Torque Drift

Torque Drift

I’ve played this game since the release on mobile, and have put 70 hours into the PC version so far and I love it.

Sure it has it’s bugs, but remember it’s still being ported over from mobile and is still in early access. In my opinion, its one of the best/intricate drifting games on the market! Updates and patches are fairly often, and the dev team seem super responsive to problems and ideas that players have about the game.

The crates are a feature where in alot of games are a pay to win can still make you feel like youre getting robbed due to rarely getting anything good.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Racing Games.


Reviewing this game is kinda hard and reading the reviews most players have submitted is a little bit painful.


  • What is my take on this game?

Most users have rated it P2W /Pay to win/ and I can’t qualify it as such a game. If you build a car from stock you will get a better car that money can buy pretty fast and by fast I mean you get cash and billions /the paid currency/ very easily. They are several levels of parts that when averaged also set the level of your car / I call them common, rare, epic, legendary and custom/. “Pay to win” cars are always “Epic” with the exception of 2 cars. You can already see why the game in my eyes at least is not “P2W”. Those paid for with real money cars can also not be setup to you preference as it goes to height, camber, caster and so on. What you paid for that’s all you get.

Real player with 127.5 hrs in game

Torque Drift on Steam

Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale

Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale

i hate that i laughed at THAT many cow puns lmao

the intro killed me and the creative idea to use cows as a battle royale main character is p neat

how is this game free?!

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer 2D Games.

OKAY, the replay value of this game is pretty outstanding! Honestly, there isn’t much out there in terms of DAILY gameplay changes, and I am in love with the “king of the hill” sort of way you are able to CLAIM the Divine pasture and show off your build to friends as they try to take you down!

Honestly, I can see a negative review with only 8 minutes of playtime. They certainly didn’t give the game a shot or comprehend the games core mechanic, challenging friends! Too play this game for 8 minutes then write a 4 paragraph review is just unethical and wrong.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale on Steam



  • From a quick look at the game, being a game developer myself, first of all I think the mechanics are really, really good for a game like this. They don’t look all that good at first glance, but are unbelievably fun to actually play.

  • I think that in a way the game feels a lot worse than it is because of the UI, and I think a reskin would really improve the feel of the gameplay in general.

  • An undo would be useful, but i think a confirm before moving might be a better option, especially as a small mistake can end the game. That way you get to see what will be caused by your actions.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Local Multiplayer Games.

Fun game! As the other reviews say, it is comparable to a much simpler version of chess.

The AI (even on hard) is pretty easy, though, and the only option for online multiplayer is 24-hours per turn, which makes it difficult, since player on player games can easily last 20+ turns. I’d recommend at least trying this game (it’s free!) and it’s even better if you have a friend to play it with (as there is a hotseat option).

If there were online, 1 minute turns, (and maybe a ranked system at some point), I think this game could really take off.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Feud on Steam



BEST THING EVER I ADORE THIS IDEA!!!!!! YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB!!! Creativity 100 and I am interested to see it evolve by the time!!! also very adorable! Great idea!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Dead project. Developers had a good concept in mind bud it’s been almost a year or so, and little to any functionality actually works.

Uploaded a .obj of Banjo (my thick lord) and couldn’t do anything except just stare at it in the editor lol.

Don’t waste the harddrive space. This honestly seems like a scam.

Discussions and reviews don’t show up or are locked as well.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Planet on Steam

Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

One more juice, one more squeeze, and before you know it you have 30 hours in this game and almost enough points to buy the poop hat. Did anyone else mention you get to put hats on your little animal friends? This game pogs me out of my gourd.

Now for the serious part.

Serious Review

This an an auto-battler, which means you draft a team of units with varied stats and abilities, and you get to arrange them in order. That is the full extent of your involvement. Once you have spent all your gold in a turn, you are matched against another player and the animals duke it out without further involvement on your part.

Real player with 287.8 hrs in game

it’s fun, it’s free, but while i would recommend it, i fear there is a heavily addicting element bc it’s super easy to get into, so having picked this up less than 24 hours ago, all my waking hours have essentially been while playing this game. This is not a good thing. (but the game is good, just be wary if you could get addicted to this) There is no monetary danger of addiction, which is a positive! There is DLC, but there is a filter such that F2Ps cannot play with P2Ws unless they change their settings.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Super Auto Pets on Steam

Airline Manager 4

Airline Manager 4

I am simply enjoying the game and the community on the in-game message boards, the planes in the game are flying in real time. After the tutorial period there was not much left then to let the game fly it’s course a few hours.

