Broken Dungeon

Broken Dungeon

i Really like this game, its def worth it for the game play and fast updates to feed back gameplay video at 60fps 1080

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

The game is set on a sturdy foundation but will need some time to smooth out the balancing. It took me a few minutes to get use to the Casual Mobs and they increasing got harder as the dungeon went on at a nice rate, but when i finally got to the boss i got my *** pushed in as a i was horded by mobs and the boss all at once. Ill give the fact i spent almost an hour in the Dungeon and the ‘Dungeon Master’ gets more resources as the time goes on; like the game states, “find a balance of exploration and speed”. The mobs became predictable and fairly easy to defeat without much threat of death, and expect it be similar to later Mobs. The map is extremely useful however there was a moment when the only unexplored area of the map was far beyond where i was currently at and the dread that i had to cross so far was demoralizing, whether that is a good sign or not is hard to tell. i wasn’t sure if i was upset i had to fight through more mobs or the fact i was so far from my goal with nothing more than a brisk walk and minor dash (perhaps a limited run or alternate form of movement not tied to combat). Over-all i rate the game a job well done and expect it to only get better. I will continue to play and hope to improve myself and get even further next time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Broken Dungeon on Steam

Mirror Layers

Mirror Layers

This game does more with the horror genre than just the standard “run/hide from the monster while solving mundane puzzles and piecing together a run-of-the-mill edgy backstory”, and I really appreciate that about it.

I really enjoyed this game a lot, and it was definitely worth the $20. However, it’s not flawless, so I’ll go over the pros and cons (focusing more on the pros to better paint the experience I had with this game).


  • Most of the puzzles leave you feeling satisfied. There are a few outliers (and I’ll go over those in the CONS section), but the vast majority of them get you thinking about them for a while, before fragmented pieces of information randomly piece together in your head, and you feel this appreciation for the ingenuity of the puzzle-design. Most of the times, all the hints are laid there before you, and there aren’t any red-herrings either. Unlike many riddle-based games, you don’t look back on the puzzle feeling cheated. Enigma 2 was a masterpiece in my opinion, and I’ve seen many other players share the same sentiment. As I’ve said though, there are some outliers.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Survival Horror Games.

(Edit: please play the demo first, it’s standalone from the full game and got different content and puzzles! It’s got its own different experience you’ll love it!)

Playing the game on ps4 controller, thankfully consistent with character movements and item usage and only need to use the mouse for accessing the in-game pc and menu screen.

It’s so good and atmosphere is really scary and the things you find out about apartment 12…

The in-game social media has an interesting checkpoint system where you never see posts from people posting at a later segment in the game so no spoilers from other players who advanced further (there’s a report button if you do find spoilers, but atm, the community is very good at giving tips without giving away the answers)

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Mirror Layers on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

A nicely animated, turn-based tactics game between the Primaris-heavy Blood Angels and whichever Hive Fleet.

On the hardest difficulty setting it is reasonably challenging, particularly during the first half of the campaign…

Until you get to the final mission. I got wiped on my first run, which looked pretty bleak, only to discover that hitting the Defeat splash screen for the last mission got me the Steam achievement for completing the campaign.

So I won? You can win too. Wait for a sale unless you affirmatively want to support old school games with Warhammer 40K skins.

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Games.

Best Warhammer 40,000 game released since the release of Dawn of War II. Highly recommended for turn based strategy fans or 40k fans (or both :)).

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector on Steam



I found out about this game while looking at random people’s broadcasts. And i’m glad i got to know about it! It’s released for PS4 about 2 years back and I’m guessing they just port it to PC like a year later?..

Now that said, i’ve only decided to write a review ONLY after about 800+ hrs of gameplay.. yes; 800+ hrs i played this game and only then i’ve decided to say whether it is worth your time/ money on this. This is my in-depth review.


Real player with 3178.6 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I actually love this game, but I also love many other games and lying is possibly the dumbest thing anyone can ever do, so I’m offering you my completely honest and objective opinion about the things at hand, which comes from an experienced player and someone who plans on continuing to play this game.

Also, if you like this game, check out the “Elminage” series, “Elminage Original” and “Elminage Gothic” are on steam and you’re going to love them.


Do you play games because you want: to have a good time/you enjoy a cool story/some “fun” gameplay/like a good challenge?

Real player with 591.4 hrs in game

LET IT DIE on Steam

Monstrum 2

Monstrum 2

Monstrum 2 is a 4v1 multiplayer only horror game where you either play as one of (currently) 3 monsters and hunt down prisoners or one of a bunch of prisoners that has to survive on a randomly generated sea fortress. The goal of the prisoners is to activate fuseboxes which need puzzles completed to be activated. Some need items, some a code, some need keycards or are blocked by something that you need to destroy or push/pull. After that they need to repair their escape vehicle, either submarine or helicopter, and then reach them before getting caught by the monster.

Real player with 171.9 hrs in game

TL;DR at bottom.

I cannot in good faith recommend Monstrum 2 at this time. As much as I want to give this game a positive review, there are simply too many glaring issues to warrant recommending the game in it’s current state. If you read some of the other reviews and feedback people have given, you can get a good idea of what it’s like to play right now and admittedly, while I do occasionally have some fun with the game, I find myself quickly losing interest and becoming frustrated.

If you get past the fact that you are going to have to ask others in the JunkFish discord to even find enough players to play a game, you are quickly going to realise that the balance between the prisoners trying to escape and the monsters hunting you down, pretty much doesn’t exist. If the monster even has a slight idea of what they are doing, in most runs, unless the prisoners are equally as good, if not better, you are going to get absolutely destroyed. Combine this with the fact that there are still so many bugs (especially with the audio) that have existed since the launch of Early Access, you are going to have to do everything your power to convince yourself that this is a good experience.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Monstrum 2 on Steam