Farmer And Tree

Farmer And Tree

i like cute trees

Real player with 924.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Life Sim Games.

Although there are not many reviews of this game and probably is not very popular, I really love it.

I mean, if you don’t treat it as a “game” but more like a peaceful corner of your device, you will understand what I’m saying.

I love the style and the relaxing vibe. I also particularly enjoy opening it up a few minutes every day to watch my trees progress or discover some novelty around. It is not a game to stay hours playing it (or at least for now).

I wish the developers gave some more info about what you need specifically to unlock certain things (i.e. receive letters from neighbors, send seeds, etc.) instead of blindly waiting for stuff to happen. But on the other hand that’s part of the charm of it, I guess.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Farmer And Tree on Steam

Spies & Soldiers

Spies & Soldiers

Spies & Soldiers is a low fantasy strategy game with procedural content and simple mechanics, providing a hit of pure strategy gameplay without the overwhelming complexity often associated with the genre.

The game is a two-player, turn-based digital board game, based on simple mechanics from which complex strategies arise. Each match plays out across a uniquely generated world map, so every game is different.

Key features include:

  • Online head-to-head multiplayer.

  • Simple mechanics and complex strategies.

  • Fast-paced gameplay.

  • Simultaneous turns.

  • Procedural maps.

  • Single player skirmish mode.

Game Mechanics and Strategy

There are two primary systems: military strength and subterfuge. To grow an empire and win, players must carefully balance both elements. Because a fresh map is created for each game, players also need to adapt their strategies to each new world.

Military strength is represented by Soldiers. They are straightforward and effective, relying on strength of numbers, and are used to take control of the castles that are needed to win. Soldiers combine to form armies, and battles are won by the largest army in a region.

Subterfuge is the domain of Spies. They are more complex than Soldiers, dealing with hidden information, surprise and paranoia. Spies are used to take control of cities, which provide the action points needed to power all activities. They can also turn the tide of battle, assassinate other spies, sabotage castle defenses and more. A spy’s effectiveness is determined by its rank, with the most highly ranked spy in a region having the upper hand. Working from the shadows, spies are hidden and can only be seen by an enemy spy of superior rank.

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Games.

Spies & Soldiers on Steam

Ascension: Deckbuilding Game

Ascension: Deckbuilding Game

TLDR; The game is well worth the $10 at full price, let alone sale price, even though there are a few minor inconveniences.

I’m a huge card game fan. Magic the Gathering, Dominion, Cards Against Humanity, etc. If it has cards, I generally love it. This game is no exception, and stands out in a couple ways over similair card based games that you can get on the PC. Compared to, oh say Magic the Gathering, the file size and resources required to run this game are miniscule. I often have my 12 gigs of ram stretched pretty thin, but never once has the game caused an issue with anything else running or been too much of a burden on system resources.

Real player with 500.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

My favorite deck-building game

Ascension is a very good video game adaptation of one of the best tabletop competitive deck-building games, Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer. One player (with AI players) to four players can play locally (hot seat) or online (you must register for a free Asmodee online account), which allows cross-platform play (between Steam and various smartphone implementations).

The game

You start with the now-standard deck-builder set-up - 10 cards - and you draw back up to five cards at the end of each turn. Cards in the base game can be heroes (played once and discarded), constructs (semi-permanent), and monsters (defeat for points). Heroes and constructs generate two of the resources in the game: Runes (money for purchasing cards) and/or Power (fighting strength). Defeated monsters award you Honor (victory) points. You play cards on your turn, which generate Runes and/or Power, and you spend those to acquire or defeat cards that have been dealt from the shuffled “Portal Deck.” In addition to the minimum-six cards in the Portal Deck, there are always at least three other cards available on the side: two inexpensive heroes to buy, and one monster to fight. Heroes and constructs are worth some amount of Honor, while defeating monsters draws Honor points from the Honor pool. The Honor pool works as a timer for the game: at the start of the game, Honor is placed in the pool, and the final round completes when the last Honor points are drawn from the pool. Then the value of the heroes and constructs is added to the Honor points, and the player with the highest total wins.

Real player with 405.7 hrs in game

Ascension: Deckbuilding Game on Steam

Get Together: A Coop Adventure

Get Together: A Coop Adventure

At first, I was a bit hesitant due to the art style seeming a bit too ‘happy’ for my taste with the bunny-like characters, but don’t make the same mistake.

Grab a friend partial to puzzles and dive into an interestingly novel gaming adventure. You don’t even need an internet connection - the puzzles are designed so that either of you receives only half of the needed information and you’ll need to communicate in order to get the whole picture and find out what needs doing.

The biggest part of the fun stems from exactly this communication - your imagination running wild trying to describe the mysterious symbols you find on your way and finding out if you both are actually talking about the same thing. Abstract descriptions of geometrical forms suddenly turn into scales that somehow again turn into a mushroom. What bobbles do you want me to touch? Oh yeah, I’ll just stand near the elderly butt, no problem.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Played through this game with my 10 yr old daughter. Made for some great Daddy/Daughter gaming. It was fun, puzzles were challenging, but not too hard overall. Had to ask Mom for some outside input a coupe times, but we had a great time. Would definitely recommend.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Get Together: A Coop Adventure on Steam

Paperback: The Game

Paperback: The Game

I have the physical copy of this and enjoy it - so I got this just for time passing and a bit of practice.

AI is ok and can be a bit of a challenge.

A repeated game lock up issue when dragging cards seems to have been resolved.

