Khet 2.0

Khet 2.0

As promessed, here is an update to my original review. The original is below.

The devs certainly do their best for us. Every bug or question has been answered and followed up and as far as I know, has been solved. The bugs that I have encountered seem to be fixed now.

So thumbs up for the developer!

Read my original message for the rest of the game:

This game certainly has its flaws, but it is a very nice game and its core usually works.

At this time of writing, I experience crashes every time I try to do a rematch. No problem, I go back to the main menu and start a new game. One time, I had a crash mid-game (and I think I was winning). Too bad.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy Games.

To summarize in few words - the game is a gorgeous mixture of Chess with Deflektor, taking the best ideas from both. ( (Btw. - does anyone know what the 2nd game is? ;-)

! a computer game for some 8bit machines from 80’s, you may find some free remakes in the net, eg. Deflektor X4)

Funs of lasers and even light sabres will realize soon that there is not much of an FPS here ;-) Just a ‘boring’, almost static board with some 2-colour pieces. And some rules that you have to read about - on how to play and win or lose…

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Khet 2.0 on Steam

DumbBots: Hello World

DumbBots: Hello World

A grate game 10/10

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Colorful Games.

This was pretty easy & fun. (Although I am a professional game developer.) Looking forward to the full DumbBots game!

EDIT: Seriously, why doesn’t this have more positive reviews? :/

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

DumbBots: Hello World on Steam

Bots Are Stupid

Bots Are Stupid

A 2D game where you try to maneuver robots through different platforming levels. It sets itself apart from conventional platformers by offering an alternative, more precise way of user input. Instead of directly controlling the character’s movement, the player has to write a set of simple instructions telling his robot what to do. The bot will then follow those instructions precisely and maybe (or maybe not) finish the level.


The commands for the robots are designed to be as simple as possible in order to make the game accessible to anyone. This means that you are not required to have any prior programming/tech knowledge to be able to “program” the bots. The game might also have an educational value by introducing players to the very basics of scripting/programming in a playful way.


  • 18 uniquely challenging Platformer Levels

  • Ultra-precise control by writing instructions

  • Grappling hook, Speed boosters, Conveyor belts

  • Level Editor + Level Sharing

  • Global Leaderboards of each level’s best scripts

  • Infinite supply of bots!

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Robots Games.

Bots Are Stupid on Steam



Great game. Didn’t let me down.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

If you enjoy logic puzzles you’ll enjoy this. It’s a perfect sandbox to be able to see [on a basic level] what goes into logic of computer-controlled characters in video games. There are simple logic blocks to start with, and advanced ones that can create a very ‘intelligent’ DumbBot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

DumbBots on Steam

The Conquest of Go

The Conquest of Go

Edited: Sep. 15th, 2021.

The game is getting better so far. So I think now I would change my vote to ‘RECOMMEND’. Let’s give it a try. And share your opinion to help them make it better for you.


Edited: March 9th, 2021.

I’ve played the latest update and think the game is much better now. It’s getting in shape.

I’m looking forward for big features in the future. Please keep up good works.

Ps: to players, you could join forum to share your experience and ideas with the Devs to make the game better.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

First, let me say that I dig the game, and I like that it is put together from a lot of open source / royalty free resources. I have enjoyed playing against my old pal GNU Go, and I particularly like the review portion after games are completed where I can see key moves the computer would have suggested, which has helped me get a better sense of advantageous moves under different circumstances. The approach of the campaign as being a literal conquest for territory is also really cool. However, it doesn’t feel particularly polished at this stage. I would like to see more of a story, perhaps some Go puzzle mini games in between matches. A larger map would be nice too, and it might be cool to have a zoom-out view of the ‘world’ that shows conquered regions as an actual game of Go, but that might be wishful thinking on my part. Finally, its a little nit-picky, but after matches, I feel the resource icons are too small, and sometimes I miss them. Other uses for resources might be worth exploring as well.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

The Conquest of Go on Steam

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack is an MMO simulation game about realistic hacking and cybersecurity for the Web, PC, and Mac. You hack into the leaked system of QuanTech company and, with other hackers, reveal their secrets while exploring experimental open-world networks.

Manipulate corporations' and inhabitants' lives by hacking their computers, observe the consequences of your actions and decide if you want to protect or exploit this world.

Collect the most effective sets of hacking and security tools, gather assets, and improve your computer to hack others, control parts of the network, or create the best websites and tools which will help other hackers and make you rich! Work with others to make your experimental activities useful for your faction and lead with them the world in the right direction.

Find out how easily some can manipulate many and how powerful but dangerous control over the information can be…

The game is in early access, so please be aware that the game still requires lots of bug fixing, polishing, and content and mechanics of the game can change.

Key Features


Real-life hacking and security tools which are authentic yet modified to be fun and created with several options to strategize


Use your power to manipulate the life of the game characters and corporates, which have various problems and stories and, in the end, affect the world balance.


Engaging main story and mini-stories in quests bring the player new perspectives on world problems. Discover different views of two factions, finding unique pieces with every gameplay.


From the first contact with the QuanTech application, you are pulled into a realistic atmosphere of the corporate environment and their secret quantum experiments, where nothing breaks your immersion.


Full of puzzles in competitive and cooperative quests, playable in both multiplayer and solo-like gameplay with your decision of involving in PvP and area control fights


Experience living futuristic IT context emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. Find yourself surrounded by other players passionate about technological progress and innovations, learning about the impact of technology on modern society.

Join our Discord community here:

World Wide Hack on Steam