

Nice game, good idea and potential genre. It became a part of my screen now since you dont need to do anything during battles.

Real player with 163.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Auto Battler Games.

really great game and concept! I don’t play many games for nearly this long

I wish the progression was unlimited somehow though.. it seems lightning spam covers most top spots? I have one concept strategy that may work but I don’t think the math will add up properly to counter lightning in the end… unlimited progression would just mean that, it would take an exponential amount of time to counter meta strategies (i think?)… (maybe a constantly shifting meta?) just a thought though, it may be tough to implement

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

Beastrun on Steam

Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

One more juice, one more squeeze, and before you know it you have 30 hours in this game and almost enough points to buy the poop hat. Did anyone else mention you get to put hats on your little animal friends? This game pogs me out of my gourd.

Now for the serious part.

Serious Review

This an an auto-battler, which means you draft a team of units with varied stats and abilities, and you get to arrange them in order. That is the full extent of your involvement. Once you have spent all your gold in a turn, you are matched against another player and the animals duke it out without further involvement on your part.

Real player with 287.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Auto Battler Games.

it’s fun, it’s free, but while i would recommend it, i fear there is a heavily addicting element bc it’s super easy to get into, so having picked this up less than 24 hours ago, all my waking hours have essentially been while playing this game. This is not a good thing. (but the game is good, just be wary if you could get addicted to this) There is no monetary danger of addiction, which is a positive! There is DLC, but there is a filter such that F2Ps cannot play with P2Ws unless they change their settings.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Super Auto Pets on Steam

Broken Dungeon

Broken Dungeon

i Really like this game, its def worth it for the game play and fast updates to feed back gameplay video at 60fps 1080

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asynchronous Multiplayer Fantasy Games.

The game is set on a sturdy foundation but will need some time to smooth out the balancing. It took me a few minutes to get use to the Casual Mobs and they increasing got harder as the dungeon went on at a nice rate, but when i finally got to the boss i got my *** pushed in as a i was horded by mobs and the boss all at once. Ill give the fact i spent almost an hour in the Dungeon and the ‘Dungeon Master’ gets more resources as the time goes on; like the game states, “find a balance of exploration and speed”. The mobs became predictable and fairly easy to defeat without much threat of death, and expect it be similar to later Mobs. The map is extremely useful however there was a moment when the only unexplored area of the map was far beyond where i was currently at and the dread that i had to cross so far was demoralizing, whether that is a good sign or not is hard to tell. i wasn’t sure if i was upset i had to fight through more mobs or the fact i was so far from my goal with nothing more than a brisk walk and minor dash (perhaps a limited run or alternate form of movement not tied to combat). Over-all i rate the game a job well done and expect it to only get better. I will continue to play and hope to improve myself and get even further next time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Broken Dungeon on Steam



As mutant you have to ensure survival by eliminating all threats and avoid being captured.

With each successful kill you can feed on your prey and choose which of your senses you’d like to regain and eventually enhance.


Regain a clear picture of your surroundings and develop super-vision.


Spot and locate threats before you can see them and acquire the skills for eavesdropping.


Sniff out the scent of other living beings and receive the ability to make out traps.


Analyze your enemies and gain additional information about their equipment and stats as well as buffs.


Learn how to interact with objects and become a unstoppable force of power.

As hunter you have to ensure the mutant is captured alive and brought back to your employer safely.

Use each hunter’s unique skill and equipment and choose the right tool to tackle the mutant’s potential senses.

Use light to blend, sound to distract, special aromas to deceive, injections to render substances useless and various gadgets to block off objects.

S.E.N.S.E. on Steam

Star Realms

Star Realms

I used to really enjoy the online version of this game. Saddly that is no longer true. While I would HIGHLY reccomend this game for the Campaign Mode, the Online Mode is another matter ENTIRELY!!!! Once you reach level 5, you must win a number of sucsessfull wins to advance onwords, but each loss counts you backwords on that total. THIS, is not a problem. THE PROBLEM, is that many players have found a way to “HACK” either the timeclock, or the game itself! I have found myself ready to acquire a good card, only to have my game freeze. Then reload. Not only do I lose precious time during this reloaded “Glitch”. But often it will undo my card purchases or even worse, my bases will be destroyed or my health slashed in half. All of which being impossible with the card’s the opponet had availible to play. Now, I KNOW I’m not the best player. I admit that freely. But after almost 500 games, I STILL CAN’T GET EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH TO LEVEL 7! This means With the losses counting against me, I have only managed to go up 1 LEVEL in almost 500 games!!!

