Small World

Small World

I don’t own the boardgame of this yet but a couple of my friends and I spent several hours playing last night and well play many more in the future. A charming game that is much deeper than its whimsical appearance may suggest with a lot of replayability despite the (at least currently) singular map.

I would love to see more expansions for it, especially the modular map, to come to the PC version and more races and powers means more options and crazy combos. Some of these combinations were laugh out loud funny (flying ghouls, peace-loving barbarians, etc.) so even more of these would enhance the game immensely.

Real player with 408.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

TL;DR: It’s broken

You don’t have 165 hours in this, all single player. Nobody does. Why would you?

So here’s a review from a person who is deep in this game.

The boardgame is amazing, this is it.

Until a month ago, it worked great. It had a few glitches (Leprechauns would get slowdown issues while fast forwarding through their gold collection, etc.) that weren’t game breaking. Maybe every twentieth hour there’d be a game-breaking non-reproduceable bug that you’d never see again.

Not anymore. After purchasing the Royal Bonus DLC, I had 6 drops tonight. Reloaded, dropped from the game again. No error message, nothing. There’s a race that when selected… the game just stopped. Twice for me, tonight. Crazy.

Real player with 170.2 hrs in game

Small World on Steam