No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The fact that they released an old game in this state is absolutely ridiculous and inexcusable.

  • Partial controller support for a game that doesn’t support kb+m despite the fact that it could work (you need workarounds in order to play with Dualshock 4 for gods sake).

  • Constant crashing during load screens. You know that lovely feeling of doing side stuff for hours only to have the game crash on you and removing all your progress because autosave isn’t a thing? Outstanding.

  • No options whatsoever. Wow look, you can toggle fullscreen on or off, so advanced.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin Hack and Slash Games.


Aaaaand that’s the next game all done! What an experience this game was. Let’s begin with the review:

Soooo…once again, I’m glad I gave these games a chance and I’m glad that I bought both of these instead of just one, definitely got a more fuller experience with them. So, where do I stand on this game?


While I don’t think this game is narratively better than the first game, The assassins in this game don’t feel like real people at times and more or less just feel like ‘oh, just another bad guy for Travis to fight to get to the top, I guess.’ It’s kind of jarring going from a game that had characters with some levels of depth to them and you could almost feel their struggles up until they died to a sequel where only a few of the assassins actually feel like they’re properly fleshed, and one of those few is just a character from the first game brought back from the dead that Travis himself doesn’t even get to face, with that character being ‘New Destroyman’, instead Shinobu fights him (or rather them since there’s two now and it’s kind of an annoying fight, ngl.) The story is….worse than the first game and while it has it’s good moments in it as well like Henry fighting an anime mecha girl, Shinobu making her moves on Travis which is uhhh…kind of funny and kind of weird at the same time considering the fans who probably DID ship them got slapped in the face and those who didn’t were probably just thinking ‘Yeah, that seems about right’, and Travis and Sylvia having more banter (which was some of my favorite moments in the first game and this one since we got to see the two interact more here and form a sort of…screwed up bond), overall, the story is just…okay, not as good as the first game’s but not god-awful either…Jasper is a really crappy character, though, ngl, he’s comic-book as heck and he really only just made Travis get out of retirement because of him killing Greg/Bishop…who barely mattered before in the games asides from him fetching your bike on NMH1 and running the shop in both games. It’s just kind of sad we didn’t get a better story considering how amazingly improved everything else was.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on Steam

First Class Trouble

First Class Trouble

This game’s community became trash the moment they made it cross platform. It was a great community of like minded players 9/10 sessions were very fun, social and generally pleasant but ever since they opened it up to the xbox community it’s just full of toxic players, people teaming and each lobby is nothing but homophobic and racist slurs. I have 135 hours on record but now it’s time to uninstall. What a shame.

Real player with 135.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin Social Deduction Games.

This game is great at its core. It was unfortunately recently ruined by cross-play.

As others have stated, you’ll likely get matched with people with no mic or people who are in a Playstation party together, so you’ll rarely hear people speak. Since it is such a language driven game, you cannot play a proper match without communication.

It’s still fun if you can get a group of 6 together, but the solo or duo queue is incredibly difficult to deal with. If you turn cross-play off, you’ll wait for 20 minutes for a full lobby, whereas before you were in a full lobby within seconds.

Real player with 83.3 hrs in game

First Class Trouble on Steam