Fast and Low

Fast and Low

  • The developer has released another update for the game since my initial review, and is still improving various aspects of gameplay. Thanks dev for working on this game, and I wish you the best of luck.

The short and sweet is that Fast and Low is a buggy half-polished game with a good idea and fun game mechanics. If all the problems become resolved, I recommend this 100%.

One of the big problems with Fast and Low is clipping and colliders. A hostile can shoot through a wall so long as a gun arm goes through said wall, and don’t get me started on what players can do. Although hostiles only do this on occasion, what happens far more often is hostiles getting stuck attempting to run at me, specifically those with bomb vests and knives. I was sad to see this, but there are other problems that can suck the fun out of this game. For instance, some hostiles occasionally see through multiple walls, and begin impractically shooting in my direction. When there finally is a dire circumstance, more than one item can be grabbed on accident, causing confusion and unnecessary death on both sides. My last issue in the collider department is that doors such as restroom stall doors and large glass doors can not be opened normally, but instead must be moved with a fist or weapon. restroom stall doors open too slowly, and large glass doors open too quickly. I can phase my hand through these doors and bring my fist back to close it, but I can’t use the handles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Tactical Games.

Taking deep seated inspiration from the likes of the Rainbow Six and SWAT, “Fast and Low” is a tactical VR shooter worthy of the name. You play as Maximus Faust (Or his Desktop counterpart, Samuel Lo) across 9 missions spread across a host of different environments, breaching, clearing and, ultimately, shooting your way to victory, but unlike most shooters, Fast and Low rewards you most when you are shooting less, instead opting to subdue hostiles non-lethally, and it doesn’t hesitate to equip you with a host of tools to get that particular job done. Flashbangs, breaching charges, pepper spray and plenty of firearms put you at a distinct advantage over your criminal adversaries, but your limited inventory will quickly run dry if you aren’t distinctly careful with you resources. The decision to expend your 3 utilities to clear a handful of a half dozen or so rooms that make up a level is a choice you’ll be making frequently, and only through trial and error will you be able to make the most of your equipment. Even still, you’ll often find that enemies and hostages may end up in different places as a subtle level of randomness to spawn postions always keeps you on your toes.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Fast and Low on Steam



It is a really good game, tbh it is a jumpscare game literally, i liked it.

However, if i can get some help with it because apparently I got stock here: (Spoiler alert)

! Right after I got the fourth baby toy cube/block, I know i have to spell the word DEVIL, I was missing the letter L, I was also missing the orange Key and 3 other pink fuses…

So I was wondering if i can get some help?


Well, after I completed the game I can say it is a really good game, puzzles, jumpscares, nice environment, graphics are just amazing (I played on a 3070 Ultra settings).

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Realistic Games.

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

I’m giving this a neutral recommendation. While I did enjoy this game, I do think it is way overpriced for what it is. It took me approximately an hour to beat this game and the production values here just don’t justify the current $14.99 USD price tag.

So this is a campy, B horror, type game that does rely on jump scares. However, I thought the jump scares were done right in this game. What I mean by that is that they were paced correctly, made sense in the context of the game, and added the right amount of atmosphere while trying to find a way out of this house.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

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