

Nice game, good idea and potential genre. It became a part of my screen now since you dont need to do anything during battles.

Real player with 163.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Auto Battler Games.

really great game and concept! I don’t play many games for nearly this long

I wish the progression was unlimited somehow though.. it seems lightning spam covers most top spots? I have one concept strategy that may work but I don’t think the math will add up properly to counter lightning in the end… unlimited progression would just mean that, it would take an exponential amount of time to counter meta strategies (i think?)… (maybe a constantly shifting meta?) just a thought though, it may be tough to implement

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

Beastrun on Steam

my fluffy life

my fluffy life

Update 2 (Late Autumn Update) :

Gameplay : The gameplay has improved very much. The seasons make every season change exciting. The new minigame introduced where you collect apples, pumpkins, and hiney to make jam is an excellent game. It keeps my attention and the art design is gorgeous. The amount of teddycoins you make from that game is also reasonable in my opinion. The way the minigames themselves make you gain happiness as well as working towards another minigame is something I very much enjoy. Growing chamomile bushes and collecting honey is also very relaxing! One thing I think that could enhance the game play of the jam-making minigame in particular though is being able to make multiple jams at once. By this, I mean that I can stack layers of apples and honeycomb to make several apple jams, similar to how you can stack items in Minecraft in the crafting table to make multiple of the same object all at once. Of course this is just a suggestion and I respect the vision pooftie wishes to create, so if she does not want to do this for any reason, I am fine with that!

Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Clicker Games.

este é o joguinho mais suave que já joguei .. ! ς꒰´ ˘ ' ς ⑅ ꒱ა ˒˒

é um adorável jogo projetado para interação e personalização .. os controles são fáceis e você pega o jeitinho do jogo muito rápido ♡ você pode enviar mensagens à outros jogadores, decorar sua casinha e seu meigo bichinho, e no final de um dia amável .. relaxar com as musiquinhas do jogo enquanto escreve em seu diariozinho ♡

me sinto com o coraçãozinho aquecido e completamente confortável enquanto exploro os cantinhos deste joguinho, e fortemente recomendo para quem deseja fazer amigos de uma maneira mais sutil ou está buscando um cantinho aconchegante para passar um tempinho .. ♡ ꒰ ᐟᐟ ´ ˘ ' ᐟᐟ ꒱

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

my fluffy life on Steam

Farmer And Tree

Farmer And Tree

i like cute trees

Real player with 924.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Life Sim Games.

Although there are not many reviews of this game and probably is not very popular, I really love it.

I mean, if you don’t treat it as a “game” but more like a peaceful corner of your device, you will understand what I’m saying.

I love the style and the relaxing vibe. I also particularly enjoy opening it up a few minutes every day to watch my trees progress or discover some novelty around. It is not a game to stay hours playing it (or at least for now).

I wish the developers gave some more info about what you need specifically to unlock certain things (i.e. receive letters from neighbors, send seeds, etc.) instead of blindly waiting for stuff to happen. But on the other hand that’s part of the charm of it, I guess.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Farmer And Tree on Steam

Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

One more juice, one more squeeze, and before you know it you have 30 hours in this game and almost enough points to buy the poop hat. Did anyone else mention you get to put hats on your little animal friends? This game pogs me out of my gourd.

Now for the serious part.

Serious Review

This an an auto-battler, which means you draft a team of units with varied stats and abilities, and you get to arrange them in order. That is the full extent of your involvement. Once you have spent all your gold in a turn, you are matched against another player and the animals duke it out without further involvement on your part.

Real player with 287.8 hrs in game

it’s fun, it’s free, but while i would recommend it, i fear there is a heavily addicting element bc it’s super easy to get into, so having picked this up less than 24 hours ago, all my waking hours have essentially been while playing this game. This is not a good thing. (but the game is good, just be wary if you could get addicted to this) There is no monetary danger of addiction, which is a positive! There is DLC, but there is a filter such that F2Ps cannot play with P2Ws unless they change their settings.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Super Auto Pets on Steam



Doler is a maze game that resets every single day. You can read messages left from other players or read them on your own. I would suggest playing it at the same time as a friend for faster navigating. Or slower if you aim to be mean to one another. It’s dark but not very scary.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Definitely the best sokpop game I’ve played so far. This is an actual game. But I circumnavigated the maze and I don’t think the exit is along the perimeter, soooooo yeah I’m not looking in every nook and cranny.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Doler on Steam

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

This is not a game. This is a community of kind strangers helping each other with kind words. Your only reward will be nice music and rooms to decorate. But that truly is enough. Kind words are not for those who seek rewards or validation. You don’t meet or talk or make friends with anyone. Kind words isn’t made for that. It is just meant to be kind words spoken without reward or consequence between strangers. And in doing just that Kind Words elevates itself. It truly becomes a place where you can seek kindness from strangers, when real life deals you a bad hand.