After returning to the game it was worth returning to once I saw the profit start growing, as I now send my planes out when ever i get the chance to check in, it’s straight-forward with no irritating in game pop ups or forced path, you manage your flights, buy sell and maintain the wear they gain from active use, you can buy and sell company stocks with other players, you can spend as little or as much time as you want, It’s a unique and fairly great game true to it’s design.

Real player with 277.1 hrs in game

This game is not going to be for everyone.

1. It is slow. Your planes fly in real time, so, if, for example, you set up a four hour flight, it will take four hours to get there. If you’re in a rush, this game is not for you.

2. You have issues in the game you have to manage. Just like any real business. You need passengers, planes, fuel, staff, training…and YOU have to manage it. If you get audited, deal with it like any business, don’t expect the game to give you a cheat to get out of it. If you have to sell all, or most, of your fleet to deal with the financial fallout, then, that’s business.

Real player with 232.1 hrs in game

Airline Manager 4 on Steam

Epic Card Game

Epic Card Game

Extremely interesting gameplay, like a mix between Magic the Gathering and chess, that is, more thinky than MtG and more luck-based than chess. The game is a carbon copy of the physical card game with the same name: Epic Card Game.

The app is made by a small group of people, and it is not perfect by any means, but the gameplay is so rewarding that it is well worth it. I have played at least 1000 games during the alpha testing in the last couple of years, and I look forward to 1000 more.


-free to play

Real player with 4561.5 hrs in game

The game itself is very good. I played with the physical cards before trying out the digital game, so I had some familiarity with the game to start.

There are some significant issues with the digital version. The most annoying of these has to be the time limits. Presumably, they exist so that players can’t just run the clock down when they get mad and lose. However, the time limits are prohibitively low. The first time I did a dark draft, I timed out on the drafting process. The first time I played constructed, I timed out during the game. I just timed out of another match that was pretty even and could have lasted a lot longer. This is coming from somebody who has played the game a fair amount. New players will probably find the time limits even more restrictive, and I can’t see them sticking with the game.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Epic Card Game on Steam

Battle for the Galaxy

Battle for the Galaxy

The only way that I can reliably play this game is through a Steam account. If you play any other way, if you have to reinstall your web browser, you lose your account and have to start over again from scratch. I have restarted this game 5 times. The other at the end of January 2021, the game reset and I was sent back to the beginning again. I started sending messages through social media and they suddenly repaired the game to where I was before the program change.

This is a free to play game, but you really need to pay for enough gems to purchase the maximum number of Drones, which is about $10. So, I have spent $50 on this game so far.

Real player with 4845.8 hrs in game

What have you done to the game dear devs, this VERSION is faster and has a better quality, but the game seems incomplete. It is either buggy or the devs deliberitetly mess up certain aspects of the game. Right now it is better to play it on or though facebook. And you can later trasfer the account to steam (not tried it).

Also i could not get any infantry modules on the Operation (you can get access to the Operation by upgrading the HQ to lvl4), i don´t know if that is a bug or the devs trying to make the Operation harder again. How about you make it easier istead, like increasing the time to 3 days instead of 2. I would like to get more sleep. :)

Real player with 1605.8 hrs in game

Battle for the Galaxy on Steam

Farmer And Tree

Farmer And Tree

i like cute trees

Real player with 924.6 hrs in game

Although there are not many reviews of this game and probably is not very popular, I really love it.

I mean, if you don’t treat it as a “game” but more like a peaceful corner of your device, you will understand what I’m saying.

I love the style and the relaxing vibe. I also particularly enjoy opening it up a few minutes every day to watch my trees progress or discover some novelty around. It is not a game to stay hours playing it (or at least for now).

I wish the developers gave some more info about what you need specifically to unlock certain things (i.e. receive letters from neighbors, send seeds, etc.) instead of blindly waiting for stuff to happen. But on the other hand that’s part of the charm of it, I guess.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Farmer And Tree on Steam

MARVEL Puzzle Quest

MARVEL Puzzle Quest

If you like Match 3 games, you will adore this one! Marvel Puzzle Quest really is the best I have ever played. If you are not into Match 3, I think you should still give this one a try, as it might just change your mind.

While the micro-transactions do make for a pay-to-win situation, you can still get there through ordinary grinding.

Highly recommended.

Real player with 1493.2 hrs in game

I’ve enjoyed this game and didn’t mind making in game purchases early on.

I had the account wiped after a patch once. I contacted customer service about it and they fixed it in 1 day.

It always runs smoothly on my PC.

I guess it is slow at first but after 2 years, I’ve got a great roster and many of my heros are maxxed so I can play as long as I want and don’t ever see the need to make another in game purchase.

Real player with 993.2 hrs in game

MARVEL Puzzle Quest on Steam