

The next generation game for fans of Eufloria. While more abstract, gameplay consists of missions resembling Homeworld’s tactical map. A true, addictive crack gem. 4X whittled to the bone. A virtuoso use of VR.

Real player with 408.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer 4X Games.

Pretty fun game concept, not too hard, not too easy. The campaign is really just a tutorial and ends after about 2 hours which you can keep going if you want. All in all it’s an interesting concept

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Astraeus on Steam

Light Trail Rush

Light Trail Rush


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Racing Games.

A rushed title that needs a lot more development time


Light Trail Rush is a racing game where players fly in anti-gravitational spaceships, trying to get the lead. The leader of the race is called “tracer”, because it traces the path where are all other contestant race on. This is the main twist of Light Trail Rush: point-based matches where points are usually gained by being the tracer or launching other players off the track. This interesting idea also makes for different circuits every match, an interesting feature that, if implemented correctly, could give an incredible boost to the game replayability.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Light Trail Rush on Steam

Battle for the Galaxy

Battle for the Galaxy

The only way that I can reliably play this game is through a Steam account. If you play any other way, if you have to reinstall your web browser, you lose your account and have to start over again from scratch. I have restarted this game 5 times. The other at the end of January 2021, the game reset and I was sent back to the beginning again. I started sending messages through social media and they suddenly repaired the game to where I was before the program change.

This is a free to play game, but you really need to pay for enough gems to purchase the maximum number of Drones, which is about $10. So, I have spent $50 on this game so far.

Real player with 4845.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Free to Play Games.

What have you done to the game dear devs, this VERSION is faster and has a better quality, but the game seems incomplete. It is either buggy or the devs deliberitetly mess up certain aspects of the game. Right now it is better to play it on or though facebook. And you can later trasfer the account to steam (not tried it).

Also i could not get any infantry modules on the Operation (you can get access to the Operation by upgrading the HQ to lvl4), i don´t know if that is a bug or the devs trying to make the Operation harder again. How about you make it easier istead, like increasing the time to 3 days instead of 2. I would like to get more sleep. :)

Real player with 1605.8 hrs in game

Battle for the Galaxy on Steam



Overall the concept was pretty cool! But the handling on the car was kinda difficult to get used to. As well as it being a relatively short game, could complete in under half an hour or so. Also the music was extremely loud and unbearable!!

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Fix the controls! Thank you!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Speedpunk on Steam

Bots Are Stupid

Bots Are Stupid

A 2D game where you try to maneuver robots through different platforming levels. It sets itself apart from conventional platformers by offering an alternative, more precise way of user input. Instead of directly controlling the character’s movement, the player has to write a set of simple instructions telling his robot what to do. The bot will then follow those instructions precisely and maybe (or maybe not) finish the level.


The commands for the robots are designed to be as simple as possible in order to make the game accessible to anyone. This means that you are not required to have any prior programming/tech knowledge to be able to “program” the bots. The game might also have an educational value by introducing players to the very basics of scripting/programming in a playful way.


  • 18 uniquely challenging Platformer Levels

  • Ultra-precise control by writing instructions

  • Grappling hook, Speed boosters, Conveyor belts

  • Level Editor + Level Sharing

  • Global Leaderboards of each level’s best scripts

  • Infinite supply of bots!

Bots Are Stupid on Steam