Farmer And Tree

Farmer And Tree

i like cute trees

Real player with 924.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Cute Games.

Although there are not many reviews of this game and probably is not very popular, I really love it.

I mean, if you don’t treat it as a “game” but more like a peaceful corner of your device, you will understand what I’m saying.

I love the style and the relaxing vibe. I also particularly enjoy opening it up a few minutes every day to watch my trees progress or discover some novelty around. It is not a game to stay hours playing it (or at least for now).

I wish the developers gave some more info about what you need specifically to unlock certain things (i.e. receive letters from neighbors, send seeds, etc.) instead of blindly waiting for stuff to happen. But on the other hand that’s part of the charm of it, I guess.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Farmer And Tree on Steam

my fluffy life

my fluffy life

Update 2 (Late Autumn Update) :

Gameplay : The gameplay has improved very much. The seasons make every season change exciting. The new minigame introduced where you collect apples, pumpkins, and hiney to make jam is an excellent game. It keeps my attention and the art design is gorgeous. The amount of teddycoins you make from that game is also reasonable in my opinion. The way the minigames themselves make you gain happiness as well as working towards another minigame is something I very much enjoy. Growing chamomile bushes and collecting honey is also very relaxing! One thing I think that could enhance the game play of the jam-making minigame in particular though is being able to make multiple jams at once. By this, I mean that I can stack layers of apples and honeycomb to make several apple jams, similar to how you can stack items in Minecraft in the crafting table to make multiple of the same object all at once. Of course this is just a suggestion and I respect the vision pooftie wishes to create, so if she does not want to do this for any reason, I am fine with that!

Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Cute Games.

este é o joguinho mais suave que já joguei .. ! ς꒰´ ˘ ' ς ⑅ ꒱ა ˒˒

é um adorável jogo projetado para interação e personalização .. os controles são fáceis e você pega o jeitinho do jogo muito rápido ♡ você pode enviar mensagens à outros jogadores, decorar sua casinha e seu meigo bichinho, e no final de um dia amável .. relaxar com as musiquinhas do jogo enquanto escreve em seu diariozinho ♡

me sinto com o coraçãozinho aquecido e completamente confortável enquanto exploro os cantinhos deste joguinho, e fortemente recomendo para quem deseja fazer amigos de uma maneira mais sutil ou está buscando um cantinho aconchegante para passar um tempinho .. ♡ ꒰ ᐟᐟ ´ ˘ ' ᐟᐟ ꒱

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

my fluffy life on Steam

Football Club Simulator - FCS #21

Football Club Simulator - FCS #21

The game looks nice, it is a game which shows the football simulation witha a personal touch. It’s certainly has some bugs and that can disturb when playing. But it looks thaht they are solving and fixing the bugs.

Also, it’s another philosophy of the game and you see a tendency to set the guidelines themselves and create a model of game that is enjoyable and entertaining.

My opinion is that this game is seen potential and can become a very good game. We have to see the evolution of the game, that have a lot of work.

Real player with 119.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Funny Games.

Verdict: 7/10

If you find it interesting to start with a very low grade team, and improve its economics and quality through time, this is the game for you.

PrivateJoh’s personal views:

Disclaimer: I am actually reusing a review of a game that has disappeared from Steam Store, which funnily enough is this one with a different name.

Manage your favorite football club, or just raise a small local club to dominate Champions League.

First of all, I have been a fan since the early days where the game was delivered in two 3.5 disks, so my review is probably biased. I should also say that I never play the matches, since the simulation part is what really attracts me. So, I cannot really comment on the arcade part of the game.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Football Club Simulator - FCS #21 on Steam