Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2 - is this a game for you?

Right now, the game is undergoing a spell of patching after a very poor PC release. The game worked for some, but not for many, and so your mileage will vary depending on your PC (not necessarily how powerful it is either - but how balanced, how much VRAM you have and such). As most reviews already centre around performance issues, I won’t spend too much time on those because I’d rather review the game itself but please bear them in mind (they are mentioned in the ‘not so good’ section below)….

Real player with 111.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin First-Person Games.

My experience with this game can be summed as thus: every update I found myself testing the changes, nodding in satisfaction, then quitting the game to await the next update.

Arkane knows how to make a good game. No question. But if you film an Oscar-worthy movie and the lens is smudged while filming, you can’t judge what’s underneath without acknowledging what’s been marring your experience the entire time.



Everyone is aware of the performance issues, and these still persist to this day. It runs much better than at launch, where it was literally unplayable, but that’s because the game looks worse than before - the most noticeable change being the extremely aggressive LOD scaling. Out of the corner of your eye you notice the shapes of window frames and posters on distant buildings morphing in shape, or the furniture at the opposite end of a long hallway suddenly blinking into existence. FPS dropped to 15 when stabbing a gravehound, so they simply removed the inky visual effect that was causing the problem instead of optimizing it.

Real player with 111.0 hrs in game

Dishonored 2 on Steam

Wraiths of SENTINEL

Wraiths of SENTINEL

A very solid CoG - better than most. I really only have two criticisms for the story:

1. The romance wasn’t handled that well in my opinion. It’s very abrupt, especially with the Sorcerer, and with the limited character exploration of the romance optinos it feels empty.

2. I didn’t like the inclusion of the non-Wraith entities. Magicians, demons, etc. To me it makes the whole thing feel smaller. I get that the author is building a shared universe with MetaHuman Inc. (which is a good game), but… meh

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin Alternate History Games.

I liked MC’s base wraith superpower, I think it was unique and cool. I don’t think it counts as spoilers since you’re introduced to this power at the very beginning of the game: you can walk through walls and other solid stuff (including people) like a ghost, and you are invisible to the human eyes which makes you the perfect spy. It’s cool to see that MC wonders about the extents of this superpower, like can you somehow pass through earth and so on.

There are a number of major choices (at least it looks like it) and different endings (I’ve explored 2 endings, at least). I felt like most of the choices I’ve made had some effect at later stages of the game which is good.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wraiths of SENTINEL on Steam

Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya

Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya


Brave Rock Games’ last visual novel (more recent release), Jiraiya’s short legend. Since the text had less than 4k words, it is very short to read. 10 minutes top and you’re done. While the price was decreased since its release, I still feel to be expensive for what you get, but it a nice story, with voice acting. There are also easy achievements to get, for the chivos collectors.


La dernière histoire visuelle (sortie récente) de Brave Rock Games, la courte légende de Jiraiya. Comme le texte à moins de 4 milles mots, c’est du très court. 10 minutes gros max et vous avez terminé. Bien que le prix ait diminué depuis sa sortie, j’ai l’impression que c’est quand même cher, dû à la courte durée de vie, mais c’est une très belle histoire avec des doublages. Il y a aussi des succès faciles à obtenir pour les collectionneurs.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin Anime Games.

Beautiful. Great voice actors. Get to know the real Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru and some japanese folklore!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya on Steam

Help Me Now

Help Me Now

Cool different game than other horror games for sure xD here is my review for Help me now

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Full gameplay review available here:

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Help Me Now on Steam

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry

I’m thoroughly enjoying this game. It’s a great alternative to Cluedo, but slightly more challenging and in-depth, in my opinion. It may take a few games to get to grips with the mechanics, cards and options available, but it won’t be long before you find yourself either being targeted/preyed upon or interrogating/attacking other players. It’s a dog-eat-dog type of survival game, where everyone’s out for themselves including the monster. The theme and daunting background music enhance the game, making you feel slightly uneasy (like prey), not knowing for sure who, what or where the monster is, unless they reveal themselves. Also, playing as the monster is an additional challenge, which requires an alternative strategic approach. You’ll soon find you can’t just go around munching on fellow opponents in broad daylight, but have to maintain a far more stealthy disposition. I felt the game was fairly balanced well, particularly if playing the monster against AI opponents (for mediocre players). However, I haven’t had the chance to properly play any friends online yet, so can’t say if this will be the case against live players, who I think will be a little more savvy. In any case, I believe this could only enhance the game further, making self-preservation more challenging. I’ve seen other comments related to lack of online activity (no one to play with) and about playing for free. For me personally, it’s no big deal, never felt the real need to be able to play strangers online. I took a gamble, bought the game and tested inviting a friend to play (for free), which worked fine, no issues. I was sceptical at first after reading some comments, but am extremely pleased to say how glad I am that I made this purchase. I can’t recommend ‘Hunt…’ highly enough, for those who love Cluedo, Mystery of the Abbey (tabletop games), but then maybe I’m just extremely optimistic and easily pleased.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Okay I love this game. Like a lot it mixes a lot of elements I like. It has a huge learning curve as many said which I think could be cut down like if you had a sheet or a tab to check what monsters did what that would be cool. Other than that the people complaining about assholes in chats and that didn’t group play I bet, its would be much easier playing with just friends than random people

Over all I don’t make a lot of reviews but i love this game so fucking much I’m leaving a review.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry on Steam

Mind Shadows

Mind Shadows

An idea that really needed more work before being put up for sale


Decent Scenery

Good use of the environment to provide a tutorial

Interesting concept


Game jumps around randomly for no apparent reason from scene to scene

Voice acting needs work

No way of accessing options inside of the game to change, well, anything

Game honestly should have been a free demo or at least early access

Nothing even remotely scary or tension building in the game

No sense of threat or danger in the game

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Tutorial system is integrated very nicely compared with standards in the industry and the first person perspective is lovingly crafted to feel more vulnerable versus float-y. Lighting and visuals are deceptively tailored to always bring paranoia to the player and relies on minimal sound design for effective mood setting. Great for exploration minded gamers.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Mind Shadows on Steam

The Fear Island

The Fear Island

this game fucking blows. i got it on sale for $2 and even that was too much

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

A Confusing Attempt at Coop Horror

I look all over Steam for random / unknown Steam games to play. This was one of the chosen titles this week! If you’d rather watch than read, you can do so here:

[Thoughts and First Impressions]

I love coop games. It’s so nice to sit down with someone you like (or hate, depending on the game) and play a game where you have to work together to solve puzzles and get to your goal. It’s always fun, even when the game isn’t necessarily great if the puzzles are good then you can forgive a lot and get through it. This game is not that case. This game is a case of a neat idea that just failed on the execution.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Fear Island on Steam