The Parrot That Summons Demons

The Parrot That Summons Demons

Once the pet of an evil worshiper… Now adopted by an unlucky family!

The Parrot That Summons Demons is a family tragedy/horror FMV game featuring a surprisingly deep, dark and unsettling story by the creators of Bloody Service .

  • Cinematic Experience: Horror Visual Novel with full FMV support.

  • Multiple playable characters: Play the game from the perspective of any of the four members of the family.

  • Multiple Endings: Unlock every possible ending to understand more about your new pet and… Well, demons.

  • Innovative Inventory System: Slots used to keep items may have an impact on narrative outcomes.

  • What would Freud say?: Alexander McCauley is modeled after the father of three members of our studio (yeah, we’re six people and three of them are brothers!)

The game is currently in development and this demo features two small chapters from Samantha’s timeline. Full game is going to feature multiple chapters for every member of the McCauley family.

Read More: Best Assassin Violent Games.

The Parrot That Summons Demons on Steam

The Fear Island

The Fear Island

this game fucking blows. i got it on sale for $2 and even that was too much

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin Survival Games.

A Confusing Attempt at Coop Horror

I look all over Steam for random / unknown Steam games to play. This was one of the chosen titles this week! If you’d rather watch than read, you can do so here:

[Thoughts and First Impressions]

I love coop games. It’s so nice to sit down with someone you like (or hate, depending on the game) and play a game where you have to work together to solve puzzles and get to your goal. It’s always fun, even when the game isn’t necessarily great if the puzzles are good then you can forgive a lot and get through it. This game is not that case. This game is a case of a neat idea that just failed on the execution.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Fear Island on Steam

Ninja Ken

Ninja Ken

0.05$ average platform game. Not good, not bad. Can’t use joystick or change keyboard.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Assassin 2D Fighter Games.

Ninja Ken on Steam



Stormrite is an upcoming open-world Action-RPG set in the dark, fantasy-medieval kingdom of Redreach. You will play the role of a young squire, exploring a world full of chaos and conflict. Become an expert assassin, learn the arts of dark magic, or lead your armies into large-scale war. With multiple endings to all questlines and a rich character tree to decide how you interact with the environment and its inhabitants, you have the power to decide your role in the world of Stormrite.



Across the land, there were drawings and scratchings on the walls that hinted at the existence of some greater being. A being that could control time, the earth, the underworld, and anything else the human mind could perceive. There were drawings of it creating tornadoes, raising demons from the earth, and stopping time altogether. This being was feared across the land, and also worshipped by those who were too afraid to be afraid of it. They called it ‘Rek-Tu-Hiem’, ‘Requiem’ in modern terms.


The kingdom of Redreach lived in a state of constant fear, subject to an endless cycle of suffering by this all-powerful being until, one day, it seemingly vanished without a trace. For years, Redreach’s strongest minds attempted to gain some insight into where this being’s immense power came from, and how it somehow disappeared off the face of the Earth. These studies led to the discovery of the Stormrites, a series of powerful scrolls that, in the wrong hands, could lead to the end of all life as we know it. You will learn about the Stormrites while navigating the mysterious kingdom of Redreach, meeting friends and foes along the way, creating your own story in a quest that can ultimately end in one of two ways. You being a hero of the people, or becoming just as powerful and feared as Requiem itself. The choice is yours…


Human characters in Stormrite do not have any magical powers, and all powers are granted by focus crystals. To cast spells, players have to charge their focus via a crystal equipped to their character, with different crystals providing varying buffs and abilities to the player. Certain crystals in the endgame will give players immense power, and the more powerful crystals must be hunted for by the player. This system provides a contrast from the usual “regenerating mana bar” style of magic combat used in other games.


Explore a vast open-world filled with interesting landmarks and civilisations, learning skills and trades along the way from the people you meet in your journey across Redreach. You will begin in the small mining village of Silverhorn, a quiet settlement that is being terrorised by bandit travellers attempting to take control of the nearby silver mines. Whilst helping defend your neighbors from these thugs, you will discover dark secrets about the village and its residents, and its ties to the legendary tales of the Stormrites.

Along your journey, your character will become increasingly entangled with the storyline of the Stormrites, potentially finding yourself in a position where you must save the kingdom from the terrors that could be unleashed by these powerful scrolls.

From the intense droughts of the Southern deserts to the unforgiving winters of the North, Redreach has plenty of regions for you to explore, each with their own stories and legends.


