

Nice game, good idea and potential genre. It became a part of my screen now since you dont need to do anything during battles.

Real player with 163.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Auto Battler Games.

really great game and concept! I don’t play many games for nearly this long

I wish the progression was unlimited somehow though.. it seems lightning spam covers most top spots? I have one concept strategy that may work but I don’t think the math will add up properly to counter lightning in the end… unlimited progression would just mean that, it would take an exponential amount of time to counter meta strategies (i think?)… (maybe a constantly shifting meta?) just a thought though, it may be tough to implement

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

Beastrun on Steam

Conquest of Elysium 5

Conquest of Elysium 5

Conquest of Elysium 5 is the next iteration of the past CoE games with more content, and with nearly the same (pixel art) graphics that were used in Civilization 2. They have gotten a little better over the years, but not much. If you played CoE4, there are three new factions, new modding tools, and new “Planes” within each map to conquer. The biggest difference for me from the previous version was not just that there was more to conquer though, it is that the “more” that exists is also now much more accessible. More on this below:

Real player with 193.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Games.

I love this game, I never get tired of it. It strike the perfect balance between complexity and accessibility.

Real player with 167.9 hrs in game

Conquest of Elysium 5 on Steam

Magic Rampage

Magic Rampage

fun old school style game

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Adventure Games.

nice game to relax, adventure game that is simple and pleasant to play.

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Magic Rampage on Steam

Burn The Witch

Burn The Witch

Something about this concept appealed to me, and I took a gamble despite not really liking PvP games.

This is launch day, and there’s a lack of immediate players. I feel like Burn the Witch has been priced out of impulse buy range, and especially out of “buy a copy for a friend” range which would have benefited it hugely.

After a while I found a lobby with two other players, and it was a fun ten minute diversion. I’m not sure if the sense of paranoia causes people to just attack on sight, or if they just didn’t understand the objective. The game doesn’t seem to work well with small groups, since killing at random is a 50/50 chance of a win anyway.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Burn The Witch on Steam

Mad Wild Fairy Tale

Mad Wild Fairy Tale

I invested already close to 30+ hours in this game. I was playing a beta version befor early access release.

This is surely RPG and Strategy but in a few ways it is almost a rogue like game.

Even if it has no common rogue like elements. WHAT???

The Thing is you reach “immortality” only under two different conditions: Character level 10 and Forest Heart (healthbar over 500). And as i said im 30+ hours in this game… still trying!

I would not recommend this game to player who wanna dive in for a few hours.. you will be probably on the same place like a few hours ago!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Mad Wild Fairy Tale is an Action / Strategy game which was developed by Morozov Sergey and is still in the Early Access phase.

Gameplay / Story

A country is ruled by a merciful king, who stands up for his people and also stands behind it, what more do you want as a citizen. But now the king is death, murdered by an intrigue of the worst kind. A message rises, isn’t the king death at all? The king suddenly rose from the dead through an ancient power with the aim of revenge, which betrayed him and murdered him in cold blood. You take control of the undead king.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Mad Wild Fairy Tale on Steam

Smithy Wars

Smithy Wars

Pretty good! The crafting is well thought and original. The enchanting cards really take me back to Legends of Mana

Real player with 174.2 hrs in game

Fun little game if you like to watch auto-battles and try to figure out the best gear and setup to advance further.

The adventure mode is very bare-bone but the puzzles are interesting (although repetitive) and it is a good way to farm for gear and money, especially early in the game.

I got over 20 hours of fun until I felt I maxed out on gear and could not push further.

But the game just got an update with new, much more expensive gear that should allow me to push my champions a little further and squeeze more fun out of this game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Smithy Wars on Steam

Gem Rush

Gem Rush

This is the digital version of the best selling board game…Gem Rush.

I highly recommend this game for all ages as not only a challenging enough casual game, but one with enough complexity to make it incredibly fun and enjoyable. You can pick it up and leave it anytime, and resume whenever you like. It is multiplayer, and you can play up to 7 players, of which all can be yourself or you can assign bots with 4 differing strength levels. This game has much grown on me, become my weekly gameplay. I admire the “Labor of Love” in the sense that the developer continues to update, polish and refine the overall game as years pass. I would give it a try, as it is well worth $10. 😊

Real player with 79.7 hrs in game

Good Game

This is a board game that has made a faithful reiplementation into a digital form. As a board game, I’m going to say it is not something for people who don’t particuarlly like board games. This game avoids many of the fiddily bigts of setup and tear down and rules checking

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Gem Rush on Steam

Chaos Reborn

Chaos Reborn

TL;DR: I enjoy this game immensely. This review summarizes some reasons why.

THE THEME: At the end of the 14th century, Earth shattered into innumerable fragments in a magic-instigated apocalypse. Powerful magic allows fragments of Earth to endure as habitable, island realms scattered between planes of existence. From a planet called Limbo, wizards and gods engage in eternal conflict over who controls the many, surviving realms of old Earth. Each realm holds the promise of ancient artifacts, lore, and power to fuel the ambitions of wizards and gods alike. It is a feudal, dystopic society of magic users.

Real player with 2074.1 hrs in game

Note: I deleted my old review because with so many updates since last Octobers release, it was simply too out of date to warrant an edit. So here is a new one, reviewing the game as of V1.10, released today!

Chaos Reborn is a hex based, turn based, card based strategy game where you are a wizard and you have to kill the other wizards. This is done by casting spells which can either summon creatures to attack other creatures and wizards, cast magic attack spells to kill almost anything, or create growth spells that hinders mobility. You’ll soon learn that different creatures have different strengths and weaknesses, far too many to list here but you’ll learn them.

Real player with 1186.0 hrs in game

Chaos Reborn on Steam



Ive played this game for now 90hrs+ its not been too bad so far, some will enjoy it others will not. This game seems to be a spin off or a remake of the Gamevil & Singta colaboration of 2017. Giants War. Same characters same BGM. same play style, you might even say its a re-release.

Not a lot of active players in this game. i suspect the guys who maxed out are the devs playing the game. its heavily pay to win. or speed to the end of the content. im FTP myself and on zone 8. But u get kinda restricted with a limited amount of champions to send off on mission and carry on with the content.

Real player with 116.8 hrs in game

There is a daily stamina cap that you can refill with money, but this is a minor issue.

After many hours i didn’t find a single rare hero inside free chests, and i don’t think it’s possible. You can transform your common heroes in better random heroes for golds, or purchase them with currency you earn for free by playing, but the cost is high and you need the above said currency to upgrade your common heroes, or at some point you can’t really win against monsters that are higher than you. About this… i’d like to know where is the strategy, where is the timing, if you can’t win by interrupting monster skills. Everything seems more based on heroes level and rarity than your skill. It’s enough already if i say that bosses oneshot all my units with a single normal attack.

Real player with 97.0 hrs in game

Giants on Steam



For the type of game this is, it is well polished! I spend countless hours a day playing it and the community is nice and talkative too!

This is a game that you use up movement points for, then return in a little bit. Very strategic, lots of possiblities on what to do within the game, and a great balance on how long an “age” lasts. (ages are like seasons for other games)

There’s much more that i can say about this game than i can here, but I gave it a 4/5. The details are shown in my video here:

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game

Loving the game so far, very friendly and helpful developers in the discord as well. after playing the game for 20 hours or so, its a lot more in depth then the style would have you believe from the different classes and how they work, to the diverse amount of spells that can do anything from give you resources, reinforcements during fights, and just straight kill you. The game is definitely worth trying at least if you like strategy games.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Conquest! on Steam