Automata Break

Automata Break

An excellent VR game. It’s pretty immersive, very strategical and skill rewarding, smooth locomotion doesn’t get you dizzy and playing it with a friend in Multiplayer (PC/VR) makes for a lot of time of fun without you both having to own a VR headset.

Real player with 32.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Local Co-Op Games.

This is a truly awesome game! If you like Tower Defense games at all, you have to get this one. Not only can you play with the help of someone else on your computer, you can play alone in VR.

I really like how the VR player can actually go from tabletop Tower Defense, and get immersed in the action by transforming into the map, and help your towers fight the invaders.

My only complaint thus far is even in normal difficulty, it is still very difficult to progress to the different stages. I hope the developer gives the old guys like me an Easy version soon. Awesome graphics as well at a great price of less than $20.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Automata Break on Steam

Containment Initiative

Containment Initiative

I’m a big fan of zombie shooters, and so I offered to help test the game when the dev was looking for feedback.

Containment Initiative’s big differentiating feature from other zombie shooters is the gunplay mechanics, in particular the reloading. You get the same pressure as in other games with zombies coming at you, but now you have to manage working your gun correctly, and it seems so perfectly suited for VR. A few other VR games are going this direction, but this is the first time I think that it’s been applied to a zombie shooter.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Shooter Games.

I was a bit skeptic about this game at first, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. I originally was just looking for a co-op game to play with my friend and it really delivered. The ability for a friend to play as a support unit on the PC screen was a pretty clever mechanic that I really appreciated. My favorite game mode is scavenge since you can move around and explore. There’s not a huge variety of weapons and enemies, but I didn’t expect anything crazy. The story isn’t amazing either, but it follows a progression that leads up to a post where you have to get a sample of the virus to find a cure. I hope to see this game develop more or more games that follow this co-op mechanic.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Containment Initiative on Steam

Fast and Low

Fast and Low

  • The developer has released another update for the game since my initial review, and is still improving various aspects of gameplay. Thanks dev for working on this game, and I wish you the best of luck.

The short and sweet is that Fast and Low is a buggy half-polished game with a good idea and fun game mechanics. If all the problems become resolved, I recommend this 100%.

One of the big problems with Fast and Low is clipping and colliders. A hostile can shoot through a wall so long as a gun arm goes through said wall, and don’t get me started on what players can do. Although hostiles only do this on occasion, what happens far more often is hostiles getting stuck attempting to run at me, specifically those with bomb vests and knives. I was sad to see this, but there are other problems that can suck the fun out of this game. For instance, some hostiles occasionally see through multiple walls, and begin impractically shooting in my direction. When there finally is a dire circumstance, more than one item can be grabbed on accident, causing confusion and unnecessary death on both sides. My last issue in the collider department is that doors such as restroom stall doors and large glass doors can not be opened normally, but instead must be moved with a fist or weapon. restroom stall doors open too slowly, and large glass doors open too quickly. I can phase my hand through these doors and bring my fist back to close it, but I can’t use the handles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Tactical Games.

Taking deep seated inspiration from the likes of the Rainbow Six and SWAT, “Fast and Low” is a tactical VR shooter worthy of the name. You play as Maximus Faust (Or his Desktop counterpart, Samuel Lo) across 9 missions spread across a host of different environments, breaching, clearing and, ultimately, shooting your way to victory, but unlike most shooters, Fast and Low rewards you most when you are shooting less, instead opting to subdue hostiles non-lethally, and it doesn’t hesitate to equip you with a host of tools to get that particular job done. Flashbangs, breaching charges, pepper spray and plenty of firearms put you at a distinct advantage over your criminal adversaries, but your limited inventory will quickly run dry if you aren’t distinctly careful with you resources. The decision to expend your 3 utilities to clear a handful of a half dozen or so rooms that make up a level is a choice you’ll be making frequently, and only through trial and error will you be able to make the most of your equipment. Even still, you’ll often find that enemies and hostages may end up in different places as a subtle level of randomness to spawn postions always keeps you on your toes.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Fast and Low on Steam

The Persistence

The Persistence

What a great surprise is The Persistance VR !

Is too early to give a definitive review but so far I want to give this game a big thumb up !

I Recommend this for VR players.

So far the game is an 8/10 for me.