Real player with 561.4 hrs in game

I’ve enjoyed Star Realms for many year. It is an entertaining deckbuilder game, which is easy to learn. A huge number of cards have been added to this game over the years, and the core sets (5€) are definitely worth the value, while a lot of the smaller dlc (2-4€) is a bit pricey. Although skill does play a part in winning, I would definitely say that a large part of winning comes down to the luck of the draw. And the expansions increase the luck factor quite a bit. I would still say that it is quite enjoyable, and I take it as a challenge, when my opponent start out quite a bit better off than me. Sadly I will not be giving this game my recommendation, based on the recent addition to this game, in the form of Star Realms Arena, which is a particular nasty way of introducing gambling into a kid friendly game.

Real player with 516.5 hrs in game

Star Realms on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

A nicely animated, turn-based tactics game between the Primaris-heavy Blood Angels and whichever Hive Fleet.

On the hardest difficulty setting it is reasonably challenging, particularly during the first half of the campaign…

Until you get to the final mission. I got wiped on my first run, which looked pretty bleak, only to discover that hitting the Defeat splash screen for the last mission got me the Steam achievement for completing the campaign.

So I won? You can win too. Wait for a sale unless you affirmatively want to support old school games with Warhammer 40K skins.

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Best Warhammer 40,000 game released since the release of Dawn of War II. Highly recommended for turn based strategy fans or 40k fans (or both :)).

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector on Steam

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena

This is a superb, unique game that deserves to be even more popular than it already is.

The concept of the game is that the player designs their own AI via customizable ‘nodes’ (colour-coded tiles that the player can arrange into a logic tree to determine their robots' behaviour) which then dictate how their team of 4-8 robots (from four different classes) perform in battle against ‘enemy’ AIs.

The logical array which the player creates (featured in several of the screenshots in the store page) can be anywhere from just a handful of tiles at first, to literally hundreds (arranged into named sub-AIs if the player wants) that function like a sort of flow diagram for each robot, governing their priorities and thus responses based on a seemingly endless combination of determining factors e.g. what friendly or enemy bots are doing at that particular moment, how far away they are, or hundreds of other parameters native to the ‘check-box’ like options that allow the player to refine what each tile actually ‘says’.

Real player with 478.5 hrs in game

In Gladiabots you programm a platoon of robots that will then compete autonomously in a game arena against other platoons. You have to plan and consider carefully when creating your robots' AIs before actually hitting the arena as you can no longer interfere once the match has started: The robots are then on their own, equipped with nothing but your programmed instructions.

There are four different bot classes resembling a rock scissors paper scheme with an added tank and several different game modes (three for online ranked matches vs humans).

Real player with 364.7 hrs in game

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena on Steam

DumbBots: Hello World

DumbBots: Hello World

A grate game 10/10

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

This was pretty easy & fun. (Although I am a professional game developer.) Looking forward to the full DumbBots game!

EDIT: Seriously, why doesn’t this have more positive reviews? :/

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

DumbBots: Hello World on Steam



Great game. Didn’t let me down.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

If you enjoy logic puzzles you’ll enjoy this. It’s a perfect sandbox to be able to see [on a basic level] what goes into logic of computer-controlled characters in video games. There are simple logic blocks to start with, and advanced ones that can create a very ‘intelligent’ DumbBot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

DumbBots on Steam



Ive played this game for now 90hrs+ its not been too bad so far, some will enjoy it others will not. This game seems to be a spin off or a remake of the Gamevil & Singta colaboration of 2017. Giants War. Same characters same BGM. same play style, you might even say its a re-release.

Not a lot of active players in this game. i suspect the guys who maxed out are the devs playing the game. its heavily pay to win. or speed to the end of the content. im FTP myself and on zone 8. But u get kinda restricted with a limited amount of champions to send off on mission and carry on with the content.

Real player with 116.8 hrs in game

There is a daily stamina cap that you can refill with money, but this is a minor issue.

After many hours i didn’t find a single rare hero inside free chests, and i don’t think it’s possible. You can transform your common heroes in better random heroes for golds, or purchase them with currency you earn for free by playing, but the cost is high and you need the above said currency to upgrade your common heroes, or at some point you can’t really win against monsters that are higher than you. About this… i’d like to know where is the strategy, where is the timing, if you can’t win by interrupting monster skills. Everything seems more based on heroes level and rarity than your skill. It’s enough already if i say that bosses oneshot all my units with a single normal attack.

Real player with 97.0 hrs in game

Giants on Steam