GUILT: The Deathless

GUILT: The Deathless


  • Guilt is a roguelike action-RPG adventure set in a persistent world all players affect

  • Unlock shortcuts, share loot and build altars – to help (or hinder) others

  • Explore a non-linear world map and procedurally-generated levels, across multiple twisted landscapes

  • Unravel a dark fantasy tale inspired by Slavic folklore

  • Tread carefully: your character can die permanently, but the impact you and other players make on the world will remain

BEG FOR FORGIVENESS: Challenging freeform combat

  • Brutal but balanced real-time combat that will put your skills to the test

  • Slice, dodge and manage stamina as you slay foes small and large

  • Equip your character with an endless array of powerful weapons, armors, spells and enchantments

  • Beware your Guilt: certain actions may lead to dire – or lucrative – consequences

SHARE THE REALM: A lonely path – not a lonely world

  • Your journey is solitary and unique – but the world is shared with other players

  • Contribute to – or steal from – world-changing projects with others

  • Uncover signs of others’ passing: loot, corpses, constructions…

  • Hunt for your own corpse from past lives – but make haste, or others will beat you to it

  • Traverse varied territories, from a sea of shipwrecks to an underground library

WALK THE TRAIL: A dark and violent tale

  • A rich fantasy adventure through a dark and twisted world inspired by Slavic folklore

  • After a world-ruining disaster, the great sorcerer Koschei locks you into a dark pact to save the realm. Will you heed his every command?

  • Encounter twisted, enigmatic characters who might enrich you – or ruin you – on your journey

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Procedural Generation Games.

GUILT: The Deathless on Steam

Burn The Witch

Burn The Witch

Something about this concept appealed to me, and I took a gamble despite not really liking PvP games.

This is launch day, and there’s a lack of immediate players. I feel like Burn the Witch has been priced out of impulse buy range, and especially out of “buy a copy for a friend” range which would have benefited it hugely.

After a while I found a lobby with two other players, and it was a fun ten minute diversion. I’m not sure if the sense of paranoia causes people to just attack on sight, or if they just didn’t understand the objective. The game doesn’t seem to work well with small groups, since killing at random is a 50/50 chance of a win anyway.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Third Person Games.

Burn The Witch on Steam

Broken Dungeon

Broken Dungeon

i Really like this game, its def worth it for the game play and fast updates to feed back gameplay video at 60fps 1080

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

The game is set on a sturdy foundation but will need some time to smooth out the balancing. It took me a few minutes to get use to the Casual Mobs and they increasing got harder as the dungeon went on at a nice rate, but when i finally got to the boss i got my *** pushed in as a i was horded by mobs and the boss all at once. Ill give the fact i spent almost an hour in the Dungeon and the ‘Dungeon Master’ gets more resources as the time goes on; like the game states, “find a balance of exploration and speed”. The mobs became predictable and fairly easy to defeat without much threat of death, and expect it be similar to later Mobs. The map is extremely useful however there was a moment when the only unexplored area of the map was far beyond where i was currently at and the dread that i had to cross so far was demoralizing, whether that is a good sign or not is hard to tell. i wasn’t sure if i was upset i had to fight through more mobs or the fact i was so far from my goal with nothing more than a brisk walk and minor dash (perhaps a limited run or alternate form of movement not tied to combat). Over-all i rate the game a job well done and expect it to only get better. I will continue to play and hope to improve myself and get even further next time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Broken Dungeon on Steam



I’ve logged 30+ hours already and I’ve read many of the other reviews, and the negative ones fail to take into account several things.

First off, this game just launched and they are constantly fixing issues and deploying them. Yes the issues have caused frustration. However, they have solved several so far, including the “standing still” glitch and infinite loading screens. And there are more fixes on the way. This is one of, if not the, best dev team in terms of their relationship with the community, willingness to listen to suggestions, and also fix things in a timely manner. Huge positives.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

I of course made a video review of this game which can be found here:

If you don’t want to watch the video, and would rather read the script, ill just leave it here:

What is up ladies and gentlemen bois and girls, it’s your host Zulo back with another vid, today we will be reviewing Mirador, without further ado lets jump right in

Mirador is a hack-and-slash adventure game in which you can play solo or in a duo squad, and you will face challenging player-created boss fights!

