Misery Mansion

Misery Mansion

To the developer: Too short. I was expecting to find the bodies of the parents.. or that it was a fake ending. The sigil pointing towards the exit door seems to indicate it was a trap and fake out AS DOES THE FACT THE MONSTER STILL ROAMS AROUND IN THE HALLWAYS AFTER THE RITUAL IS DONE THAT BANISHES HIM. Both of those led me to thinking there was going to be a trick ending. But no. Just a bland.. “the end”.

It’s worth playing and fun. But dude. I beat it in 3.5 hours. That’s not enough entertainment for a 6.99 game. A good rule of thumb is a dollar an hour.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Psychological Games.

I really liked this game. it is a pretty impressive level design, graphics looks good, sound design is really good. And for a first game it is really impressive, and i really do hope to see more horror in the future from this developer. Gameplay is pretty simple, you explore the mansion, find some notes, and avoiding a monster while doing so.

Now with that said, I did have a few performance issues here and there when saving and loading in the level, but nothing game breaking and that even might have been fixed since i played. The character do walk a bit slow, and that makes you want to run all the time, but that will make you miss the most of the atmosphere. A few more scares here and there would have been welcome too :)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Misery Mansion on Steam



So many good scares in this and i really enjoyed some of the puzzles, my voice acting could have been better but still i had fun with this one :) the prison is terrifying btw!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Action-Adventure Games.

Good game. Interesting story line. Would recommended.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game




A new cult spreads viciously, far and wide through social media platforms, rituals are performed to summon Entities to your dimension, they call themselves the Children Of Nyx. a shady private military known as FRONTRUNNERS clear areas of the entities and collect important intel on the cult to stop the spread and prevent further damage, you are a FRONTRUNNER.

Weapon Customization / Roguelite Elements

Purchase weapons, upgrade them with sights, foregrips and suppressors, and enter several maps to complete both primary and secondary objectives, completing objectives garners you more and more money, but dying will cause the loss of your guns and items.

Diverse And Special Enemy Types

During your flight, you will discover different forms of enemies, with specialties, but none compare to the boss enemies, who will stalk from the shadows, and are the most deadly you will find, stay observant, cover each other’s backs, or die together.

Customization That Matters

What you carry on you matters, how many magazines do you want to bring, how many grenades/flashes do you want to bring, what medical equipment to bring, etc. There are many decisions to be made, everything affects your weight, thus affecting your sprinting speed, and turning speed. However better packs and training your body can increase your carrying capacity. Also, you can share gear with your friends, so one person can carry medical supplies etc.

Medical System

Your body can only take so many hits, once you go down, you’re not out of the fight, you will be downed until healed by a teammate, or on the hardcore mode you’re able to bleed out. If you’re hit, there is a chance you will start bleeding, bleeding will lower you to 20hp, where you are one hit. However there are ways to still be in the fight better, First Aid Kits allow you to either heal yourself while downed or pick your friends up quicker. Bandages allow you to heal a small amount of HP and stop bleeding out. Medical Kits allow you to heal large amounts of HP and become fully healed.


Team up with friends through Steam invites to complete your contracts, no splitting money, everyone gets the full amount, having a team will allow you to cooperatively move through the maps, if you cooperate, you will have a much better chance of survival. Playing with a squad will also allow you to revive each other, meaning you can avoid losing your weapons.

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Early Access Games.


Somewhere in the Shadow

Somewhere in the Shadow

I won’t lie, I came in thinking this game was gonna be a dumb little thing, but me and my boy had a lot of fun playing it! There were cheap jump scares, but one of the monsters was actually very suspenseful and got a real scream out of me! For only $3, I would say it’s definitely worth the money. The animations are a bit clunky, and the AI can be a bit wack, but after the biggest bug got fixed, it was a fun time and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a cheap, hour or two horror experience.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Decent fun for a low price. There are some tedious parts where you have to avoid monsters and ghosts, but also some fun parts like the puzzles or the co-op section where one player guides the other through the darkness. The horror aspect is mostly just jumpscares, not very scary overall. Played it with a friend for Halloween and it wasn’t too bad of a time.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Somewhere in the Shadow on Steam




I finished the game today and I can say that I would recommend this game. It held my attention and was unique enough. The ending left a bit to be desired, but sometimes life does as well. Good work!

EDIT (Version 1.3):

I logged back into game after the version 1.3 update with the nerf to the first enemy and I have to say that it was helpful. I appreciate the developer taking time to respond to the review and explain the crouch/stealth mechanic in more detail. I can honestly say that I was pleased with the way that the player had to deal with the next enemy in that it took a little bit of pre-planning and setup to get it right. I’ll try to play the rest of the game tomorrow. Oh and the volume sliders are a big plus!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Nebraska is a Penumbra-esque Outlast horror game. With some elements of Amnesia in its build up and SOMA in its story.

This is a non-combat type of horror game, where you cannot fight the enemies. Within the non-combat horror games, there are two subgenres; 1. where the best tactic is to run, enemies seem smarter but not fast (E.G. Outlast), 2. where the best tactic is to hide, enemies are usually faster but more stupid (E.G. Amnesia, Phasmophobia). This game falls into the first category. HOWEVER, what Outlast fails to do, Nebraska did better. This game IS better than Outlast.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Nebraska on Steam

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

FULL WALK-THROUGH INCLUDED: https://youtu.be/Ni67oekBAcwGood game, some hints as to what should happen next may be nice as we got stuck for a while, but overall great atmosphere, easy to play, good jumpscares! Thanks Season!

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Sucks balls

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Who Are You? on Steam

Strange Nightmares

Strange Nightmares

Using a Fnaf inspired time system, this game is all about surviving the night… You wake up to a mysterious voice in the darkness, and enter a world of unknowns, a room full of darkness and doorways that lead to familiar, yet twisted and foreign places. Each with their own horrors that again, feel familiar to you. Armed only with your mind, a flashlight, and a mysterious voice in your head, you must survive the nights and search for a way to escape these nightmares… That is, if nightmares are really all they are.

Strange Nightmares on Steam

Alien AI

Alien AI

Keep in mind this is an “early access” game being developed by the good folks at GridSkyGames. This is pretty much a “cat and mouse” game between you and A.I. drones. Having to navigate areas in search for items all the while your food, water and health bar tick down. With limited resources to replenish those bars. At first glance I had issues with some of the mechanics, mostly getting stuck on just about everything. Since the patch game play has felt better, not sure if game mechanics were improved or if I just choose to avoid getting close to anything. The graphic are good complete with atmosphere effects. The voice actress is good but the script still needs a rewrite to pull the player into the story more. This is a game were quick thinking strategy comes into play. You won’t have time for waiting or walking and barely any time for a look around. Be quick enough and you’ll make it to the A.I. base where you’ll lend a hand to the evil A.I. demise.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

I am unable to find berries so I keep dying. I was able to drink from stream, but without berries I keep dying. After dying I have to go back to beginning. VERY annoying!!!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Alien AI on Steam

She Doesn’t Walk

She Doesn’t Walk

Just no lmao. I could’ve bought a pack of gummy bears instead. Don’t waste your money on this broke game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

I would recommend this game since it is a first time developer and the game looks great and I am interested in seeing what they make next. Overall this game was okay but had flaws. If you want to watch my play through check out the video below:


Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

She Doesn't Walk on Steam

Dashie’s Puh-ranormal Activity

Dashie’s Puh-ranormal Activity

its bit hard but fun

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

this is the BOMB As Dashie fan for 7 Years i like it this game

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Dashie's Puh-ranormal Activity on Steam