Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale

Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale

i hate that i laughed at THAT many cow puns lmao

the intro killed me and the creative idea to use cows as a battle royale main character is p neat

how is this game free?!

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

OKAY, the replay value of this game is pretty outstanding! Honestly, there isn’t much out there in terms of DAILY gameplay changes, and I am in love with the “king of the hill” sort of way you are able to CLAIM the Divine pasture and show off your build to friends as they try to take you down!

Honestly, I can see a negative review with only 8 minutes of playtime. They certainly didn’t give the game a shot or comprehend the games core mechanic, challenging friends! Too play this game for 8 minutes then write a 4 paragraph review is just unethical and wrong.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale on Steam