This version is helpful as my partner has trouble shuffling and so online is a preferred method of play for us.

Would be nice to have some of the game expansions as options, and also for the music to be longer or more varied. It gets repetitive

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Deck building word game - what a fantastic idea! build words from the letters in your hand and use the score to buy more letters to add to your deck. I’ve looked at the physical version of this for a long time, but most of my family isn’t that interested in word games. This was an easy way to jump into it, and I’m winning them over :) great art, great mechanics, and the AI makes it fun to play solo. Can’t recommend it enough.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Paperback: The Game on Steam



Always heard about the boardgame but never had the chance to play it and now that i did I can see why it’s so popular!

The DA is very well done: plays smooth, good sfx, AI feels solid (haven’t tried Hard yet though). The game has already -I think?- all of the the expansions available that can be played in a 1v1 against AI or with another player online.

I must say this is very polished already for being EA for less than two weeks!

As per how stability goes, ​I played 3 games with a friend yesterday and we only got two freezes/crashes but we could keep playing by simply restarting the game: no game-breaking bugs found yet.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

A very faithful adaptation of the famous evolutionary card game. The first one that found the concept of deckbuilding during the game. Many other games followed this inspiration, such as Star Realms, Ascension, War of Omens, for the main ones. If you know of any others, please respond.

This is a concept not to be confused with these two:

  • Deckbuilding before the game, the player builds a deck (example: Magic the Gathering).

  • Deckbuilding during the game, without being able to swap cards, during a quest (example: Slay the spire).

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Dominion on Steam

Monster Logic

Monster Logic

One of the best programming games I’ve played. Lots of levels and a variety of interesting ways to solve each one.. Competitive leaderboards, the top score in some of these puzzle are already pretty crazy. You are going to have to be super creative in order to match them. There are three categories for the leaderboards and your best score in each category for the puzzle is automatically saved. (Zachtrnoics take note please)

I have played almost every programming game on steam and this is probably my second favorite. With my favorite being EXAPUNKS

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

First off, I was a beta tester and received the game for free.

It might be scary for those who are not particularly into programming to look at the store page and see stuff like “Based on esoteric programming languages Befunge and Trefunge”. It could make you think this game is “too niche” and not for you.

Now, I don’t know whether you’ll actually like it or not, but let me tell you this: I had never even heard of Befunge or Trefunge before playing this, and I’m not a programming enthusiast or anything. I just looked at it as a fun puzzle game with cute monsters and animations and tried to solve the levels as best I could using good old logic.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Monster Logic on Steam

Police Sentri

Police Sentri

This should be has been released as an ‘Early Access’ title.

It has potential, it was fun and all but it contains way too many bugs.

The developers seems to be actively updating the game, thus, I recommend it.

Real player with 179.7 hrs in game

Still too many bugs,

but the game itself are quite good for killing time.

just need to fix the bug and add few features.

Hope that the game dev didnt just create the game and dump it right away.

Its pretty sad when trusted brand like TODAK make a game like this,then they didnt pay attention at all about the game.

P.S. :If game dev didnt want to fix the game bug,just sell the game to me,i’ll make it known worldwide.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Police Sentri on Steam



First, I love this game. I love the cardboard version, and I love playing the digital one.

Second, the visuals are just lovely, though I don’t really understand some of the design choices (why would anyone choose to view just their Forest?), and I’d like to be able to watch the other players or AIs take their turns.

That doesn’t mean this version isn’t without it’s problems, which isn’t surprising so shortly after launch. I’m not sure what the rationale was for giving so many viewing options, but I only use the “full board” view (rather than viewing each of the environments), which requires a click to view powers of birds that have been played. The interface is very click-heavy to avoid making mistakes and to fix misclicks, which I appreciate, but if you have more than a couple birds in your hand (say 5+ total cards), selecting and playing birds from your hand is SUPER clunky and finicky. Since the game is a bit pricey, none in my gaming group have bought it yet, so I’ve only played the AI, which is pretty easy (no Hard AI has been implemented yet), but still very fun. In my last game I won 115-71-61-51, so it was a rout against the regular AI, but that was my biggest win to date.

Real player with 3321.3 hrs in game

I am a big fan of Wingspan. I’ve been playing the physical board game for a couple of years and the digital version for about a year. I currently have 158.4 hours into the digital version of it as of this writing.

There are plenty of videos out there showcasing what Wingspan is. I recommend you check them out. I will spare everyone the details here and focus more on my own pros/cons.

The big pros of the digital version for me:

-It eliminates all of the set up and tear down of the physical version. My wife only wants to play digitally now for this reason alone.

Real player with 214.1 hrs in game

Wingspan on Steam

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim

If you’re interested in Ozymandias, please wishlist, follow us and download the demo! :)

At the dawn of history, Bronze Age kings built the first empires. Strategize their rise to power in a uniquely streamlined 4X.


  • Focus on strategy over tactics, we’ve stripped the busywork out of 4X gameplay.

  • Combat abstracted via innovative Power system so you need only move armies and fleets.


  • 8 handmade maps charting Bronze Ages around the world, empires in real-world locations.

  • Empires are tagged from ‘Easy’ to ‘Very Hard’ to reflect their unique challenges.


  • Data-driven AI system, flexible enough to succeed in any environment.

  • Streamlined ruleset is inherently AI-friendly so no ‘AI cheating’ required.


  • Players take their turns simultaneously so there’s no waiting around.

  • Choose to play ‘live’ (short turn timers) or ‘asynchronous’ (long game timers).

Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim on Steam