Operation Armstrong

Operation Armstrong

Great party game.

Just played for 5 hours straight with 3 people, taking turns and replaying the odd level. We got just under 2/3 of the way through the campaign I think. With more people, there’s a good amount of replayability, as people can take turns to be in the headset, but probably not heaps of replay value beyond that at the moment, because of the linear nature of the puzzles (not a criticism, as that is to be expected with this style of game).

Amusingly, we played all of that (except for the odd level which we skipped) using just the mobile screens and not the screen on the PC which contains a lot more information than the mobile screens, as we only discovered when we were packing up that there’s actually also a display on the PC which has the extra info. Despite that, it was heaps of fun and a real challenge. Occasionally the challenge “jump” felt a bit extreme, but in hindsight, this is probably because we weren’t using the computer screen!!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Local Co-Op Games.

the best local coop vr game after keep talking and nobody explodes

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Operation Armstrong on Steam