Slappy Board

Slappy Board


It’s your time to shine. Your moment to impress your co-workers. The time is right to give the best presentation of your life… or is it?

Put your reflexes and patience to the test as you go through your presentation slides before time runs out!

Levels are fast-paced, tense, rage-inducing and always full of SLAPS.

Compatible with all major PC VR platforms, including the Valve Index, Oculus Rift (S) / Quest 2 and HTC Vive.

Test the limits of your patience!

Slappy Board is designed to annoy you as much as possible, and leaves it up to you when you decide to go all out! This includes slapping your co-workers or throwing items out of the building to let off a little steam and bring the presentation back on track.

Play a different game every time.

Procedurally generated characters and obstacles with differently timed activations change up the gameplay every time you play.

Every level starts with a brand-new experience where you will try to keep your head cool.

Only one copy of the game needed.

Have a friend join in on the fun using the special spectator cameras. His job is to make your time hell by activating different disturbances that will make you lose your temper.

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Casual Games.

Slappy Board on Steam

Traffic Jams

Traffic Jams

Wow!!! I didn’t really do much research on this game before launch day and it looked fun enough in the trailers. I decided to play it on stream and it was a ton of fun and created a lot of fun interaction with chat. This definitely made it towards the top of my fun VR games to play!

I was really concerned about how the multiplayer worked and couldn’t get alot of verified information on it at the time of researching. But basically everytime you clear a level it opens that level up to being able to be played in multiplayer. Then whenever you start a multiplayer game the people that want to join will go to the website and will be given a 4 letter code to type in, once they are in they then have an overview of the map and can fanatically tap on different things to create chaos on the streets.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Casual Games.

A nice party game, good for showing vr to starters.

You are a street traffic regulator and only need 2 commands to make the traffic flow the way you would like. You point out a vehicle or person with one hand, and either raise your hand palm to them to make them stop or wave your palm towards you to make them move (faster). There are some fun situations that make your job more interesting, like mini games whille regulating traffic. Your aim is to get the highest score. You can also make hand gestures to characters, and they respond back, but that is only a gimmic that doesn’t influence the overal game flow.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Traffic Jams on Steam

Fast and Low

Fast and Low

  • The developer has released another update for the game since my initial review, and is still improving various aspects of gameplay. Thanks dev for working on this game, and I wish you the best of luck.

The short and sweet is that Fast and Low is a buggy half-polished game with a good idea and fun game mechanics. If all the problems become resolved, I recommend this 100%.

One of the big problems with Fast and Low is clipping and colliders. A hostile can shoot through a wall so long as a gun arm goes through said wall, and don’t get me started on what players can do. Although hostiles only do this on occasion, what happens far more often is hostiles getting stuck attempting to run at me, specifically those with bomb vests and knives. I was sad to see this, but there are other problems that can suck the fun out of this game. For instance, some hostiles occasionally see through multiple walls, and begin impractically shooting in my direction. When there finally is a dire circumstance, more than one item can be grabbed on accident, causing confusion and unnecessary death on both sides. My last issue in the collider department is that doors such as restroom stall doors and large glass doors can not be opened normally, but instead must be moved with a fist or weapon. restroom stall doors open too slowly, and large glass doors open too quickly. I can phase my hand through these doors and bring my fist back to close it, but I can’t use the handles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Tactical Games.

Taking deep seated inspiration from the likes of the Rainbow Six and SWAT, “Fast and Low” is a tactical VR shooter worthy of the name. You play as Maximus Faust (Or his Desktop counterpart, Samuel Lo) across 9 missions spread across a host of different environments, breaching, clearing and, ultimately, shooting your way to victory, but unlike most shooters, Fast and Low rewards you most when you are shooting less, instead opting to subdue hostiles non-lethally, and it doesn’t hesitate to equip you with a host of tools to get that particular job done. Flashbangs, breaching charges, pepper spray and plenty of firearms put you at a distinct advantage over your criminal adversaries, but your limited inventory will quickly run dry if you aren’t distinctly careful with you resources. The decision to expend your 3 utilities to clear a handful of a half dozen or so rooms that make up a level is a choice you’ll be making frequently, and only through trial and error will you be able to make the most of your equipment. Even still, you’ll often find that enemies and hostages may end up in different places as a subtle level of randomness to spawn postions always keeps you on your toes.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Fast and Low on Steam

Seeker: My Shadow

Seeker: My Shadow

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a charming casual puzzle game geared for kids. I think it’s meant to be played local co-op with the a parent to play with their child. Either can play the giant spirit using motion controllers to move objects or crank levers, while the other moves around the cute little Seeker around the puzzle level.

The game consists of 1 chapter and 20 levels. It took me approximately 2.5 hours to complete, but I did have to repeat several of the levels because I skipped out on collecting eggs early on (and then later the game didn’t properly record my egg finding). You can play the game perfectly fine seated or standing single-player or for local co-op the other person can control the seeker with a gamepad or KBM.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Fun but sometimes difficult game, but thats the fun in it, i like a game with a little challenge :)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Seeker: My Shadow on Steam

Potato Party: Hash It Out

Potato Party: Hash It Out

VR needs more games like this!! This has been fun so far – played mostly with online friends, but planning to bring it out at game nights in the near future (seems like it’ll be better in-person actually – there’s a spectator mode if you want to run it on a shared screen).