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

Mirador on Steam



I’ve been playing this game for over a year on mobile.

Monolisk is an interesting free to play game, made by a small development team and has great potential.

It’s a fantastic freeware game that gives you the ability to build your own shards (maps) and possibility of combining them in one campaign, moreover, all the maps are created only by the player base. Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword, but more on that later.

The map editor is very simple, but at the same time it is very functional. To create the shard you begin by selecting one of the realm card (available in 5 colours) which define the appearance and type of blocks available. Then we choose a same colour of shardstone (available in different sizes) that determines the maximum number of monsters, text signs, object and the number of available blocks.

Real player with 353.0 hrs in game

With this game you can have fun in two ways:

-You can play the maps created by other players:

You will have 5 different types of heroes to choose from, each of which has specific abilities. There are nearly 300 different types of equipment in the game, for now, this translates into infinite possibilities of customizing your hero, so that you can adapt it as you prefer to your playing style.

As for the maps to play, being created by other players, you will find new maps to play every day.

-You can create your own maps to entertain other players:

Real player with 308.2 hrs in game


Mad Wild Fairy Tale

Mad Wild Fairy Tale

I invested already close to 30+ hours in this game. I was playing a beta version befor early access release.

This is surely RPG and Strategy but in a few ways it is almost a rogue like game.

Even if it has no common rogue like elements. WHAT???

The Thing is you reach “immortality” only under two different conditions: Character level 10 and Forest Heart (healthbar over 500). And as i said im 30+ hours in this game… still trying!

I would not recommend this game to player who wanna dive in for a few hours.. you will be probably on the same place like a few hours ago!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Mad Wild Fairy Tale is an Action / Strategy game which was developed by Morozov Sergey and is still in the Early Access phase.

Gameplay / Story

A country is ruled by a merciful king, who stands up for his people and also stands behind it, what more do you want as a citizen. But now the king is death, murdered by an intrigue of the worst kind. A message rises, isn’t the king death at all? The king suddenly rose from the dead through an ancient power with the aim of revenge, which betrayed him and murdered him in cold blood. You take control of the undead king.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Mad Wild Fairy Tale on Steam



I found out about this game while looking at random people’s broadcasts. And i’m glad i got to know about it! It’s released for PS4 about 2 years back and I’m guessing they just port it to PC like a year later?..

Now that said, i’ve only decided to write a review ONLY after about 800+ hrs of gameplay.. yes; 800+ hrs i played this game and only then i’ve decided to say whether it is worth your time/ money on this. This is my in-depth review.


Real player with 3178.6 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I actually love this game, but I also love many other games and lying is possibly the dumbest thing anyone can ever do, so I’m offering you my completely honest and objective opinion about the things at hand, which comes from an experienced player and someone who plans on continuing to play this game.

Also, if you like this game, check out the “Elminage” series, “Elminage Original” and “Elminage Gothic” are on steam and you’re going to love them.


Do you play games because you want: to have a good time/you enjoy a cool story/some “fun” gameplay/like a good challenge?

Real player with 591.4 hrs in game

LET IT DIE on Steam

Spartan Firefight

Spartan Firefight

Really enjoyable 2d shooter. You are dropped in a small map and have to fight waves of aliens. There is also an ai deathmatch mode against space marines. Each weapon feels distinct and has a tactical purpose. Upgrade system and unlockables will have you coming back for more. Shooting is limited to high or low aiming. So use of the terrain and ducking is something you need to master. Music is good, but somewhat limited selection. Developer continues to support the game with updates. Would recommend.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Great game, only thing I dislike is that you can only have one linked account, I tried to have my Xbox connected to my game data on here, but that wouldn’t work due to the fact that I have already linked my phones game data, other than that it’s a great game.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Spartan Firefight on Steam