Here is a good gameplay video that shows different mechanics:

The game has a main story where the player is embodied on clones that can evolve in stats, and the player can unlock blueprints of new weapons and features. With those premises the game generates a procedural level with the current objective of the campaign.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game


Just completed the Main Campaign. I found the campaign to be well-balanced; it often took various attempts to get through each level, but the game fortunately saved major accomplishments as you went through the level, so you never had to replay too much of the current level. Ultimately,there was a steady sense of progression as you played the game, with the only exception being the final part of the game where you had only a single life left (HINT: Use the Captain’s DNA to double your health).

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

The Persistence on Steam




ZIX is a multiplayer roguelike adventure VR game where you and some friends will team up to bring forth chaos across the lands with a variety of unique abilities available at any moment, and random chaotic augments you can find that will vastly change each run, creating new synergies that you can execute with a fluid physics based movement system, collecting blood and bringing it back to the Obelisk to destroy order and make your powers stronger.

Spread the will of ZIX across lands tarnished by order with your friends

Traverse lands using fluid motion, to reveal secrets hidden to those that lack the agency and skill that chaos provides.

Use the powers gained by letting chaos into your heart execute incredible displays of synergistic destruction.

Increase chaos to influence the multiverse to become more and more chaotic, unleashing new ways to wreak havoc across the lands!

ZIX on Steam

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition

Decent game ! Very funny and very impressive virtual reality game, the immersion is real and intensive.

It feels pretty good to play it alone or with some friends.

The game is still in an early BETA access and I’m not disappointed at all, I highly recommend this game for virtual reality amateurs and to be honnest he’s pretty cheap for a virtual reality game !

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

In VR I particularly like good coaster rides and also shooters. So with Darkness Rollercoaster you have a combination of both genres. So far have played for several hours, and generally pleased with the quality and value, particularly considering the developers to their credit appear pro-active with quick resolution of an initial problem (blockage on Fantasy track) and promise of more to come.

What I like about this game is the variety of environments, the explore ‘no guns’ modes, the random generated tracks, and the overall fun provided. The Adventure tracks is particularly good, the Fantasy not too far behind, the Binary and Space lands providing a different less coaster ride feel. Incidentally thought the Binary City amazing, and would welcome expansion of this element. For the future developers may wish to consider adding further themes along the lines of an undersea dark cavernous track, an Indiana Jones style jewel mine track, or an indoor huge ghost manor (light) horror themed track.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition on Steam

Dream Mirror

Dream Mirror

The IDEA, graphics, ambient music are simply awesome!!!

Vr needed a game like this!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

first i was very disapointed the stage was with sd graphism the horse was full of pixel , the cows , the space background even if the ship was great i was disapointed ans same for the next levels where i appreciated ony the sound part

until the balloon stage but from this stage i said wouah every stage

first the possibility to be in balloon is great and this stage of the city is wonderfull but empty there is no character like a deserted city and i love too underwater

after this there is a forest wonderfull the color of the tree and all and with great model and great animations of deer , in this stage all the animals are great worked , the light is wonderfull and the wonderfull color of the tree do we have the impression to be in the anime wonderfull i love this stage

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Dream Mirror on Steam

VR Game Station

VR Game Station

5 games with 1 price its awesome! many others are coming soon too…

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is one of the worst VR mini-game collections that I have ever played. It currently consists of 5 mini-games and I was able to play 4 of them. Unfortunately, they were all very primitive with repetitive gameplay, ugly visuals, and poor interactions. Also, I think this game has the ugliest looking UI I have ever seen in VR.

About the only good thing I can say about this collection is that the gun seemed accurate in the range shooting. Also, the game ran fine on my RTX 3080 at a steady 90 frames per second. You do need a pretty big room-scale to play this game as there is no locomotion (no teleportation, free locomotion, or smooth / snap turning). Game is running on the Unity Engine.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

VR Game Station on Steam

Beat the Nightmare – Evil Dreams Simulator VR

Beat the Nightmare – Evil Dreams Simulator VR

One day, your life changed completely – going to sleep has become something you dread. You get a horrible nightmare every time. The only way to stop them is to find an exit out of each. You are in for a number of terrifying experiences in virtual reality. Dreams have no limits… and you’re about to find out.


17 unique horror dreams in various settings. Visit a cemetery, castle or an underground bunker, walk through a creepy forest or travel to the future.

Relaxing activities – diving, hunting, street-walking and jamming at a disco.

Choose any dream – ideal for playing with friends or short VR story sessions.


More horror dreams, but also more relaxing locations and VR activities

Support for Oculus and other VR sets

Beat the Nightmare – Evil Dreams Simulator VR on Steam