Country Road VR

Country Road VR

i need help

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Simulation Games.

As of end May 2020, this visit to the farm is really quaint and small children will love it, although the game still requires a lot of work as it’s clunky and a bit ‘raw’, hard to pick up stuff (we have the Valve Index VR), and heavy on the GPU (lots of grey outs after a bit of play). My 6-year-old daughter got frustrated with it (she couldn’t feed the horse with the apple and tried for hours), but for £2.09, we’re not complaining. It has lots of potential and I hope the game developers continue to work on making this better over time.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Country Road VR on Steam



I really dug this. I knew going in it wasn’t a game per say but I was actually relaxed and kind of mesmerized. I would say I think the $12.99 price I got it for is a lil' steep for basically a 20 minute stint, so i think I would be happier if it was like $5-maybe $10 and they would probably sell more. I like that it isn’t just a bunch of images in a 360 sphere you are looking at but real 3d models moving around and things. In fact, although it might be hard to do as this looked like it took quite the team to get it out, I would absolutely LOVE if they did chapters/dlc for $5 a piece and had different artists attempt the same kind of trip, same amount of time, in their own way. I could honestly see myself “using” this once a week to relax or something and definitely showing VR to my friends with.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Asymmetric VR Casual Games.

I’ve had an HTC Vive since 2017 and from the outset, noted that coming out of VR is more like emerging from dream than quitting a flat game. I think it’s compounded of two elements: the 360 ‘being there’ immersivity of VR, but also the physical activity which, no matter how limited, purges the adrenalin that static gaming leaves you full of.

I’ve been predicting VR psychedelics for as long as I’ve had the headset and I have several quite hallucinatory VR apps and games in my library: Chroma Lab, Cosmic Sugar, Emergence Fractal Universe, The Bond, Form. It was a no-brainer to buy Ayahuasca as soon as it came out.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Ayahuasca on Steam