Real player with 130.9 hrs in game

I bought this game a long time ago on a recommendation from a friend, but never picked it up. Then one day recently I was feeling really down and useless about myself. I didn’t really want to play any of my usual favourites and I remembered I had this and thought I’d give it a go.

At first I thought it might be fun to vent into the aether (and I got some lovely responses), but soon I realised that replying to other people’s messages and helping where I thought I could felt great. So many people were going through things I’d been though and could help with. It’s a thoroughly charming game with so many enDEERing features, I’d recommend it to anyone whether you’re feeling good or bad. It’s the sort of game where playing for 15 minutes can make you feel better about the day.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to) on Steam

Streamer Dancefloor

Streamer Dancefloor

This is so cool and I still haven’t scratched the surface of fully utilizing it. I was lucky enough to be part of the beta and it’s been a staple part of my stream ever since. All of the avatars, dances, animations and effects for donations and bits gives a whole new incentive for interactivity for my viewers. Along with multiple saveable camera angles, the ability to green screen it and customizing your backgrounds with jpg or video keeps things from looking static. Diverse with customizable entrance/exit points, easily edit where people dance. The integration with Twitch and Streamlabs is quick and easy and I’ve yet to run into any issues. The support for this has been amazing as well with fast updates and patches withing hours of reporting an issue, few as theres needed to be.

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Absolute must for any DJ/Musical Artist doing a livestream! Saw this on Stickybuds' stream and immediately bought to implement into mine. Crazy fun and boosts stream engagement tenfold. Also has a super easy to use interface and the application itself is highly customizeable. The dev also has a bunch of video tutorials on their website which make setting it up a breeze. 10/10 would hiiiiighly recommend!

Real player with 105.5 hrs in game

Streamer Dancefloor on Steam



First, I love this game. I love the cardboard version, and I love playing the digital one.

Second, the visuals are just lovely, though I don’t really understand some of the design choices (why would anyone choose to view just their Forest?), and I’d like to be able to watch the other players or AIs take their turns.

That doesn’t mean this version isn’t without it’s problems, which isn’t surprising so shortly after launch. I’m not sure what the rationale was for giving so many viewing options, but I only use the “full board” view (rather than viewing each of the environments), which requires a click to view powers of birds that have been played. The interface is very click-heavy to avoid making mistakes and to fix misclicks, which I appreciate, but if you have more than a couple birds in your hand (say 5+ total cards), selecting and playing birds from your hand is SUPER clunky and finicky. Since the game is a bit pricey, none in my gaming group have bought it yet, so I’ve only played the AI, which is pretty easy (no Hard AI has been implemented yet), but still very fun. In my last game I won 115-71-61-51, so it was a rout against the regular AI, but that was my biggest win to date.

Real player with 3321.3 hrs in game

I am a big fan of Wingspan. I’ve been playing the physical board game for a couple of years and the digital version for about a year. I currently have 158.4 hours into the digital version of it as of this writing.

There are plenty of videos out there showcasing what Wingspan is. I recommend you check them out. I will spare everyone the details here and focus more on my own pros/cons.

The big pros of the digital version for me:

-It eliminates all of the set up and tear down of the physical version. My wife only wants to play digitally now for this reason alone.

Real player with 214.1 hrs in game

Wingspan on Steam

Monster Logic

Monster Logic

One of the best programming games I’ve played. Lots of levels and a variety of interesting ways to solve each one.. Competitive leaderboards, the top score in some of these puzzle are already pretty crazy. You are going to have to be super creative in order to match them. There are three categories for the leaderboards and your best score in each category for the puzzle is automatically saved. (Zachtrnoics take note please)

I have played almost every programming game on steam and this is probably my second favorite. With my favorite being EXAPUNKS

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

First off, I was a beta tester and received the game for free.

It might be scary for those who are not particularly into programming to look at the store page and see stuff like “Based on esoteric programming languages Befunge and Trefunge”. It could make you think this game is “too niche” and not for you.

Now, I don’t know whether you’ll actually like it or not, but let me tell you this: I had never even heard of Befunge or Trefunge before playing this, and I’m not a programming enthusiast or anything. I just looked at it as a fun puzzle game with cute monsters and animations and tried to solve the levels as best I could using good old logic.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Monster Logic on Steam

Police Sentri

Police Sentri

This should be has been released as an ‘Early Access’ title.

It has potential, it was fun and all but it contains way too many bugs.

The developers seems to be actively updating the game, thus, I recommend it.

Real player with 179.7 hrs in game

Still too many bugs,

but the game itself are quite good for killing time.

just need to fix the bug and add few features.

Hope that the game dev didnt just create the game and dump it right away.

Its pretty sad when trusted brand like TODAK make a game like this,then they didnt pay attention at all about the game.

P.S. :If game dev didnt want to fix the game bug,just sell the game to me,i’ll make it known worldwide.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Police Sentri on Steam