Hoping for more VR party games like this in the future :)

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Oh this is such a fun game, an awesome party game, particularly ideal in the pandemic because you don’t really need to be in the same room to enjoy it. it’s like charades in VR with a few other added things. It’s got cute characters and ways for people to suggest ideas for the “artist”. I never get over the amazing experience of 3d drawing in VR so naturally I can spend hours on this game. I would love more brushes and colors, I want to draw Mona Lisa in that two minute time :D (there is a Mona Lisa painting hanging on one of the walls too).

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Potato Party: Hash It Out on Steam

Takelings House Party

Takelings House Party

Picked this up as it’s one of the few asymmetrical VR games out there. Ultimately, it’s probably the best VR game you could play with friends. The concept is genius and it’s always a fun time when you’re chasing down your friends. It’s fun to replay the levels and there’s a few items/objects to spice things up.

The major downside to this game is simply the content. There’s only 3 levels, and while they’re all fun, I wish there was many many more. This game is so good you just want there to be tons and tons of levels. It only takes maybe an hour to pretty much see all there is to this game. I’ve still got 5x that, purely on replay-ability.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

We’re a family of 5, ages 6+, and this game is quite a LOT of fun! Yes, it’s only got 3 levels…but to give everyone a chance to play every level in VR just once…that’s 15 rounds across 5 people! This game is NOT overpriced, and will be a family-game-night staple in our household as-is, but I WOULD NOT suggest it with fewer players - this is a PARTY game.

The kitchen level is really really good, though. The attic is really fun while the wall-breaking is really difficult. I suspect that they only get better with more players.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Takelings House Party on Steam

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition

Decent game ! Very funny and very impressive virtual reality game, the immersion is real and intensive.

It feels pretty good to play it alone or with some friends.

The game is still in an early BETA access and I’m not disappointed at all, I highly recommend this game for virtual reality amateurs and to be honnest he’s pretty cheap for a virtual reality game !

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

In VR I particularly like good coaster rides and also shooters. So with Darkness Rollercoaster you have a combination of both genres. So far have played for several hours, and generally pleased with the quality and value, particularly considering the developers to their credit appear pro-active with quick resolution of an initial problem (blockage on Fantasy track) and promise of more to come.

What I like about this game is the variety of environments, the explore ‘no guns’ modes, the random generated tracks, and the overall fun provided. The Adventure tracks is particularly good, the Fantasy not too far behind, the Binary and Space lands providing a different less coaster ride feel. Incidentally thought the Binary City amazing, and would welcome expansion of this element. For the future developers may wish to consider adding further themes along the lines of an undersea dark cavernous track, an Indiana Jones style jewel mine track, or an indoor huge ghost manor (light) horror themed track.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Darkness Rollercoaster - Ultimate Shooter Edition on Steam



Burrow is an ever-expanding sandbox style game where you can explore, create, and share small levels (called… burrows)

Creation is a core concept of Burrow, all of the level creation tools are packaged with the game and are designed with simplicity in mind. Hundreds of props, simple terrain deformation tools, and built-in LUA scripting makes designing your own worlds a breeze.

VR and Desktop players are both welcome! Oh yeah, and we’ve got multiplayer too! Cross platform play is supported. You can play alone, or with your friends, no matter if they’re on VR or Desktop.

Burrow on Steam

A Ton Of Feathers

A Ton Of Feathers

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a 26 minute, mostly cinematic experience with some very basic interactions, running on the Unreal Engine. It is unpleasant visually and audibly, at times. It is artistic, experimental, and just plain weird. I think it may be autobiographical from the dev and it certainly feels at times as though he is talking to himself mostly and then sometimes at you.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This was pretty wild to me when I played it back in the day on Viveport. I think it had a different name. It has a unique art style with very high contrast and funky pixelation and color grading. I don’t know what those words mean. I don’t really understand the theme, something about game development. Wolfenstein 3d is name dropped once, and is likely the most memorable part of the experience. I liked the last scene on the beach where the gummy bears down by the water look at you. You might also notice a certain review blurb down on the steam store page. That’s me! What happened was I uploaded the viveport video, and the developer was like ‘hey can you please remove it’, and I demurred. Now I understand that I was in the wrong, and should have complied with their polite request. Other VR developers (3-4 at least) have clipped my youtube videos and I’ve gotten strikes just because I had the temerity to say that their game sucks, or sometimes that the game is good!

! To that end, fuck, fuck Claude Monet, The Water Lily Obsession, fuck Djinni and Thaco 35 dollar endless tutorial experience, Fuck Trauma Simulator, etc. It’s like Quantum phsics where certain VR experiences dissappear when byteframe looks at them.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

A Ton Of Feathers on Steam