, luckely the English subtiltes made sense. That’s where this game differentiates from other point&click games, it’s Russia style of handling things.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Atmospheric Hidden Object Games.

Well, it’s a russian game. Its main characters, Peter Isaev and Vasiliy Ivanovich Chapaev, were real people who served in Russian Civil War. Then, in 1934, came a very successful and popular film “Chapaev”, so this pair became the stable character of jokes and folklore, being popular for decades the USSR existed. They only lost their former glory in in 1990s-2000s, because of changed times and morals.

And, this game was made first decade after vanishing of that country, in a dark time for millions of people. Among questions that arose then, there was one, kind of philosophical - whither to move? For some people the way to get to the answer was - since the Union’s return in the nearest years seemed to be highly improbable, it’s reasonably to sum up all the previous experiense that country, consisted of every inhabitant, had, to highlest its best, to use it as base for building something some suitable for new circumstances, and then to move on.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded on Steam

Disturbing Forest: Demon’s Path

Disturbing Forest: Demon’s Path

Decent free little adventure rpg-lite.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The game looks really interesting and I definitely see myself diving deep into it’s story. Can’t wait for the full thing to be out!

Here’s a link to the review I did on my YouTube channel, if anybody’s interested -

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Disturbing Forest: Demon's Path on Steam

Mini Maker: Make A Thing

Mini Maker: Make A Thing

A hero thing, a monster thing, a robo thing… in Mini Maker, you can make any ‘thing’! Use an arsenal of plastic limbs, wonky tools, rainbow stickers and googly eyes to assemble creations, please demanding clients, and laugh in the face of perfectionism.

Make a thing!

Glue mannequin limbs to robo-parts. Draw on a smiley face. Slap on a few stick-on tattoos to finish it off. Oh, did we mention there’s NO Undo button? Time to roll with the punches!

Make a living!

Fulfill wacky client requests however you can. From six-armed action figures, to fancy meals served from a toilet seat - any request is (unfortunately) possible. Explore their world and defeat your ultimate enemies: perfectionism and good taste.

Fend off haters!

Flying tomatoes, rabid hammers, electrifying eels… Fend off foes in time or ignore them and see what “statement” they leave on your precious thing.

Upgrade your toolbox!

Collect cash for your creations and re-invest it in supplies, tools and workshop upgrades. Expand your inventory or risk ending up making yet another armless Venus de Thingy.

Couch Collab!

Test the limits of your relationships by playing any challenge in 2-player couch co-op mode. Lower your expectations now: you two will be making some butt-ugly things.

Share your creations!

Use the built-in video recorder to share your creations with friends, foes, and the world wide web.

Mini Maker: Make A Thing on Steam

Red Frozen

Red Frozen

As some one who listens to Hard Bass, this game is very cool. Its got an older game kind of feel, so if you are into those kind of games, and you like funny Russian things, than this game is for you.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Fantastic game with friends over discord, love this game and genuinely enjoyable and an indie game now close to my heart

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Red Frozen on Steam

Wide Ocean Big Jacket

Wide Ocean Big Jacket

I liked the writing in this game, what themes the game dealt with and the overall mood and pacing of it.

This has my type of art style and colours, loved them. Thank you for making this game. I hope to see more games like this. I would like to see our cast of characters in a future game :) but I will not hold you to it, do what you want or can.

Is It worth the price? Yes.

Is it boring? Definitely not! It’s very enjoyable.

Should you find ways to support this studio? Absolutely! regardless of what their future plans are and how long they take.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

And an even bigger heart.

As the car hums past different scenery everyone fidgets slightly. The young girl and boy in the back seats look around, bored probably, as the car zooms along towards a destination unknown to the player. Steering the bright red convertible, a brunette woman in shades shifts her gaze slightly, accompanied by a man that lets his arms hang outside the car every now and then. This is the beginning of a quiet little camping trip.

Full Sentimental Jacket

From the store page alone the expectations for Wide Ocean Big Jacket should be set: it’s a short camping trip about a niece, her new boyfriend, her aunt and her uncle. But this simple premise houses lots of simple, slice of life moments that add up to something more. The feelings it’s able to portray with bold colors and sparse lines of dialogue is impressive. The design of the game, from just the menu alone, speaks volumes in terms of the artistic approach of the game.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Wide Ocean Big Jacket on Steam

A Ton Of Feathers

A Ton Of Feathers

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a 26 minute, mostly cinematic experience with some very basic interactions, running on the Unreal Engine. It is unpleasant visually and audibly, at times. It is artistic, experimental, and just plain weird. I think it may be autobiographical from the dev and it certainly feels at times as though he is talking to himself mostly and then sometimes at you.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This was pretty wild to me when I played it back in the day on Viveport. I think it had a different name. It has a unique art style with very high contrast and funky pixelation and color grading. I don’t know what those words mean. I don’t really understand the theme, something about game development. Wolfenstein 3d is name dropped once, and is likely the most memorable part of the experience. I liked the last scene on the beach where the gummy bears down by the water look at you. You might also notice a certain review blurb down on the steam store page. That’s me! What happened was I uploaded the viveport video, and the developer was like ‘hey can you please remove it’, and I demurred. Now I understand that I was in the wrong, and should have complied with their polite request. Other VR developers (3-4 at least) have clipped my youtube videos and I’ve gotten strikes just because I had the temerity to say that their game sucks, or sometimes that the game is good!

! To that end, fuck, fuck Claude Monet, The Water Lily Obsession, fuck Djinni and Thaco 35 dollar endless tutorial experience, Fuck Trauma Simulator, etc. It’s like Quantum phsics where certain VR experiences dissappear when byteframe looks at them.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

A Ton Of Feathers on Steam



Cataplexy is a short visual novel that combines incompatible genres of comedy and horror. It all depends on the chosen interpretation of events and the mood of the reader. To believe in the mystical nature of what is happening or to make out logical explanations. To be horrified by the state of hopelessness or to laugh at the comicality of the situation. This is for you to decide. Although the hero of our story in any case will have a hard time.


  • Possibility to choose the mood of the story: ironic or serious.

  • Visits by various otherworldly entities.

  • Backgrounds that combine hallucinations with reality.

  • A non-standard view of a truly existing phenomenon called Cataplexy.

  • A lot of story fragments were based on personal experience.

Cataplexy on Steam

Planet Alcatraz

Planet Alcatraz

Planet Alcatraz is a decent RPG with a Fallout vibe. The combat system is more in line with the Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale games i.e. Combat is in real time but you can pause the action with the space bar to issue commands.

As other reviewers have stated the English translation and voice acting are terrible but can often be (unintentionally) amusing. However bad the translation is it does not prevent you from following the plot or understanding what to do next.

The minimum spec graphics card for this game is nVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X800, 128 MB. I have an nVIDIA 8800 GT 512MB and it was working overtime running this game with the default settings. I recommend changing all graphic settings to Low. I honestly couldn’t see much difference after I did.

Real player with 107.0 hrs in game

It’s the 26th century. You’re an imperial soldier sent as an undercover convict to a penal colony on Planet Alzatraz with a mission to sabotage a spacecraft the convicts are building to escape the planet. The landing pod crashes, you are separated from your teammates, get captured and thrown in a labor camp. Because of your excellent build and opportunistic tendencies, you quickly rise through the ranks and become the go-to person for many Planet Alcatraz inhabitants, who have 25 hours' worth of quests for you.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Planet Alcatraz on Steam