Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

One more juice, one more squeeze, and before you know it you have 30 hours in this game and almost enough points to buy the poop hat. Did anyone else mention you get to put hats on your little animal friends? This game pogs me out of my gourd.

Now for the serious part.

Serious Review

This an an auto-battler, which means you draft a team of units with varied stats and abilities, and you get to arrange them in order. That is the full extent of your involvement. Once you have spent all your gold in a turn, you are matched against another player and the animals duke it out without further involvement on your part.

Real player with 287.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Auto Battler Games.

it’s fun, it’s free, but while i would recommend it, i fear there is a heavily addicting element bc it’s super easy to get into, so having picked this up less than 24 hours ago, all my waking hours have essentially been while playing this game. This is not a good thing. (but the game is good, just be wary if you could get addicted to this) There is no monetary danger of addiction, which is a positive! There is DLC, but there is a filter such that F2Ps cannot play with P2Ws unless they change their settings.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Super Auto Pets on Steam



I really like the idea of this game, confess your deepest, darkest, or just plain secrets. I think for other peopls sake though, I saw the trigger warning in the games description. But I think it would be ideal to present that in the menu screen too. Also I think that It would be a cool add-on would be to change the font of the text, for an example, in the preview, there is an eerie font. But in the app, its an Ariel font.

Love the game, would recommend if you want to get something off your chest, our you’re just interested in what other people are doing. Just know, that If you are a bit sensative, do not buy. It 100% will make you reconsider buying. But I overall give this a 9/10.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Word Game Games.

DISCLAIMER: This is a first impressions review, and NOT a full review

Confessions is a game developed and published by Peace & Love Games

If you’re thinking this is a game, it isn’t

What it is is a software that is trying to copy what made Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to) so great and a once in a lifetime experience and change it into this platform where you can literally post your “confessions” which can be anything from harmless banter to some seriously fcked up sht

It tries to be an “interactive art installation”, but in my opinion, it’s just allowing anyone who even purchases this to write the most sadistic, twisted thoughts and views you could imagine

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Confessions on Steam

Musclecar Online

Musclecar Online

This game takes me back to Indy 500 for the Atari 2600. It was so simple, yet whenever there’s competition, there’s interest. The trick is to run the race as efficiently as you can. It requires some experience, some experimentation, and some mental toughness to do it well.

I haven’t played this long, but I love that I can spend 10-15 minutes on this when I’m bored. Depending on how tough the competition is, I might spend more, or less. It’s perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time throughout the day to play a game.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Racing Games.

Fun keyboard racer

Lots of car variations and unlimited player made tracks.

You start out with a bit of coin and two cars. You can use your coins to purchase other cars and/or variations of each one. There are also several tire choices for the variable track conditions to spend your coin on.

You earn more coins buy simpy turning laps, but you earn more when setting fast laps. So if you are within a certain percentage of the top time for the day, you are rewarded with coin. This is all sorted and tracked via the easy to use, in-game leader board. That said, earning coin is a bit of a grind at the beginning…not overbearing, but it pays to make smart purchases…you don’t want to be short on cash when in need of some rain tires. :)

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Musclecar Online on Steam

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

This is not a game. This is a community of kind strangers helping each other with kind words. Your only reward will be nice music and rooms to decorate. But that truly is enough. Kind words are not for those who seek rewards or validation. You don’t meet or talk or make friends with anyone. Kind words isn’t made for that. It is just meant to be kind words spoken without reward or consequence between strangers. And in doing just that Kind Words elevates itself. It truly becomes a place where you can seek kindness from strangers, when real life deals you a bad hand.

Real player with 130.9 hrs in game

I bought this game a long time ago on a recommendation from a friend, but never picked it up. Then one day recently I was feeling really down and useless about myself. I didn’t really want to play any of my usual favourites and I remembered I had this and thought I’d give it a go.

At first I thought it might be fun to vent into the aether (and I got some lovely responses), but soon I realised that replying to other people’s messages and helping where I thought I could felt great. So many people were going through things I’d been though and could help with. It’s a thoroughly charming game with so many enDEERing features, I’d recommend it to anyone whether you’re feeling good or bad. It’s the sort of game where playing for 15 minutes can make you feel better about the day.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to) on Steam