Matrix Blocks

Matrix Blocks

Very fun game, start a little slow, good for kids and training ;) but after some levels the fun starts, I liked the shape that make you turn and move your arm and body. I suggest to developer to include new peaces formats for the next levels and custom songs, but it’s nice I recommend it

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Casual Games.

Matrix Blocks on Steam



After too long in front of the computer screen, it’s time to switch on the VR and refurb the neck with PT+. I can really tell how much this helps. Are you people with “cell phone posture” listening?

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Simulation Games.

This is an incredibly simple, yet effective application to help you stretch your neck. Perfect for anyone spending long periods of time at a computer.

Note: Not to be confused with a similarly named reboot of a dead franchise.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

PT+ on Steam