With Stormrite’s branching skill trees you are given the ability to mould your character into the fighter you want to be. With a wide range of spells, weapons, and equipment to choose from, you can tailor your loadout every time to deal with each encounter that is thrown at you. Each tier of the skill tree increases the amount of specialisation available to your character, while the choices you made earlier into account to decide which paths you choose from next.


Stormrite is a fully single-player third-person experience. Your time will be spent going on enthralling quests, exploring the kingdom of Redreach and using various weapons and fighting techniques to dispose of your enemies. The three main styles of fighting are melee, ranged and magic. However, within each of these three categories there are several choices of weapon/combat style for you to choose. For example, ranged players can choose to go for a traditional bow and arrow loadout, can choose to go for a more clunky but powerful crossbow style, or even a hybrid melee-ranged loadout utilising agility, daggers, and throwing knifes.

Magic users can choose to cast spells that directly affect their enemies, summon companions to fight, or manipulate the very fabric of the world around them. You are also able to shoot spells into each other, resulting in some very interesting interactions that can be used to increase your options in combat.

Melee users also have plenty of choices, with 5 fighting styles (and counting) to choose from, and abilities to aid with your battles.

Stormrite will also have a companion system where you can bring allies on your travels to fight alongside you, either supporting you from behind or soaking up all the attention while you deal the damage from behind. This opens up many different ways to approach situations, with no two encounters being the same.

There are also plenty of other interesting gameplay mechanics that we have added/plan to add, such as mounts, feats, and many more!

Stormrite on Steam

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man


This is a saga of 9 short games and a prelude in a 3D survival horror style, based on tales from the real Mexican folklore in which every monster it´s originally a physical sculpture made and painted by hand and then 3D scanned using photogrammetry.


You are a young girl who is sleeping and having a nightmare in the middle of which your grandmother appears giving you a key, then a black cat starts talking to you and tells you that if you want to wake up, you must recover, in less than an hour, a dagger that is inside a labyrinth where the Sack Man lives, the monster that steals children from that old legend that your grandmother also told and warns you that this labyrinth is alive, that it changes its shape and that it will protect the monster by showing you your own fears, and that if you fail, you will remain inside the labyrinth forever and you will never wake up again.

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream... with The Sack Man on Steam

Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa

Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa

I’ve given Hindsight 20/20 several play throughs to try the different action, relationship choices, and endings that are available. The puzzles are intuitive and boss battles test you with the various combat techniques you have learned and mastered. I really like the character/creature/enemy designs. It’s a fun play that will have you wondering what other choices you could make.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

This game is Stunning, Outstanding, and just overall fun. I do not want to ruin any spoilers, so I will keep it minimal. This games GRAPHICS remind of something like “The Walking Zombie”, cel shaded/ cartoonish look which I think are great. I have 20+ Hours so far and have beaten the game 3 times. Supposedly there is TEN different endings with FOUR that will not OVERLAP at all. The choices you make through out the game will have effects on your town, friends, and everything within the game. It can change the story/ gameplay for the better or worse, you will not know right away. You can play MERCIFUL way which you get a baton/ electric shock stick, which will remove the enemies weapons and armor and they will surrender. Which is very cool to see. Or you can go FULL on RUTHLESS with the SWORD that is given too you and kill your enemies, plus when you beat the final enemy in the room that you are in you will perform a awesome FINISHER attack. I think this game is kinda comparable to the old Zelda’s games top down/ 3rd person clear a room then proceed to the next the room, as well they added some nice puzzles not too difficult to complete. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR JUST GET THE GAME SUPPORT THE DEVS, I was told this was created by 4 people, but watching the Credits it seems like 4-12 people maybe? This game has a lot of potential. The only CON I have with it is that there is jump but there is a dash and everything controls wise seem to have a great purpose and feels really flawless.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa on Steam



Hellbreath is an MMORPG top-down view game where you have to select one of two citizenships and fight other players to defend your city.

In this game you will be able to train your character to convert it on a Warriors with STR and DEX as his main stats, a Mage using INT and MAG or an Archer, using AGI and VIT as his main stats, each one of these paths will have pros and cons, for the warrior you will have an easy way to quickly attack your enemies with melee weapons, being players or NPCs, but also you will not be covered from magic and arrows. As a Mage, you will be able to do great amounts of damage with the aggressive magics or support your friends with a variety of buffs, but the mage is slow because of the casting times and easy prey for all kinds of weapons. As an archer, you will be able to do quick damage from long distances to all kinds of enemies with bows, crossbows, and special arrows. The archers have a great amount of health but they are especially weak to melee weapons and magic.

Hellbreath on Steam