Operation Armstrong

Operation Armstrong

Great party game.

Just played for 5 hours straight with 3 people, taking turns and replaying the odd level. We got just under 2/3 of the way through the campaign I think. With more people, there’s a good amount of replayability, as people can take turns to be in the headset, but probably not heaps of replay value beyond that at the moment, because of the linear nature of the puzzles (not a criticism, as that is to be expected with this style of game).

Amusingly, we played all of that (except for the odd level which we skipped) using just the mobile screens and not the screen on the PC which contains a lot more information than the mobile screens, as we only discovered when we were packing up that there’s actually also a display on the PC which has the extra info. Despite that, it was heaps of fun and a real challenge. Occasionally the challenge “jump” felt a bit extreme, but in hindsight, this is probably because we weren’t using the computer screen!!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Local Co-Op Games.

the best local coop vr game after keep talking and nobody explodes

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Operation Armstrong on Steam



I’ve followed this game ever since I watched Node play it on their channel. Since then, I’ve followed gameplay videos and watched their development, hoping for the day I could play it. Once I finally got my VR headset, it was the first game I bought. And I can only say it was well worth it. Shortly after, they fully released the game, introducing more features, new sound design, and a cool new map. Today, the gameplay never gets old, and I enjoy challenging myself both at the keyboard and in the headset. Every game is different, and it challenges your approach and attention to detail. Great party game if you ask me - the fun never ends. My only complaint is that one of the maps has a bug that affects the headset with glitchy movement (disorienting), which is a shame - I love the art and music in that level. Team Panoptes, if you read this, please try to fix this issue. After that, I will have no further complaints over what I consider one of my top favorite VR games.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Local Multiplayer Games.

This is the only multiplayer VR game I have truly enjoyed. Panoptic brings great innovation in the VR genre! I hope to see more local multiplayer VR games with headset vs keyboard/mouse players.

Currently, the game has 7 levels, all beautifully and intricately designed. Some are easier for the Challenger, others are easier for the Overseer. Settings allow you to tweak the difficulty to handicap either player. Playing in VR as the Overseer truly feels like you are overseeing a world of minions doing your bidding. Playing as the Challenger makes you feel small with tense game play and a struggle to survive. It’s amazing how well the developers made two very unique, asymmetric experiences in one game.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Panoptic on Steam

The Persistence

The Persistence

What a great surprise is The Persistance VR !

Is too early to give a definitive review but so far I want to give this game a big thumb up !

I Recommend this for VR players.

So far the game is an 8/10 for me.

Here is a good gameplay video that shows different mechanics: https://youtu.be/fwtger58dyw

The game has a main story where the player is embodied on clones that can evolve in stats, and the player can unlock blueprints of new weapons and features. With those premises the game generates a procedural level with the current objective of the campaign.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR FPS Games.


Just completed the Main Campaign. I found the campaign to be well-balanced; it often took various attempts to get through each level, but the game fortunately saved major accomplishments as you went through the level, so you never had to replay too much of the current level. Ultimately,there was a steady sense of progression as you played the game, with the only exception being the final part of the game where you had only a single life left (HINT: Use the Captain’s DNA to double your health).

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

The Persistence on Steam

A Wake Inn

A Wake Inn

Very good exploration puzzle horror game…

Graphics are excellent, audio sfx are on point, performance takes a dip some times, but its not constant or overtly annoying (i have a 1080).

The ambience on this game is really well done, you feel the tension in every room and part of the building.

Story flows at a good pace, and while it was a bit confusing at first i got the gist of it and understood what what happening.

The inventory system is really cool, like no holsters or menus, you grab stuff and place it in your carry on, it has a few mechanics that make you think “hey thats pretty clever use of vr”.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

This is one of the most atmospheric and immersive games I’ve played in VR. The environments are beautiful, eerie, and richly detailed. The ambient sounds are entrancing. The hotel feels expansive but the environments gently guide you in the right direction as you progress. The level of horror has been just right for me so far. It’s slow and creepy but punctuated by moments of intense action and unsettling discoveries.

As other reviewers have mentioned, your experience with this game might be spoiled by the awkwardness of the controls or by motion sickness. My will to progress in this game has often been at odds with my stomach. I settled upon using the joystick mounted on the wheelchair for movement in the game. I found this method to be immersive while allowing me to play short sessions with minimal discomfort. The comfort settings are helpful, but I would prefer that the game include an option for reduced FOV for all movement, not just turning.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

A Wake Inn on Steam

Takelings House Party

Takelings House Party

Picked this up as it’s one of the few asymmetrical VR games out there. Ultimately, it’s probably the best VR game you could play with friends. The concept is genius and it’s always a fun time when you’re chasing down your friends. It’s fun to replay the levels and there’s a few items/objects to spice things up.

The major downside to this game is simply the content. There’s only 3 levels, and while they’re all fun, I wish there was many many more. This game is so good you just want there to be tons and tons of levels. It only takes maybe an hour to pretty much see all there is to this game. I’ve still got 5x that, purely on replay-ability.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

We’re a family of 5, ages 6+, and this game is quite a LOT of fun! Yes, it’s only got 3 levels…but to give everyone a chance to play every level in VR just once…that’s 15 rounds across 5 people! This game is NOT overpriced, and will be a family-game-night staple in our household as-is, but I WOULD NOT suggest it with fewer players - this is a PARTY game.

The kitchen level is really really good, though. The attic is really fun while the wall-breaking is really difficult. I suspect that they only get better with more players.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Takelings House Party on Steam

Matrix Blocks

Matrix Blocks

Very fun game, start a little slow, good for kids and training ;) but after some levels the fun starts, I liked the shape that make you turn and move your arm and body. I suggest to developer to include new peaces formats for the next levels and custom songs, but it’s nice I recommend it

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Matrix Blocks on Steam